You wake up inside a Commieblock

You wake up inside a Commieblock

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No I don't, I wake up inside a house

Dumb Cleetus

I exit the commieblock and go back home.
Fuck living near so much people who makes noise all day...
My only neighbor is the animals in the woods.


So a morning like any other?

r8 my comfy home

Great.. I wake up at home then. Yay..

morning view of commieblock is so comfy
i suggest to call them comfyblock instead commie-

I wake up in a commie block every morning user

> implying any commieblock ever had that much space for the kitchen

You clearly have zero understandings of commieblock nature, comrade.

>laundry machine inside the flat, and not in the communal space
choose one and only one

Every day waking up inside a gommieblock.
So what?

>Sei Amerikanisch
>Sei Fett
>Nehme 10 Schritte die Straße hinunter
>Werde von Tyrone angeschossen
>Er nimmt dir deine Brieftasche ab
>Roll in das nächst gelegende Krankenhaus
>Muss 120k zahlen da keine vernümftige Krankenversicherung
>Sieh Nachrichten an über die neuste Welle an "friedlichen" Demonstranten
>Nimm einen Schluck deines " "Heavy Cream Wet Dream™"
>Dein Herz hört auf zu schlagen da es vom körperfett umschlossen sit
>Eine einzelne Träne aus Fett läuft dein gesicht hinunter währrend du sagt
"God Bless America"

>hurr ich bin T̶ü̶r̶k̶i̶s̶c̶h̶ deutsche und ich spreche nur in deutsch auf einem englischsprachigen Brett
fuck off, if you want to insult us do it in a language we can understand

It's private house, not gommieblock, actually.
Windows have single glass, at the left there is furnace, and no central heating.
Also, there is too much space for gommieblock kitchen. See picrelated for real gommieblock one.

Is this a meme or is this normal?

What exactly do you mean by "this"?

Your picture.

That pic looks so comfy i can't even explain.

It's just my kitchen, which was not cleaned a whole working week (mon-fri).
Maybe I'll clean it tomorrow.

Ok, but is your kitchen, the size of it, the standard of it, it it a good example of a normal home?

commieblocks look shitty from the exterio
but the interior can vary from absolutely thrid world to western standard
watch periscope and yo know what i mean, i still shake my head when people say russia is worse than sudan or somalia

> commieblock
> communal space
You are mixing them with post-revolutionary communal houses.

No, we can clean our kitchens.

That's because the airy country houses are pretty comfy, indeed.

Normal home - no.
Typical 1960s - late 70s commieblock (khruschevka) - yes.
And also, there was a gas stove, that I'd thrown out, because it consumes a lot of space and useless (I have unlimited electricity for fixed price, so I'm fine with multicookers, small electric stowe and conventional oven).

least it's not the CHA

Can you show me a standard/average home?

looks fine enough to me, minus the fact that it needs cleaning

kitchens in Japan lack adequate counter space in my opinion

So you're saying I have a house now.

9 floor and more high homes have kinda much space, like pic.

Fuck the russian girl that comes with it.

This is average? Looks better than I imagine russian apartments would.

Yes, it's typical late Soviet/early post-Soviet 9flr building.

How big is an apartment like this?

that spoon looks like it saw some torching days

so you don't have shared laundry rooms in russian flats?

literally all older flats here have it. it's possible that it has changed in newer flats, but I live in an older one (built 1959), so I only know how I have it.

Usually 3 room appartment is 60-85 sq. meters.

Mine fucking khruschevka have four rooms and 49 sq. m. However, building construction allow to destroy all walls except one, so you can make a big living room + kitchen in united space and small bedroom behind the last wall.

Why do Sweden have so many commieblocks?

I've heard that Commie blocks build by Stalin were better is that true?

I live (and have lived in 4 other) commieblocks here in Sweden, all old (pre 60's buildings) and have had a washing machine in every single apartment.
Two of them I asked and they removed the bathtub and replaced it with a shower corner + washing machine.
The only shared laundry room I've seen was on campus when I was in university.

That's not so bad. I thought you all lived in small crammed rooms.

