What ultimately convinced you not to vote for Trump? I had been leaning towards Trump for awhile, albeit tentatively, but after watching this videos I realized I just couldn't vote for such an idiot. youtube.com
What ultimately convinced you not to vote for Trump? I had been leaning towards Trump for awhile, albeit tentatively...
Not voting for him or Clinton.
Clinton is corrupt.
Trump is a moron.
Stein is most likely. I don't expect her to win, but at least I'm not voting for corrupt morons.
Nice, I'm voting for Stein too.
((((((sam harris))))))
>His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish.
When will you shills give up. Bernie lost, get over it.
Sage and Ignore
And he's an atheist. We can't choose our parents, unfortunately. You don't see me making fun of you because you're Swedish. It's not your fault.
Freeze, you fucking kike!
harris is just another globalist kike shill
You kiddin' me? He criticizes Islam constantly and is in favor of racial profiling.
Who gives a shit what Ben Stiller has to say, he's no expert on politics.
shut up
this is no better than uber leftists saying "racist" "bigot" or "homophobe"
its drivel, and you only post it to receive backpats from other pol simpletons
gtfoutta here, nig
No, if you do not support Trump, you support a literal criminal. I used to like Sam Harris. Now he is dead to me.
(((Samuel Harris))) is a zionist kike.
Yes, and the thing is, he's a fucking giant hypocrite for backing Hillary.
I'm an atheist, I know that my religious enemy will always be Islam. I'd never vote for a woman who wants to import more sandniggers.
Now fuck off, you fucking shill.
Samuel Harris criticizes Islam because he's a zionist.
>sam harris articulates why trump is dangerous
>30 minutes
>trusting a jew
do you not understand what secularist organizations are trying to do? why do you think there is so much jewish involvement in the secular humanist movement? the protocols of zion are fucking prophetic
Shut up
Harris did a really good job of going bit-by-bit through Trump's platform, but I'm afraid it doesn't actually matter anymore because Trump is starting to temper and abandon a lot of the rhetoric he used to secure the Republican nomination.
It's not like he's supporting her with any enthusiasm. It's just that he realizes how much more catastrophic a Trump presidency would be.
Jews fucking love to talk about Islam. It's their favorite distraction for goy.
>but is it good for the jews
>It's just that he realizes how much more catastrophic a Trump presidency would be.
Except that he endorsed Shillary way before anybody knew that the GE would be between Shillary and Trump.
Again, everything he says is unimportant after backing Hillary Clinton.
She's a criminal who's funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. She orchestrated the fall of Libya and the attempt on Assad. The woman is directly responsible for the migration crisis in Europe.
She bows to the likes of Soros and follows the globalist agenda to a tee. Sam Harris is dead to me, his rhetoric is solely based on Zionism.
I used to think he was relatively smart, albeit, flawed but now I know he's just a kike puppet.
Again, fuck off with him.
youre a zionist kike
The Bell is Tolling soon for Hillary Clinton. TRUMP 2016!
Oh, I remember this guy.
He's the fedora who got his ass wrecked by William Craig in a debate.
I'm voting for the person most likely to keep the criminal hillary from the white house
yeah that was painful to watch.
especially how harris says "...mkay" after every sentence.
This is why I'm voting for Trump. He's a buffoon but he has a sensible view on immigration and he's less terrifying than Shillary.
It still amazes me how utterly delusional you americans are (compared to Europeans). You can't see what's right in front of you (even those who are supposedly "red-pilled"). You can't change things through the political system anymore. The jews have become too embedded within western civilization (especially in education and media). Trump is controlled opposition. The jews want you to be busy playing their little game so they'll get more time to corrupt and destroy. Use the 2nd amendment you constantly circle-jerk about. It's needed now more than ever.
Only according to Christians. WLC is still in a cult and doesn't even realize it.
Nose shows
>William lane Craig
but, its the argument YOU made, he just repeated it to point out how its not an argument
Nothing, because I'm not a fucking retard.
im not american so i dont really care about american politics any more than how funny they are
the USA is my favorite reality show
WLC is the kind of guy who strongly endorses some cult for years then one day wakes up and publicly denounces it all and champions its termination.
It happened over and over for Scientology and I can't wait for WLC to get there.
>implying anyone here is voting for shillary
Go home, kike shill.
Don't you have a bull to prep, Sven?
Don't you?
Say what you want about the guy, but he's destroyed every fedora he's ever gone up against.
Even the atheists' Jesus, Richard Dawkins admits it.
sam harris has a boner for globalism and he hates religions and culture with passion
His own arguments should scare people more from Hillary. She's not dumb, she's not ignorant.. she is completely calculated in her evil shit, she knows she's an awful person and relishes it.
Trump might be an awful person but at least he doesn't find joy in that, he's to dumb to notice.
this, but everyone is too propagandized to take up arms. in fact people see it as a good thing
i live in houston , texas and the young are blue pilled pro diversity as fuck.
i go back home to the northeast to visit and my bro in law is talking about how great diversity is.
its better if we pool resources and buy up media organizations and also fund lobbyists and get on the boards of schools and appoint change the curriculum and appoint red pilled teachers
just do what jews did in reverse - there is in fact more of us than there are jews - we just are not united and organized like jews are
wtf i hate drumpf now
where does this originate from
It's common knowledge that WLC debates in a very dishonest way. He always demands the floor, then in the time allotted to him he launches several arguments. Now his opponent not only has to say what they originally wanted to say, they now have to respond to every one of these arguments in the time they are allotted. This is not possible, it is always easier to state an argument then refute it. So they don't respond to argument 2, 4, and 5, then when it's WLC's turn he always says "look! they didn't respond to argument 2, 4, and 5, therefore these arguments stand uncontested!"
pretty standard jew politics.
