French is a retarded language

French is a retarded language

>hurr durr let's put a bunch of random letters in our words
>and then straight up NOT pronounce any of them

As a language it will be dead by the year 2050

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If I'm not mistaken, It's like that because they didn't make any reforms and kept the spelling. Doing this makes reading old shit easier.

Africa will keep French alive.

did a frog steal that girl you liked but never approached or something m8

cont: and English spelling is even worse lmao

Nous ne disons tous les lettres d'un mot en anglais. C'est l'orthographe historique et il se permis de trouver l'étymologie d'un mot.


hi, is this the daily ouiaboo thread? :D

Ferme ta gueule putain d'americocu sans classe ni culture.

Mabye, Frenchie. Maybe.

But let's see what languages get taken beyond the stars 200 years from now. When human colonies stretch across Mars, English will still be the international trade language. French will be lucky to even exist by then.

Who cares, the less it's spoken the more attractive it will become, all those books aren't for shit man

>As a language it will be dead by the year 2050
You couldn't be more wrong. French is huge in Sub-Saharan Africa, the fastest growing place in the world. European French is dying and will soon be dead. But African French? That's actually valuable.

>needing a gorillion letters to represent 1 syllable
What did Jacques mean by this?

Through, weigh, sleigh, tough, etc.

>and then straight up NOT pronounce any of them

>he's more concerned with a e s t h e t i c s than long-term viability

This is why your language is dying and your country is fucked

That's the way it is.

English will be bastardized beyond recognition 100 years from now anyways, alors que le français restera préservé sous sa forme la plus pure par les (((immortels))) de l'académie française.
The future of "english" is to be a mix of ebonic, spanish and indian.

It's so cool that I can understand so much French without having studied it. God bless romance languages.

>European French is dying
How so?

Futurama dit que français serait mort avant l'année 3000.

i wish to have beautiful french accent as well ):

Dying relative to the rest of the world. Your country is very small, and rapidly losing its importance in the world.Most of the world's French speakers live in Africa. And a large chunk of your own population growth comes from pure-blooded Africans with names like Pogba and Ngolo. African French is the future of French, European French will become a silly little dialect.

It's true.

>anglo complaining about pronunciation

No it's not, every french speek french and our population is at worst stable.
And it's still massively used in the maghreb.

>silly little dialect.

certainly not silly though

You're next

sorry my negro, but spanish is the way to go

American English and American Spanish are already bastard brown dialects of their European ancestors. What do you mean, "you're next"?

There are more French speakers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo than there are in all of France. African French is the future of French. You'll have to deal with it the same way the British dealt with American English and the Spaniards dealt with Latino Spanish.

The French have defended their language better than most countries t bh

We used to pronounce all the letters before
Noone forces you to learn it anyway faggot
>As a language it will be dead by the year 2050
We know that

I have been in Mali and Tchad and their french is very limited.
Anyway they are abandoning french in favor of learning English instead because they know it is the lingua franca and the language of the future, they're not stupid.

>learning English instead because they know it is the lingua franca and the language of the future

Well it's true, I won't deny it
French is fucking useless outside of France now,maybe it's better this way

Chin up, me old fruit

I envy them tbqh


A classic

It is indeed the current lingua franca but it is a language of the past already

The future is mandarin through China, french through Africa and arab through bombing

>french through Africa
No you nigger, they are learning English instead, learn to read

>learn to read
As if your dumb bullshits were any kind of authority

My concern is with the fact that their pronunciation makes it sound like they're trying to eat their own tongue

Come back when you can pronounce this letter : R

And the anglos dare to make fun of asians for pronouncing their R's like L's
That's what you fuckin' do all the time!

I think there's a lot to be said for having a language that's truly your own. Ours isn't really ours at all any more.


there are worse fates than death

Amerifaggot saying

Ich lerne Deutsch.Es ist die Zukunft.



No one pronunce it like that wtf funland



It's bordau

i mean pejau*


Keep trying, retard.

At least they have a language made by them, even tho proto French was born in Aosta region.

Look what you made me do, defend France.

Non arrête de dire des conneries, bordel. Don't forget that French is also spoken in Africa, so this language is far to be dead by 2050, you fucking retard.