Despite their inferior pedigree, Anglos have become the most powerful group on earth

Despite their inferior pedigree, Anglos have become the most powerful group on earth.

How did they beat the superior Nordic races?

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Just like the jews did really

Just prioritize controlling the mind of your enemy over their genes

they didn't beat "us"

anglos got invaded over and over and stuffed full of superiour genetics, that stew fermented for a bit and the expanded rapidly in the industrial era when they conquered the seas

next time you feel like retard that doesn't know anything, instead of asking dumb questions here, how about you use google

oh horseshit, anglos held the sea, therefore all the coasts in the world were at the mercy of their flagships, if british sails anchored outside your fisher village, you better give them what they want or they'll rape and pillage as well as bomb the beach or something,

I guess the opium wars was kinda mind control, but anglos are not jew tier

the only reason you exist is because you gave your military and technology secrets to america in return they declared war.

>superior nordic race

Top kek litteraly snownigger, even portuguese are one hundred times more relevant than them

>anglo most powerfull group on eath

Anglo were strong only during some decades in the XIX and XX and when they were ruled by french kinng
Kek too

We took your snow nigger genes and actually made something of them with invention and ambition

Brits got conquerend by Guillaume le Conquérant (who was ethnically Norwegian) and the frankish nobility.
After that they basically got all removed from their position of power and replaced by the frankish and normand aristocracy who then organized and developped the neo Kingdom of England.

And now all those "superior" genetics are going down the shitter. Have fun with that, cuck.

You are deeply retarded

Anglos is just a short version for Anglo-saxons which are two germanic tribes (Angles and the Saxons)

Because the Romans brought civilization to the British isles. Nordcucks spent all their time going to war with each other, killing off their good bloodlines until only today's self-destructive cucks remain.

>"""master race"""

And you a garbage to insult without proposing counter arguments.

the jews are more powerful

Anglos? hmm.. My limited understanding of the thing goes that When the early Brythonic tribes wanted to stop Pictish incursions from the North they hired Saxon mercenaries who ended up taking things over .. The Brythonics jumped ship and went to Brittany and Wales.

While in Brittany they intermarried with Norse Viking invaders and became Normans who then came back and took over from the Anglo Saxons.. so the actual people who ruled the world were a mix of Brythonic's and Vikings.


Pick one

Anglos aren't inferior, but they exhausted their gene pool too much during ww1 and ww2. And then came, modernism, post modernism, cultural marxism, the welfare state etc.

And now you have the modern anglo. Not only can they not say they are proud to be anglo, but they're also not allowed too.

The eternal anglo is pretty much the eternal anglo saxon. Snowniggers really need that enrichment.

> TFW all of the good Nordic genes are in Britain, making Brits conquer the world while Nordic countries turn into beta paradise.

Anglos are nordic.

At least some.

Normandie and Bretagne are two different places, never heard about mix between normands and bretons by the way, especially in less than 150 years.


You used to conquer the world, but now you don't. Textbook definition of degeneracy. Have fun with 40% immigrant population and a 100+ years of decline

You sound mad as fuck lmao.
> Textbook definition of degeneracy
> Have fun with 40% immigrant population
Only London. Pic related.

> Canada
> Australia
> New Zealand
> Hong Kong

>English is global language for everything

> Brits invented 99% of all the useful shit in the modern world.

Stay salty with your cheese cutter. I'll visit your country when your oil runs out and Norwegian pussy is £2.50

Population size, and they didn't beat the Nordics even then.
That said, they're not really inferior. Anglo-Saxons are just Danes in denial.

Because of factors such as location, luck, weather, resources available and culture.

>thinking genetics is everything
>not realising its a negligible difference
>being this retarded

okey ausfailia, I'll be sure to take your opinion on genetics seriously, seeing as your whole country is founded on inferiour genetics.

My genes aren't going down the shitter, I'll make sure to pass em on, even then my family tree has many branches but me so.

not took so much as recieved, forcefully. that's why your island is full of so many FUGLY women, other peoples came and took all the good young lasses as slaves

nordics are one of the 3 pillars which shaped europe after the fall of rome, bastard

> He fell for the geographic determinism meme.
> Doesn't understand how geographic pressures force small evolutionary changes in the survivors.

Culture and race are one and the same you fool. Some people are inherently incompatible with a culture because they do not originate from it.

>Anglos were masters of waterways
>Could show up and extort populace or raid them

So what you're telling me is that the Anglos eventually out-Vikinged the Vikings?