I am now a #cruzmissile
yeah you're full of shit.
he uses the same argumentation every time anyway, and the atheists still get btfo.
His original last name, legally changed to Trump because Drumpf sounds awful
wtf I hate X now
William Lane Craig wiped the floor with Harris.
Sam Harris, like every single atheist, is a poor debater in general. See his """debate""" with Chomsky for an example of that.
9gag pls go and stay go
This is a trump boards
>William Lane Craig wiped the floor with Harris.
The only people I see stating this are those already on WLC's side. Watch his debate with Sam again, it plays out exactly as I described earlier.
Proof? Oh wait you don't have any cause it's reddit crybaby fake shit
>people who criticize trump
>he just keeps repeating himself over and over again
>he keeps changing his mind on his own rhetoric
>people who are pro trmp
oh shit you caught me i'm being paid to post on Sup Forums a haven of falseflagging, shitposting, and trolling
>he keeps talking about how amazing everything is
>he is effectively a one issue candidate
>he has no experience in passing any policy
>he seems to know virtually nothing about foreign policy outside of mexico
Jesus you redditors reek so fucking bad of your shit site.
I'm not sure if it's true or not but I heard that his grandfather anglicized his name when he moved here. Like a guy I work with being called Henry instead of Heinrich.
The funny thing is that these people are literally afraid of a Trump presidency.
I'm not from reddit. I'm from /lit/. Scared to see a new point of view in your little echochamber here?
>illegal immigrants do the shitty jobs we don't want to do
I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing this 3rd grade level argument. no understanding of the labor market whatsoever
the jobs are shitty because they're a) hard and b) don't pay for shit because illegal immigrants are willing to do them for less and drive the wages way the fuck down.
If it weren't for the presence of the illegal immigrants, the jobs wouldn't be so shitty in the first place. it's not as though white people - or, hell, legal Mexican immigrants for that matter - are incapable of picking crops if it pays well. but it pays like shit and isn't worth the effort for the wages unless you don't speak English and have no job qualifications other than your utility as an unskilled laborer.
God I'm just so sick of it. how can thinking human beings repeat this argument?
The only thing sam harris is correct on is Mudslimes. Everything else he is a kike faggot.
When he called out Jeb and the Bushes on 9/11 to their face on national tv and a short time later the establishment golden boy went running the opposite direction with a puddle of piss behind him. That's when.
Jews like Samuel Harris should be scared.
>The only people I see stating this are those already on WLC's side
>he thinks Sam hasn't already heard these arguments and dismissed them like a sensible person
I disagree. Ironically, I think Trump will be the best for the Jews in the long run, because only a white nation will commit itself to helping Israel.
I know a kike when I see him.
is this ben stiller?
>What ultimately convinced you not to vote for Trump?
When did you stop beating your wife?
/lit/ was infested with redditors months ago when that stupid list was posted on imgur. It made /lit/ even worse than it was before. Go back to r/atheism so you don't have to be so scared anymore.
I wouldn't put it past him to dismiss the argument, but only because it doesn't fit his narrative. the argument is true.
If not, go ahead and tell me why it's wrong then, sensible person
not being an amerilard is what convinced me not to vote
Being a nigger made you not vote for Trump?
I would accept a fascist, but trump is just a joke. He's embarrassing.
American bantz at it again.
>I would accept a fascist,
Then you will love Hillary. She will make guns and free specch illegal.
its interesting to notice how Sup Forums avoid debate and other opinions.
>hurrduur he doesn't "think" like me fuck him
this place truly is a circle jerk.
You are a nigger from Algeria. Why the fuck are you even here?
Get the fuck out.
>a community enforces community standards? hah, how interesting. no community should have any standards unless i agree with their politics. every community should be built around my personal political goals
Ah, Sam "The Eternal Kike" Harris.
Seriously? You're using the k-word? Real mature.
thanks for proving my point
so what you're saying is: yes Sup Forums is a circlejerk, not a place for debate
Nice, I saw this on reddit.
>so what you're saying is: yes Sup Forums is a circlejerk, not a place for debate
that's a false dichotomy. you're free to debate without being silenced - you're doing it as we speak, literally right now. that doesn't mean community standards don't exist. you have a much larger platform here than you would on nearly any other website where the majority of users disagree strongly with your opinions.
I stopped watching when he said Clinton isn't ignorant of how the world works, and that she's qualified. So that was a good waste of 20 seconds of my life.
How very literary of you to evaporate immediately upon being called out on your reasoning.
If you aren't prepared to back up your statements, next time stay in /lit/ if that's actually where you're "from".
Empiricists will always and eternally be fucked by logic~
>Algerian nigger thinks that his opinions matter
Reminder that you will always be a nigger.