The top half look of these style outfits look okay but the pants and shoes always look gay as fuck...

The top half look of these style outfits look okay but the pants and shoes always look gay as fuck. Why are men wearing tight jeans and Rugrat shoes?

tight jeans make you look taller and have a wider chest
loose jeans balances out with your chest area and makes you look like a manlet

it only works if you're tall and buff
also wrong board, go to /fa/

Only manlets should wear tight jeans

All of that looks gay as fuck

americans are such metrosexual niggerfied runts

is this the modern equivalent of trousers without belt ?, wearing clothes that look like they belonged to your older brother or father and you're too poor to afford new ones ?

The only people I see actually wearing this shit are fat hipsters in their 30s. It is not flattering at all.

Go wear your fucking UFO pants dork.

This is true. Anything else makes me look like a literal square.

t. manlet.

>The top half look of these style outfits look okay
>oversized shirt
>wearing a hoodie as an adult
looks pretty faggy to me desu

If you care about fashion it's probably caused by your high estrogen levels, you literal faggot.

See, this is why you get no pussy.

OH WAIT let me guess you hate women too

It's called streetwear, it is a trend among autists that can spend relatively big money on clothes

>taking pride in how you look is bad
/fa/ Evans is laughing at you.

>spending money you earned makes you autistic
You people have run that word into the ground so much you literally have no idea what it means anymore.

It's an americuck thing.

I didn't say spending your money makes you an autist, rather than they are autists that can spend big money

Fucking lol.
Have fun dressing up like a faget when I can pick up hot babes with my sheer manliness and charisma alone.
Two weeks ago I picked up this 8/10 chick while wearing sweat pants, and you have to waste hundreds of dollars to get the same effect.

You're a peacock and I'm a silverback gorilla, bitch nigga.

/fit/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sorry fatso, chicks don't care how well you dress unless you've got a nice body to match.

>not rocking supreme
>not rocking wtaps
>not rocking visvim


LMAOing @ your life

I had some overtime hours on my paycheck last week so I spoiled myself by getting a pair of $235 sneakers.
Class is for boys
Swag is for men

Trips are for Gods

everytime, post the version with dylan

>tight jeans
They're called jeans that fit, you slob

Managed to make his legs look like incredibly short twigs, brilliant.


What movie of tv show has any fits like this?

This mode is not represented anywhere yet?

The pants are too tight. It looks like a ballet dancer?

This is all LeBoeef territory as far as tv is concerned.

maybe Hasbeen Core?

Browse that board too friendo. It's how I found out about my favorite meme man.

235lb deadlift
150 bench
120 ohp
Post lifts

>those lifts
lmao did you start yesterday?

Me on the right

What should a 5'3" guy who weighs 100 lbs wear?

I still think 1 is cute

Post yours please

a noose.


rate my sandninja, reddi/tv/

A cute skirt and long socks!

>he doesn't wear skinny/slim fit jeans
>he thinks those massive Dad jeans look good on him

Do you even squat faget

>he doesn't wear t shirts that show off his tats
>he's too fat to pull off tats

You look like an alternative skin for a Mortal Kombat character

Sup Forums is full of fucking faggots

Forgot. 200lb squat. Goal body incoming.

>regular jeans are "massive" to him rather than snug
>he thinks his weak, bony twig-legs look good to anyone

This a million times. If you don't weigh over 200 pounds just do yourself a favor and buy skinny/slim and nothing else. You look bad and everyone can tell.

Those aren't men.

Spotted the fat lad

this looks retarded and not proportional

take a look at dress pants with a suit, do you see them getting tighter? no because it would look stupid like these skinny jeans

>What should a 5'3" guy who weighs 100 lbs wear?

Are you even able to carry the weight of clothing?