
3AM edition.

Absolute craic man so you are.

Civ when?

Maybe tomorrow or Sunday depending.
Do you intend to finish your match with Jaggy or did it get too one-sided?

>Do you intend to finish your match with Jaggy or did it get too one-sided
I'm more than happy to continue it, though it might be fairly one-sided at the same time.
Could have multiple games running at the same simultaneously though. I'm intrigued to see how good you are, have very high expectations.

>I'm intrigued to see how good you are, have very high expectations.
Well apart from our aborted match I haven't played multiplayer before so don't expect too much. Last time did teach me I need to invest more in military, though turtling up did give me an early science lead I could've taken advantage of. Still, from watching your game against the Kingdom of Jaguar it seems early expansion works a lot better than I thought so I'll be taking that into consideration.
As long as I don't get stuck with some meme country like the Iroquis.

Were you playing with AI players with Jaggy?



>need to invest more in military
Wall is mightier than the library, one might say.
>Were you playing with AI players
Yes. One of them attacked Jaggy and razed one of his cities, which set him back a slight bit.

~~~ waheeyy~~~

~catch me if you can waeeyyyyy~~~

>Wall is mightier than the library, one might say
I suppose I suffered the same fate as our ancient monks. Next time I'll invest in roundtowers.

I'll leave the decision to you then whether to keep them. I don't mind unless Alexander's in the game, if Alexander exists I'm ragequitting immediately.
Apart from that the only setting I care about is the timer.

>One of them attacked Jaggy and razed one of his cities, which set him back a slight bit
Sic semper Cardcaptor it seems.


Still can't sleep, it's going to be another rough day tomorrow I think. As long as I don't sleep through the match on Sunday everything will be ceart go leor.

Going back to bed again. Another exciting chapter in this tale of sleep deprivation.

>that pic

>back to going to bed at normal times and waking up at normal times thanks to college

What's the most right-wing relevant political party/group in Ireland?

What are the best resources for getting into poker? I'm interested in joining my college's poker club but I'm not very experienced and there are some cases where I'm not sure which hand is better, e.g. full house of 2s and two-pair of aces.

>e.g. full house of 2s and two-pair of aces.
I wasn't thinking when I said this. Let's pretend I said one player has a full house of 2s and 3s and the other has 2-pair of aces and kings.

Pokers boring and shit. Join the anime club and stop being a loser.

this tbqh famalam

YouTube videos, playing live games and the book The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky

Sister walking around the house with nothing but a long towel wrapped around her. Why does she think this is acceptable?

I do this

Please don't do this.

Morning. I'm still a bit sick. Had a bunch of weird fever dreams.

Post pics

Damn, I thought you were Lux for a second. Now that I know you're Irish, the image of the girl in my head suddenly got a lot uglier.

>tfw no sultry Franco-Germanic gf

Good afternoon, /éire/.

Plans for today?

Might try out The Division since there's a free weekend for it on Steam.

In work

Send me an invite.

The what now?

Watching women's olympic weightlifting videos

looks good but I'm too lazy to actually try out something new.
what kind of work?
short term things you might do or not do on this saturday afternoon.

Serious question lads, where can i get a black gf. pls respond

>what kind of work?


There are some cuties out there, especially at UCD desu

I'm a trinity wanker though, and i've only met 2 nigerian girls (through an arts and humanities friend), and they were both zealous christians
I hope to god not all our africans are like this

I did 4th year work experience in a huge bookshop and it was the most miserable experience ever.
I don't live in Dubshit but in my last job I worked with a few black girls that were super cuties. Wish I wasn't so shy.
Black girls have a great fashion sense too.

t. AA

Yes I am the one that said that. What are you implying?

Irish who didn't go to trinity are more irish than those who did

good post



>install game
>find out it has uplay

Good decision, I wouldn't install that either. Same with origin. That will never step foot on my hard drive.

>tfw aiming to go to Trinity

Why would you want to go to there?

To see if it's any good, and because I have a place to stay in Dublin.
And fuck going to UCD or DCU.

I thought UCD was meant to be good?

>To see if it's any good, and because I have a place to stay in Dublin.
Just to see if it's any good? Give me the real reason please.
>And fuck going to UCD or DCU.
Why though?
How old are you?
UCD and DCU are both fine. Even DIT is fine.

>Give me the real reason please.
Because it's supposed to be a good university.

>Even DIT is fine.
Let's not go mad.

>Because it's supposed to be a good university.
Answer the other questions.
Doesn't actually matter what college you go to desu as long as you put in the effort.

>Doesn't actually matter what college you go to desu as long as you put in the effort.
Nice meme.

t. 17 year old.

t. AA

Would be embarrassed if I went to trinity desu.

>UCD and DCU are both fine

Ehhh, UCD is super crowded, like ridiculously crowded. The graduate business school is really nice though, cute even

Are you looking to do a masters or phd? Why is the business school cute?
Do you actually enjoy studying business? Always thought it was just a meme people studied when they didn't know what else to do.

I'm doing a masters, and the business school campus is cute. I'm not actually studying business, but a specialised finance degree. I don't know why someone would get a business degree for their bachelors, but a masters of business administration is considered to be very good depending on the university.