The point was those who were called Normans were an admixture of Native Britons (not anglo saxons) and Nordic Vikings .. whether they populated Bretagne or Normandie at one time or another is less relevant..

Maybe my use of the location Brittany was erroneous if so I stand corrected on that.

>actually believing this

you people crack me up

well no, if you consider the technological differences of their times I'd say they are equal. What would vikings have done with steel, muskets, cannons, ship of the line? we will never know

youre whole nation has many branches

and theyre all going dark. its called natural selection. face it, the black man wins over white cuck bois :^)

Anglos ended the Viking era in 1066 when Harald Hardrada got btfo at Stanford Bridge.

Pretty much

Conquerors don't go home. Nordic men are pussies. Anglos are the descendents of vikings.

You're a descendant of commonwealth scum exiled from the homeland, but if you think that the children of Europa will lay down and die quietely then you're kek'd

>implying my parents were born in australia
nice one cuck boi, saw you in the news the other day :^)

not an arguement to what I was saying


>You're a descendant of commonwealth scum exiled from the homeland
>implying my parents were born in australia
kek cuck cant even read

the nords took over england but eventually the anglo mudblood infected them making them pussies which could be easily defeated.

>completely ignoring the rest of my post

I can see that you got triggered by my off hand remark, cute. I wounded you and now you're trying to defame my country with your sharpest "sweden yes" meme.

top shelf kek user top shelf

>children of Europa will lay down and die quietely then you're kek'd
swedish women are already laying down :^)

obviously, as women do

are you retarded or just another aussie shitposter?

>they didn't beat "us"

Nah you just jewed out. The history of vikings in Britain is quite long and often complex, but it ends with William the Bastard blowing you the fuck out in the South, eventually only the north (Yorkshire, Durham and the rest) were a strong hold against of the Anglo-Danes (yeah Danes, not Swedes). So instead of fighting the Bastard just paid the Danes to go home, so the remaining Danish Lords took their armies and left what were effectively farmers. The Bastard then decimated the North, to ensure it never became uppity again, in an event that would become known as "The Harrying of the North". The North never recovered from it.

>tldr: Don't trust vikings, they're the Jews of Northern Europe.

yeah, because they didnt have them
stop with you fantastical revision of history
didnt happen, go cry about it on my fuckin steel bayonet, FAGGOT

So if asians are statistically higher iq than nordics why arent we obsessing them?

danes = swedes

I would say we were more of the same tribe in that age, but I guess that is up for debate

ok, if you don't care to discuss theoretical history don't ask for my opinion.

But I get it you wanted to diminish my pride, something which you could never have. When that didn't work and istead suggested that they were equally ingenious and brave, then you recoil and assert that I should make somehing of my life ? project much user

>Guillaume le Conquérant
Source it

>While in Brittany

Those are Bretons. The creation of Normon's happened in Normondy. They later took over England with the Bastard duke.

>Angles BTFO by Saxons
>Blanda upp
>Become Anglo-Saxons
>conquer the world


1 What about the battle of stamford bridge.

2 Weren't the Normans vikings anyway?

>Despite their inferior pedigree
>Anglos are
>Superior Nordics

Oh boy you're going to be in for a fucking mind blowing experience when you finally read into English history and see where we came from. Sup Forums pseudo science is always the best.

>danes = swedes
Genetically yes, but still two different "tribes".

Brits got conquered by the English.

yea, which is why I said it is up for debate, I personally consider the danes as brothers, both from interactions in real life and here on Sup Forums danes are based.

Anglos are a superior blend of celts and aryans.

To be honest, this. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms (once the kingdoms were formed) were not expansionist. They spent the first 400 years defending their borders from the Britons and the next 300 from the Vikings. Under William and the Normans, we conquered Wales and Cornwall, started invading Wales and became the rival of France, becoming equals with the most powerful European state. And we maintained that balance with one of us occasionally getting ahead for a few decades or a century than the other.

I think if not for the Normans we'd be on a similar level as Ireland or Czech Republic on the significant scale.

Started invading Ireland*

I regularly visit my danish relatives.

Met a swede in Prague once. We got shitfaced with vodka shots and shouted about a new Kalmar Union all night

would be interesting to see a referendum take place, I've seen and heard alot of people that consider a nordic union something glorious.

You aren't taking our oil.

>literally Nords only won against innocent townsfolk
>when confronted with any other army they were raped hard

why should we? where is this oil? why not join us or atleast be positively inclined to cooperate?

