About time
About time
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Oh look, it's this thread again.
Look he posted it again
Least they admit that diverse means less white people.
>It's a Sup Forums discusses a facebook comment and the thread hits the bump limit episode
>saying 'hella'
I cringed
Reminder (((diversity))) is code for White Genocide
In the mean time, let's make Israel Hella Diverse. Open Borders 4 Israel
There's no pleasing these fucks.
Open borders for Sup Forums!
>Least they admit that diverse means less white people.
Just like when whites say "Affirmative Action is bullshit because people should hire the best person" they really mean "Whites are better workers than black people"
op lays in bed at night raging about this
>basketball people in africa
>basketball batman
>smeagol with speakers for hands
This is going to be the Thor 2 / Iron Man 3 levels of boring.
>movie about black people in a black country has a mostly black cast
>US 77% White
>Israel - 75% Jewish
Israel is "diverse", you fuckhead.
Almost half of that 77% is "hispanic" white btw
>US 77% White
Be honest with me, user. Why are people?
american is 30% latino now, in other words it will be a 3rd world country in 25 years
That's not why people are mad.
It makes sense for most of the cast to be blacks for this movie, but it's not diverse.
STILL waiting for them to come up with their own shit.
>11% is "almost half"
>people originated form Spanish-speaking countries are not "white"
Diversity is leftist code word for fewer whites.
For real.
But you can rest assured all the villians will be white.
Of course. Liberals distort all sorts of words to suit their narratives.
Not diverse enough. Israel will not survive without Multiculturalism. Israel needs to stop it's racist xenophobic bigotry, and this will only happen when black men walk hand in hand with israeli girls on the beach
ITT: crybaby kids from Sup Forums embarrass themselves again
they're explicitly called non-hispanic whites in demographics data
>So diverse it's homogeneous.
Honestly, a movie about an African superhero in Africa... I'd be disappointed if they crammed a bunch of white people in there.
btw i'm white
the amount of movies this guy is in. Jesus.
Fuck off reddit
just because you say embarrass doesn't mean these opinions and facts are not relevant
cry moar fagget
>you will never be token hollywood nigger
Feels meh
They mean diverse across africa, lot of countries in attendance.
Stupid people like you never realize their own stupidity. Don't worry, the rest of us still do. Got ya covered kiddo.
Oops, was that a little too close to home, fucking cuckold?
>the movie about Africans and set in Africa has a 90% black cast
Whoopdie do, give yourselves a pat on the back.
Too bad films set in America or Europe can't make the same claim, despite there being plenty of black people there too.
This is just coded racism - a justification to marginalise black actors in mainstream ategories, like Adele winning best album because it wasn't a special "black category" like R&B
>Stupid people like you never realize their own stupidity
>all this projection from a fucktarded redditor
oh oh u mad fagget you gonna cry? huh you gonna cry little fagget??
Calm down snowflake, if you get too heated you might melt :^)
Now go back to your cuck containment zone
>Calm down snowflake, if you get too heated you might melt :^)
oh snap, I'm stealing that
Oh look it was actually in the context of the marvel cinematic universe and Sup Forums got triggered over nothing again
My name isn't Kruger, retard.
>trying this hard
How is a movie being 90% any race "diverse"?
>a movie
wow, how can someone be this narrow-minded.
This is why we need to stay strong and fight for Online Media Justice. They will NOT silence us! Our voices WILL be heard!
>the mcu cast is hella diverse = / = The Black Panther cast is hella diverse
You make a compelling case for online safe-spaces op. I too was triggered by this post. I'm literally shaking right now. Hopefully Trump will sign something into law preventing these triggering messages from reaching us.
>getting BTFO this hard
>the mcu cast is hella diverse
that phrase is never mentioned in the video, so it was probably just some intern who wrote a poorly worded caption. But of course that's reason enough for Sup Forumstards to chimp out again
>"hella diverse"
>nearly everyone is black
That's not how diversity works.
8 years
That's how White Genocide works, diversity = White Genocide
Nice strawman faggot
Wow, thanks for posting the same comments over and over again!
You're welcome.
>hella diverse
>90% black
Go back to r3ddit
How is racism still a thing? News flash, not everyone is white.
Fuck off Sup Forums
You're cringe
Non whites aren't people
Go back to plebbit
>much needed diversity
Why was it much needed? The movies seemed to be making fat stacks of cash just fine.
>op makes this thread daily
>gets made fun of mercilessly for being such a delicate snowflake
>sobs himself to sleep thinking about it
>comes back to be made fun of yet again
why aren't there more black people in Japanese cinema?
>this is what the redditor tells himself to sleep at night
Epic racism bro. Cringe.
Get the fuck out of this board.
-Signed, everyone on Sup Forums
I bet there's no asians at all. When is it our turn.
you are both equally retarded and pathetic.
No one cares you stupid Asian paki/gook
>90% black
Do they even know what diversity means?
Anyways I am glad they featuring black actors mostly for a change, but I hope they african actors.
>Diversity == More black men
When will this meme end??
>"Affirmative Action is bullshit because people should hire the best person" they really mean "Whites are better workers than black people"
Both things are true though.
which is which? or is that the joke?
>Bitches about thread
>Didn't even sage
This is the future you chose.
Both of those are 100% correct.
How is 90% [insert ethnicity] diverse?
that's hella wrong
You guys I am so mad about this right now. I'm literally shaking. I can't believe that media giants like NowThis Entertainment are pushing this liberal agenda. Someone needs to stop this, or at least create safe spaces online to protect us from it. I can't take this level of triggering, it's too much for me! I've been posting this thread for days but still they haven't taken it down. What more can I do to correct this terrible injustice?
Much diversity, such success!
>when you're an alt right obese "master race" and you say other races are too sensitive about racism
>you then compile a folder on your computer of every racist Jewish person on the planet and spam from it regularly as though you're proving some kind of point
Gets those gears a-turnin'
Try harder dude, you can only bait retards with this shit.
>when your brain is almost entirely dissolved from associating yourself with a community like pol so you call a perfectly reasonable post bait
>Thinks Sup Forums likes blacks