Anybody else sick?

What kind of job are you hoping to get out of it? Any particular company?

>I don't know why someone would get a business degree for their bachelors
Usually because they don't know what to do with their lives but a good business degree can open a lot of doors if marketed correctly.

>good business degree can open a lot of doors if marketed correctly.
This but it also applies to pretty much every aspect of getting employment.
There's a way to market yourself and do up your C.V and applications properly, and also a nack to the interview even if it is mostly lies or over exaggerations.
I feel like the average person thinks they know how to make up a good C.V but really they're terrible at it.

I would like to go into aircraft leasing, maybe Avolon, Aercap, or SMBC. Particularly, credit risk and loss forecasting. Ireland is like the capital for the industry.

suck my black cock

Oh are you the person who was learning about planes? That's something different I suppose. At best I know about air contractors being a pretty large company.
Honestly I imagine it to be extremely boring and convoluted but I'm sure there's plenty of money to be made.

>tfw not from country ni

I have several business idea's I'd like to try out someday but the thought of actually doing it is so daunting and would require a huge amount of effort, learning and money so nah.

>will never step foot on my hard drive
Why? What's wrong with Origin exactly?
Do you also not like Battle.net?

>what's wrong with EA
I bet you give blizzard money too.

Does anybody here have a sense of humour in real life, are you witty and fast? How do I learn how to do this? I can't even laugh loudly in front of people but I can when I'm on my own.

>How do I learn how to do this?
It's not something you can learn. If you have the 'tism now, you will always have it.

>what's wrong with EA
BF1 is an alright game lad, and non-EA games are available on Origin as well.
I understand the criticism of Uplay because it runs like shit a lot of the time and is an extra layer of software and another account on top of Steam. Not really the case with Origin or Battle.net.
What development companies do you like?
>bet you give blizzard money too
WoW is also pretty decent.

This is the number one thing that troubles me every day is my inability to make conversation beyond mundane small talk that nobody cares about.

>WoW is also pretty decent.

Well it's still one of the best, or the best MMO games.
There aren't that many decent successful ones around these days, FFXIV is going strong I hear and EVE perhaps but that isn't really a traditional MMORPG.
Wouldn't expect a consolefag and player of entry level Paradox games to understand such a genre anyways desu.

>Well it's still one of the best, or the best MMO games.
Biggest =/= Best.

Hahaha you actually think wow is decent? The only acceptable form of wow is private server vanilla tbc and wotlk wow. What blizzard did to wow and how they currently carry on is the exact reason you shouldn't give them money.

Similarly EA are a terrible company that have ruined games and are only out to squeeze every last cent from your pocket.
Having all these terrible companies software on your PC just bloats it and it's unessecery.

>Biggest =/= Best
That's true, but it still is a decent game. Good population, variety of things to do, large amount of lore and decent enough storylines built up over the last decade.
What MMOs would you consider to be better than it in the modern day?

>all these terrible companies software on your PC just bloats it and it's unessecery
Feel like you don't fully understand the definition of bloat in regards to software. The launchers really don't take up much space and they don't affect performance. And if you want to play the games it is necessary, obviously.

>only acceptable form of wow is private server vanilla tbc and wotlk wow
Found the poorfag.

I will always be better than every single one of you except jaggy.


>still is a decent game. Good population, variety of things to do, large amount of lore and decent enough storylines built up over the last decade.
No. WoW is not a decent game today. It's a simplified childish arcade version of the WoW we once knew and loved. The world is dead, the systems are broken and the game is ridiculously easy you can practically get to max level in a couple of hours without talking to a single person or grouping up and it's nearly impossible to die too.
If you've never played old WoW then you wouldn't know this.
The population is pathetic too, not that population in that game matters anymore because the "world" is dead and people just sit idle in their little personal tent or whatever the fuck it is while getting their little minion things to go fetch quests for them and take out the bins or some shit while you sit idle for a queue to do raids.
Questing is dead, World exploration is dead, world pvp is dead. It's horrific lifeless game.
I can afford to pay for the retail version but it's not worth it when you can get a far superior version of the game for free.
pic related:

>simplified childish arcade version
>world is dead
>systems are broken
>game is ridiculously easy
>max level in a couple of hours
>nearly impossible to die
>population is pathetic
>the "world" is dead
>people just sit idle in their little personal tent or whatever the fuck it is
>questing is dead
>world exploration is dead
>world pvp is dead
>horrific lifeless game
Drumpf tier exaggeration and hyperbole. Impressive (not).

You'd know if you actually played WoW pre cata.

This a man or a woman? I can't tell.


>Drumpf tier

it means "trump"

Why not say that then?

I'm not the one who made that post. Go figure it out yourself it's fairly obvious why he uses it.

>Go figure it out yourself it's fairly obvious why he uses it.
Herd mentality?

>French trying to steal our multinational tax money
>we have fucking Pascal Donoghue negotiating for us