Redpill me on this guy.
What did he do that makes him such a great leader?
Redpill me on this guy.
What did he do that makes him such a great leader?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing, he was scum, Winnie is fucking total scum too.
He moved South America 1000 miles East.
He was a racist commie who has blood on his hands from the murders of an untold amount of people.
He's not, unless you consider putting South Africa on the path of Rhodesia an accomplishment.
He moved New Zealand very far SE of Australia single-handedly.
Known terrorist, picked randomly from a jail cell to be the "face" of post-apartheid SA
>What did he do that makes him such a great leader?
just because he's black, some would think he is great !
Is Sup Forums just meming? Look at all of these anti mandela posts. Is it because he is black? Or maybe you guys want to be edgy with your le alternative history meme?
He slightly shifted the position of Greenland as compared to Canada and made it so Chic Fil A isnt open on Sundays
I don't get this meme
I know what they're referencing, but I have no idea what Mandela has to do with it.
>le not an argument man
He was totally ok with blowing up children but that's ok because DUDE WHITEY LMAO
He murdered all the Berensteins and replaced them with Berenstains and went back in time to destroy all evidence they even existed.
No really, look them up, I read the books in like 82. I triple dog dare you to find anything berenstein OR stain from any book company, even scholastic before late 90s/early 2000s at best.
Prepare your anus.
It's called The Mandela Effect. Google it, as it's not a meme.
I know all of this already. Google scholar academic papers AND case law for Bearenstein Bears/Chic Fil A/Chik Fil A.
What a dumb meme, it's because people remembered that mandela was dead when he was still alive that this phenomenon became the mandela effect
Went 4g instead of wifi so same poster lol
Its chick fillet now cuckerino
Kill yourself you fucking leaf faggot
I think segregation works. In Serbia, the minorities can choose to go to school and study in their own language. They literally never have to mingle with Serbs if they don't want to. They have their own TV programs, newspapers, cultural institutions and everybody gets along fine. There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to live with your people.
Name one good thing Mandela did for his country. Life, death and the future of a country and the world is not edgy you fucking nigger scum
>desu senpai baka
Fuck some bagged milk yyo syrup nigger
Go back to your own universe and eat some Chunky Fell-atio on sundays while fucking a dog.
look at his wikipedia page for his contribution for civil rights. he has other achievements too, you are just oblivious to those because you are either meming or just trying to be an edgy racist/le alternative history pseudo intellectual
whats quite funny is that their is now a sect of niggers here that are led by winnie who say that blacks were betrayed by him because he did not start a race war
Only problem with this picture is that the tire is in front of him instead of on him; and it isn't burning.
You fucking nigger fucking scum FUCK YOU. Demonic, arrogant, worthless human trash. Purest of all evil.
Civil rights for everyone but the Afrikaners.
Are you going to deny the plaasmoorde like every other ANC shill now?
He created a fun game with tires, gasoline and your head.
You really should do research on this piece of shit.
He should have been executed, not sent to prison.
His grandson dragged a women into a bathroom, nearly beat her to death and raped her unconscious body.
Watch liberals squirm as you bring this up, they refuse to acknowledge that this happened.
the problem with executing him would be that he would have become a martyr
He was assassinated and there was a big funeral and all kinds of ceremonies for him.
His martyrdom will not be forgotten.
Single best lel I've had all day, good work boys!
During over 40 years of apartheid, south Africa averaged about 415 deaths a year from protests at the hands of police.
Under Mandela, that average was over 23,000 A YEAR, for his entire 8 year reign.
Ya, really worked out for the rights of civilians.
He practiced the Art of the Deal before Donald Trump even wrote the book.
South Africa was in economic freefall and on the verge of full blown racial civil war in the 80s i.e. Meereen in Game of Thrones season six.
Mandela basically cut a deal that allowed whites to keep their economic influence (thereby preventing a repeat of Zimbabwe's economic crash) in exchange for blacks having political power.
>inb4 muh Terrorism
I didn't say he was perfect. He very much was a terrorist back in his heyday. But he realized a racial bloodbath would get the blacks of South Africa nowhere and went with a different approach.
>inb4 muh Communism
He was a Communist mainly for the money and weapons the USSR sent the ANC. He was quick to abandon them when the Soviet Union began to disintegrate. Not that it really matters anyway, Communism was doomed to failure with or without him.
>inb4 muh Apartheid
Be real here anons. Apartheid already a failing system by the 80s. It had made South Africa an international pariah and put the country on the verge of civil war. If Mandela hadn't ended with an olive branch, it would've ended in an orgy of blood instead.
Is it just me or does Mandela's family appear to have Asiatic blood?
he was a terrorist and so was his nigger wife
I can't believe anybody would be stupid enough to fall for the Mandela meme just because he's a smiling nigger.
Nope. You hust aren't familiar with the various subspecies of negroid.
A violent, racist, Marxist nigger.
A traitor to his own people.
>He was assassinated
I didn't know respiratory tract infections were Assassin's tools.
Only niggers would praise a guy who did nothing and except stay in prison for over half his life
He invented necklacing
>A traitor to his own people.
Ironically enough, many of the more radical ANC consider him exactly that for negotiating with the South African government.
They wanted a full blown race war but Mandela saw that would destroy the very wealth and power they wanted to seize and make them the villains in the eyes of the world (i.e. what happened to Robert Mugabe).
except it did end in an orgy of blood also it was only failing because the blacks who were essentially useless were told they werent and were being fomented into a mob.
t. former SA
Sadly, the ANC seem to be losing ground both to their own infighting and the rising EFF.
Whites are becoming/are an easy target in SA politics.
He's a Thembu, haven't met many of them but some of the other Xhosa speakers have a San bushman look going on.
The only orgy of blood so far has been when the ANC and IFP clashed and that was between blacks and went away anyways.
T. former Durbanite
South Africa may have it's problems (and it's got A LOT of them), but it's a lot better today than people were expecting it to be 20-30 years ago.
Besides, you can always console yourselves with the fact that "at least we're not Zimbabwe".
It actually is a meme, retard.
that's it I am now a #MolyneuxMissle
Terrorist nigger filth that ruined the only good country left on Africa, after Rhodesia collapses.
His political party is a joke of very corrupt incompetent retard, police does nothing against murder and rape of low class whites, and that new party with genocidal tendency is not being combated at all.
I hope in the future, history will judge him for the piece of shit he is.
He wuz a true kang who fought for his people
Not only he was falsely imprisoned for 80 years
But he invented the PlayStation and the lambada dance ,
all while he was locked up by the white devils
A meme is something shared that spreads. Mandela Effect is something that has many, many individuals -- with no ability to have ever interacted with each other -- individually coming to conclusions that x word was spelt.
Confabulation and confirmation bias theories fall flat when it is based on people's vivid, SPECIFIC, memories.
Everything about your rigid worldview is a lie.
That smug motherfucker. Rapes a girl just before she has to drop a load and just smiles in the court.
I googled the actual link, and it looks like it might have been consensual. I'm not one to judge.