Yes, they are. But Stalin era buildings were relatively expensive and complex, so not many people had received flats in them.
Khruschevkas vere cheaper and mass builded homes.

Cheap. That's the main reason. But for every commieblock there is 100 cabins and private houses.
Parts of Sweden like Dalarna and Norrland barely have any commieblocks at all.
My town doesn't here on Gotland either.

>small crammed rooms
Actually, if interior walls are still in place - these four rooms are very small.

sounds weird. my previous flat (built in the 1950's) also had a shared laundry room, and so did the one before that (this one was in a pre-modernist building, originally a worker's barrack converted into flats).

Not bad to be honest.

I used to live in 1900 built home.
Initially, it even had no water pipes, so toilet and bathroom were added later, by "divide the kitchen to 3 rooms" method. That were fucking crazy, because the toilet was like an chimney (1x1m space and 4.5m high).

Gotland is epic. I would like to live there I think.

Not him but I share his experience. Most commiblocks have those rooms in the basement etc with the big washing machines but literally all the major landlords (Hyresbostäder etc) will install washing machines if you ask.
My apartment (2 rooms, bath, kitchen) didn't have it when I moved in but I bought a cheap one and they installed it for me.
I use

at least it's not a favela.

>I use
I used the space between toilet and bathtub, a top loaded washer fit perfectly.

Let me explain.

First projects of panel buildings had optional plastered decorations...
or factory-laid tilework to increase variance of the facades...
or simple welded balconets...

Most of the citizens at the time had no adequate housing at all, and the buildings were chosen to be as cost- and space-effective as possible. While area of living rooms was at least reasoned about in accordance to living standards, the layout of kitchens, washrooms, staircases, lobbies, and, later, elevator shafts was chosen to fit in-between the main living room layouts in the least complex way. Sure, you could imagine a big kitchen, which would increase the washroom and lobby areas, but a simple calculation showing that thousands of people wouldn't be able to move to a new city district because of that choice would make it impossible.,30.094750&zoom=9

Zoom in and click on ads to look at the photos.

In russia, washing machine usually placed in kitchen.
Mostly, shower corners arent used in flats, even if flat owner does only use bathtube as shower.

>never imagined that I would take 6 years of German just to understand a Kraut roasting America on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing forum

>will install washing machines if you ask.
why would you want that? I bet they'll also raise the rents. plus, it takes up space in my flat.

>Gotland is epic
Yep I love it here. I work as a historian so this town (Visby) fits me perfectly.

Mine house is pre-panel (block) one. It even have no factory pre-made toilet/bathroom block, it's actually build from asbestos-cement sheets at steel rails. Enjoy your cancer, said the builders.

Probably a better link:¤cy=2&room1=1&room2=1&room3=1&object_type=1&zoom=17&engine_version=2

Do people in Gotland differ from mainland swedes in some ways?

>why would you want that?
Why would you not want that!? The public laundry room is always booked, dirty and full of people.. And when I'm tired after work I don't wanna go, now I just toss my clothes into my washer at home.
My washing machine takes up space I literally had no use for (1x1 meter next to toilet) and no it didn't raise my rent since I bought the machine my self (1299kr at Elgiganten)
My landlord didn't even charge me for installing it, took like 10 minutes.

Their accent is fucking retarded and they will be the first to perish when the russians attack, but other than that, no

I'm not the historian guy btw

A little bit yes, it's very quiet here most of the time.
Non of that busy, always stressing way of life they have on the mainland.
We speak a little different (gutniska) and have a couple different traditions.

>Non of that busy, always stressing way of life they have on the mainland.
That's because you've only went to stockholm or some shit on the mainland. Nobody lives on gotland and the places on the mainland where nobody lives are the same

>Nobody lives on gotland
50 000 people live here... That's hardly no one..

>50 000 people
exactly. The entire population of gotland fits in a little town

We have a different opinion about size then.

the fact remains, gotland is not different from any other place with 50,000 people in the same area

>you are not allowed to be special snowflakes
I bet they have lots of unique cultural quirks that you don't have on the mainland.

Not really, not any more than any place has it's own things.
The mining towns are more unique since their entire existence is centered around a hole in the ground, and they relocate large parts of the town all the time