>Hillary is poisoning my food. Please send help
What did Bill mean by this?
>Hillary is poisoning my food. Please send help
What did Bill mean by this?
Come aboard the air force one children were off to a magical island
Look at that zombie. The demon inide of him will devour him whole.
doesn't look so good..
Know thyself
>Hillary... I think she's putting ricin in my food. I fear for my life... she guilted me into talking to Lynch because of the Monica affair...
What did he mean by this?
Well some don't know themselves to this day. Poor lost souls. Maybe one day someone will pray for them.
Do you think killing Bill is a ploy to garner sympathy votes?
i legitimately believe he has aids from fucking african hookers
Why would he go for African hookers when he can take a ride on the Lolita Express and fuck some lolis
he has a thing for niggers and he travels to africa quite frequently
Bill Clinton is HIV positive. Looks riddled with Aids.
I love these threads.
Given that she's wearing makeup and he isn't, I think she probably looks worse.
>posting the photoshopped version
This is the non-shopped version actually.
My favorite one.
somehow this made me laugh
Made me lol
Thanks op
He will be the first former president to door in office