Friendly reminder that California is the most based state in the union

> 6th largest economy in the world
> not based

Choose one conservashits

You are getting ass fucked by a minnow

Shame it's so full of human trash.

Delta smelt single handedly destroying California one illegal hiring farm at a time!

>packed full of faggots
>illegal mexicans
>terrible gun laws
>probably will fall into ocean

Other than the Northern edges, California is a total vapid shithole.

can confirm San Francisco Bay area is God tier

Post rare smelts

Fuck you nothern Californian faggots and your shit senator kommia Harris.

that picture is godly

Is that why you guys are fleeing the state like rats on a sinking ship?

china has the second biggest economy in the world
is china now "based"?

>6th largest economy in the world

Are you implying US tax dollars collected from all states didn't help created Silicon Valley?

Are you that retarded?

Pic related is California "males" before posting on Sup Forums.

This. TX is infested with mexiroaches and califags now.

>Hates guns
>Hates whites
>Over regulation everywhere
>Filled with spics,sjws, faggots, numales and gibsmedats
>Crippling taxes
It's a joke of a state, I'm ashamed it's a member of my country.


Containment state for
>non whites
>government worshippers


TX has always been infested with Mexiroaches, don't kid yourself otherwise.

Use to be 3rd largest.
Sinking rapidly due to missmanagement.

>6th place is good now
Californians are dumb as all get out

Yeah okay
>larger than most countries
>has its own power grid
>booming economy of its own due to a diversification of agriculture, tech, manufacturing, and energy, as well as some of the best medical sectors and services in the world.

>My Jeep stops (no horn, ftr) at a light that's just turned red, it's always long
>Have to turn right, so fuck this light, I'm home free
>Behind a Calicuck in a new Prius, its right blinker is flashing
>Waiting for it to go
>He doesn't turn until five minutes later, when the light's green
I want them to go back.

I moved to Texas and laugh at what people call koláče. Everything else here is pretty nice though.

can't wait till your shithole state gets strike-slipped into history for good.

T. Phoenician

>all high paying tech jobs taken by pooinloos and chinks
>massive debt/deficit
>weed still criminalized
>fags everywhere

get real, bro.

t. californian

daily reminder that the cost of living adjusted median income in California is lower than Kentucky

if, however, Northern CA seceded from the rest of the state, (and legalized it brah) we might be getting somewhere

Cali Pride, faggots.

No its not and I'm from California, fuck this state, I want to leave so bad.

The only people that like this shitty state came from third world countries

California is one of the dumbest states in the USA. lol

In Quincy, CA today for the music festival, dubs decide where I go

They just made ar15s illegal yesterday. Fuck that state I hope there's a Spanish flu outbreak there and it kills off the entire population

o yea there's also the high cost of living and shitty gun laws.

TX > CA on so many levels

I do have a soft spot for the giant redwoods and Shasta, tho.


Kentucky is a shthole tho

Weed is on the ballot this November. I'm still not sure if I want this state to be one of the first. Bunch of degenerates will start pouring in

And California is not?

I appreciate you fighting the good fight for border sovereignity but I don't trust the feds to allow it for much longer. I can't move there because I'm worried about being mexifornia 2.

I gotta move to the Washington/idaho to get far enough north that mexicans/blacks become vitamin E deficient.

Pretty sure califags actually get traffic cam tickets for turning right on red in some cities.


Most cucks here in Sup Forums who hate california probably hate the big cities on their own flyover state

IE is shit

Came in expecting all the super white states to have the highest IQ. Leaving satisfied

Or we just prefer to not pay $4k+ for a tiny one-bedroom apartment in San Mateo.

Compare liberal counties vs conservative counties and see who really makes that figure true OP

We do not. I was always told that was one of the definitions of a 'california stop'

>They just made ar15s illegal yesterday.


>implying California isn't already flooded with degenerates

Huh, I have a friend who moved from NYC to San Francisco that constantly complained about it. Maybe he wasn't coming to a full stop.

>farming a desert

Fuck outta' here, then. Enjoy your water tax faggot.

>this is an American only thread

>$400B in unfunded liabilities
Enjoy the party, because it's going to come down on you HARD

You forgot selena, Willy Nelson, and SXSW on that little map of Texas man.

But Texas is just par none the most based state.

The only negative of the state is the blue laws still in place like how you can't buy liquor on Sundays and that certain stores are closed on Sunday, and you can't buy liquor any day past 10 pm


Okay bud

fuck this state. it is already dead. Nothing is here but maggots and flies.

we need a wall around us as well as mexico


IE sucks dick, so does bakers. Anything east of LA isn't worth mentioning. The further west you go the better it gets. From LA to SFV to Ventura.

reminder Cali is less than 50% white

>certain stores are closed on Sunday
I kinda like that.

>silicon valley up and moves outta state
>hollywood already losing movie deals to places like fucking atlanta
you're going down hill fast

until you want to buy something on sunday

I'm an old fag. Your state has been a dysfunctional, edge of bankruptsy, degenerate mess literally my entire life. I was redpilled at the age of 4 when my midwestern family traveled crosscountry in a station wagon for summer vacation in 1969. I was traumitized by dirty hippies we saw in San Francisco and I've known since then the state was generally fucked beyond hope. Shame, because parts of it are so beautiful. Visited Yosemite just last year.

Take away (((Hollywood))) and ((( silicon valley))) and it will be like Africa.

>even worse

All you fucking faggots come to san bernadino mountains

>most eco richeous state
>worst enviorment
>draconian policies in the name of,'muh progress'
Fuck off and stop moving to oregon.
We need to resurrect tom mcccall to build a wall and make oregon great agian

You mean no guns? (the fact there was a ban at all is unacceptable) and no legal weed?
Cry moar califaggot, your state is utter garbage, the sun and beaner stench have melted all of your brains.

It's also the 2nd largest Mexico in the world

>cali probably one of the most beautiful states
>cucked beyond salvage and full of uppity spics, nigs, fags, and sjw degenerates

Feels bad, man. Colorado here. Gorgeous, mostly undeveloped, GORGEOUS, prosperous, not cucked. Why don't you commiefornian trash stay home and sleep in the bed you made.


Hey fuck Atlanta tho
I just want 10 acres up north

IE fucking sucks. I'm in hemet right now where are most famous thing is a god damn burrito. It is a good burrito though.

Not for long
I feel you bud. Tragic man.

Fellow Floridafag. Have had the exact same experience. Prius & all.
To be fair they're marginally better than the fucking Canadians that swarm us during winter.

>IE sucks

we gonna fight

Have you ever seen escape form LA? That was a premonition not a movie.

That is what the Mexicans do to the average IQ here. Also I think people who move to California to find success are usually pretty dumb and often times end up homeless. And it is no marginal difference either, people are noticeably dumb here. My sister had to tell someone at a college class the difference between the Confederates and the Union.

Lol retarded spics wouldn't even know what to do with all that land, they did not when they had it.

SGV square up fag

>Hollywood Jews
>Birthplace of hippies
>Overrun with Mexicans
>Liberals again
>Everything expensive as fuck
>More liberals
>Getting raped by a minnow
>Hates freedom
>Did I mention the goddamn liberals?

God willing the drought keeps up then we are only one lucky spark away from that entire degenerate cesspool going up in flames