Who is more moral?
Who is more moral?
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If you've discovered a method for quantifying morality, you might be up for a Nobel Prize.
Peter, obviously. As much as I like Christopher, he was a bit too concerned with being seen as a vice-addled writer. It was part of his stage act to drink and smoke excessively, and that is probably what killed him. A brilliant man destroyed by his own sense of vanity. Peter is the prodigal son
>smoking and drinking an act
once you do those things for 20+ years, you'll find it very hard to ever stop.
Hard to have morals when you're six feet under.
No homo but for being brothers, Christopher was much better looking, "handsome" than Peter.
that darkness behind them, only moral thing in this immoral world
>Muh reparations
Fuck off Christopher Hitchens.
I think it's cause of the beard.
Average looking faces look better with beards on because it can be hidden.
peter ofc.
chris said some good things but he shits on all religion which we will find out is a mistake in the long run.
Of course he eventually became an addict but I bet you all my shekels those habits began as a way to assert the image that he wanted people to see
morality man
They're both shit.
Christopher is an edgelord and a prick.
Peter is a contrarian faggot.
What fucking planet are you on
Are you under drinking age by any chance?
ya i'm thinking he's a kid.
Terrible opinion
good post
I've doubted Peters sincerity since that one QT episode where the audience started booing him for say that people should "get out [of Britain] while they still can". He promptly changed his opinion. So I'd have to say Christopher.
>He promptly changed his opinion.
when did he "promptly" change his opinion i dont remember that happening at all loves getting booed
Peter. Christopher was a genocidal Trotskyist.
Have you seen that Peter stash?
Peter is marvellous.
Christopher was a clearly intelligent man, smarter than me and most people I know, yet at the same time he was so infatuated with people telling him that 24/7 that he was convinced all of his opinions were actually facts.
Peter is an unappreciated genius that dares to say things others don't. A national treasure.
Peter is just so damn pessimistic. He may have good reason to be but he could get far more airtime and far more opportunities to get his ideas out there if he just...smiled a bit more
OK seeing Peter with the beard a tasche and Christopher clean shaven just convinced me Christopher was simply better looking. His eyes are more welcoming and Peter has a much sharper nose and piercing eyes. I'm not saying Peter is ugly, but Christopher was simply good looking, even when overweight.
Shut up you subjectivist faggot. Trust a fucking Kraut to be spewing this shit, what happened to you pussies? All the good men die in the war?
He smiled last Friday
>white people
The one that isn't a Marxist
The one who is not dead
He drank and smoked and fucked whores because it felt good. Because he did not believe in god, for him this life was his party. Peter on the other hand thinks he's going to be brought into the kingdom of heaven for being a good by who never licked a tit. The question is rigged.
Peter Hitchens is so, so much better than his dead brother.
The only thing christopher could do is BTFO muslims.
Peter just takes a shit on literally everybody.
Everyone except his brother christopher, who cucked him his entire life. Regardless of who you like and agree with more, their debate is epic.
They are both half jews, Peter tended towards his noble white side, Christopher behaved like an utter jew.
I just watched a video of Owen Jones interviewing Peter. Why are they so cute together?
the one who didn't kill himself through legal drugs while telling everyone "I don't need religion to tell me what's good for me"
>addict man vs "addiction doesn't exist" man
>you will never be as happy as you was when waking up to Brexit last friday
Why even go on
They both look like youre average ugly brit. The only difference between them is the unibrow and the beard
The moment I started listening to Peter I realised how talentless and intelligent Christopher was in comparison.
Seriously, just watch the few debates they have together. Christopher is a mess, a big fat mess.
>you will never again go to bed at 5am comfy and happy after hours of shitposting knowing we voted to leave the eu
I stayed up all night watching the results come in, then cracked open a bottle of real ale at 0800 in the morning and went to bed
Best night of my life
Why exactly didn't Peter vote in the referendum again?
I understand his points about 'shortcuts' and parliamentary supremacy/constitutional crisis, but surely a Leave victory is conductive to a realignment of British politics that he is advocating. Is this what true conservatism is all about? Being a "lazy home-loving scribbler".
I think morality is based on who has inspired others to become better people and who has spent more time going out of their way more to help others as well
Christopher was a more interesting and insightful speaker and writer. Funny too.
Anal warts