>RLM makes one video about Starship Troopers
>9 threads about Starship Troopers every day
Is RLM the most influential voice of Sup Forums?
>RLM makes one video about Starship Troopers
>9 threads about Starship Troopers every day
Is RLM the most influential voice of Sup Forums?
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I'd say a toss up between RLM and whatever is new on Netflix.
Stukmann and Douge BTFO
Yes they are, every time they release a video we get multiple threads that day discussing it. That doesn't happen with the other cucks reviewing movies.
i've been on Sup Forums for 10 years and everything there was to discuss about starship troopers has already been discussed
rlm are only influential with newfags
they've really tapped into the pleb market. not as much as marvel or A24, but close.
Well, sort of. But we've always had Starship Troopers threads, even when we don't want to.
It's like a teamup of ultra autism.
of course.
they're the only internet reviewers that have consistent threads not based around how pathetic/terrible they are
Argentina is white. Discuss.
of course Sup Forumseddit loves reddit leddit memedia
It's somehow shocking how you missed all those RLM threads and even stickies in all those 10 years here. It's almost as if you're trying to rewrite history.
I think you might be obsessed with some website, but I can't pinpoint which one. Probably facebook or digg.
It only shows what kind of subhumans uses this board. Only watching the stuff those fags talk about because they are dumb millenials unable to form their own opinions.
Even tax memes are better than this
i think you should fuck off back to wherever you came from
What's the tax meme?
why isn't he orange in this picture?
I originally came from gaia =^________^=
>ywn play with Jay's ass
It was also the anniversary and they were showing it on TV
What do you watch big guy?
Once Spoony has defeated Trump by Twitter he will return and reign supreme.
I'm embarrassed that RLM has so much power over Sup Forums.
who? I only get opinions from myself
Great another movie I'll never want to rewatch.
>I now have to pretend to hate a movie I previously liked because a popular youtube channel talked about it
What a fucking pussy.