Near the Shetlands and the Orkney Islands, and you're claiming them for your Nordic Union.

They're fucking indistinguishable, you retard. Just look at DNA sequencing of people in Scotland the northern isles. You're also a faggot who still believes in crackpot nineteenth century theories that are meant to alleviate your butthurt but instead just confirm your faggotry.

Also, Angles are basically Scandinavian and are important in Beowulf, which is the foundational text of English literature. There's no fucking difference!! Most people in this thread are retarded and don't know basic history or basic historical linguistics. The desire for a race war and beta uprising turns people into offensively ignorant faggots.

Better pic

>That feel when I live in York and have dark blond hair and a very blond beard

I hope my ancestors weren't cucked but just settled here and brought their Danish wives with them.

It's likely that your maternal ancestors were raped by vikings after their husbands were murdered. This foundational trauma largely explains why you're such a faggot now. Viking longboats generally didn't bring women across with them. They were raiders who raped, pillaged, and settled. You are literally the product of the worst kind of broken dysfunctional family ever. And now you even have the gumption to try to leave the continent that you're genetically part of.

Explains why British have such shit genetics while your (white) colonies generally don't

le christian morality meme. Learn to master morality

You realised they settled here and moved their families here for farming right? That was the main draw of England, the land. Soil is sandy and hard in Denmark and Sweden (due to modern technology it doesn't matter so much now) but back then, it was hard living. They most certainly brought their families over. The Dane law, although disrupted multiple times, still lasted around 200 years. Most Danes converted to Christianity and stayed then left back to Denmark.

Cheers to that!

not really, that is a map of nordic crosses on flags, I thought it was a good match.

Here is a better one I guess, excluding greenland and iceland ofcourse..

Only stormcucks believe that.
Generally most beautiful maybe but it's clear that Brits, Germans and the French, just a few examples, are better as builders of society.

>dark blond

Brown-haired shitskin detected.

>How did they beat the superior Nordic races
By merging with us. What the fuck do you think Anglo-Saxons and Normans were?

I don't know how else to describe it. Its like this and goes very blonde in the sun. But compared to my beard, which is constantly near white blonde its dark.

Patience and perfidiousness.


That's frankly what most people would consider normal blonde for men. Even here most men have brown hair.

pure blond hair is more common in young children

I used to be a blonde little rascal until my hair got darker, but it's still blonde, and in the sun it becomes blonde again, weird

Wut he is right it's dark blond

Not even beautiful, tastes are different

You germanics are just lucky romans didnt exterminated you, they gave yoy everything and still you are so stupid

Dont make any sense at all

I've never been in Poland so I can't speak for you but it's very rare for an adult male here to be blonder than that.

It's called going Super Saiyan

Because race has nothing to do with power. Those who live in war end up being the strongest and the Brittish Isles were a permanent battlefield just like the rest of Western Europe.

Not to mention the religious powerhouse England became during and after the crusades. Much of what they achieved was sponsored by the Church.

Britain by itself has a far higher population than every northern country combined. And then there's the fact that the northern countries seem to have little to no interest in conquering the world.

Norway and Denmark is the father of England and the UK just like the UK is the father of the USA.

>the only reason you exist is because you gave your military and technology secrets to america in return they declared war.

What did he mean by this?

I have a Norwegian girlfriend here in Copenhagen, cheers to you brother.

Normans - literally nordics with some french admixture.
"The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England. The nobility of England were part of a single Norman culture and many had lands on both sides of the channel."

>Just prioritize controlling the mind of your enemy over their genes
you know A LOT of people in the UK has viking genes right?, even the royal family.

wonder why most brits look like dirt goes and the upper class are tall beauties ?

you dirt gnomes cold only do what you did because your upper class and leaders are inherently vikings and from the master race, who then could control the masses for their good.

anyone can do great things if you can control a whole people for your bidding

they aren't white

I can explain myself thank you very much.

fuck no,
we have the oil you want
we have the nature you nigs want to settle in

fuck. your. union. communist. bullshit.

If only we northerners would accept East non-Muslim immigrants only. That that way future vikings won't be retarded blacks

What's with all the anglo BLOOD on this board.

We don't want anything except further cooperation between our nations and to create a secure homogenous sphere of prosperity with our neighbours.

Maybe actually read up on the ideology instead of passing preemptive judgement like a negro

They say money changes people, but a nation... clearly all that oil money has made you lose sight of more important issues.

>Being this cucked

>Implying it isn't Gods own county.