Can we take a moment to thank Tray Parker and Matt Stone for breaking a 60 year taboo and red-pilling an entire...

Can we take a moment to thank Tray Parker and Matt Stone for breaking a 60 year taboo and red-pilling an entire generation about the degeneracy of the Synagogue of Satan.

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In a way, yeah they helped shift the overton a lot.


can't wait for their new game

It's satire you fucking idiot. Cartman is anti Semitic and everyone hates him and he's a stupid fat obnoxious spoiled rotten white kid.



Fuck off you stupid fat obnxious spoiled rotton JEW LOVER! Everyone loves Cartman.


You sound like a whiny 12 year old

"death camp of tolerance" or something like that.

fuck off spoiled obnoxious rotton freak everyone hates you

you sound like a whiny Jew lover



No that came out 2002 that's an older one. I thought this one was new?

Screw off Jew I hate you!

>everyone i dont like is a jew


But cartman is consistently proven right

At first, until they turned Cartman into a degenerate whiny faggot.


stfu whiny degenerate



WM/BF is fine
BM/WF is heresy

t. negro monkey mixer

At least she's attractive.

>matt married a nigger
>trey married a jap, got divorced, then married someone named boogie who has an 8 year old from a previous marriage

>matt is a nigger lover and trey is a cuck
mid kek. i wonder how matt's wife feels about the racist jokes on the show.


they get away with it for this reason. the creators are jews, it's some kind of sneaky jewish reverse psychology.

cartman even converts to juden in one episode.

still a good show, mind.






Capslock is degenerate





Excerpt from Crippled Summer

Jeff VanVonderen: Alright. Eric, do you wanna go next?

Cartman: [reads his note] Kyle, I hate you so much. You are a liar and a swindler who would do anything for money, and I-.

Kyle: We're here for Towelie, fatass!

Cartman: I'm supposed to be allowed to finish, right? Is that right? [clears his throat] The Jews have been persecuted across the earth for good reason, Kyle. You are a race of beady-eyed thieves who are always wan- [Kyle walks over and rips the note from Cartman's hands]

Kyle: This is serious, you fucking asshole!

Cartman: I'm being serious, Kyle! Hello?!

Jeff VanVonderen: Kyle, we have to let people be allowed to finish during interventions.

Kyle: But he's just using his time on television to rant about-

Jeff VanVonderen: Kyle please, It is not your turn!

Cartman: [takes his note back. Kyle walks back to his seat] You are a race of beady-eyed thieves, Kyle, who throughout the millennia have squirmed and worked your way into the dark cubbyholes of society. [puts down that sheet, but reaches into his back pocket for another one] Where exactly did the Jews first get their power and how are they able to manipulate our minds today?
Cartman:If in fact the Jews truly are shapeshifters, and I believe I've presented enough evidence here to prove that they are, then we must unite as a species to fight them and stop their plan of global domination and the control of our freedom. [puts the note on top of the pile and sits there quietly]

You're degenerate i hope you have cancer.

She's absolutely hot as fuck mate.

A 10/10 is a 10/10.

Would racemix.


Standards brother, standards....

bump oy vey

You go too far, brother.

*unsheathes 3 katanas*
Going somewhere, kid?

Yet he turns out to be right at the end of many episodes.

I am pretty sure that most would agree that Cartman is the most entertaining character in the whole show.

In every episode they pull that pro and anti war shit. Where every time they show one side of an issue they also present the opposition's side.

Wew, this is a 10/10 in Britain. You have my sympathy.

Cartman is literally always right

Best Korea is interesting aswell, it doesn't mean I want to live there. Necrotic fasciitis is also extremly interesting.

>You sound like a whiny 12 year old
>proceeds to argue with said 12 year old
come on man

>not stan's father

ok guy

I can see why he married that fine slab of chocolate.

I was not saying that I wanted to live in Cartman
he comes second

Sup Forums ?


>Thanks the Jews for creating yet another controlled opposition product to sap the strength of true resistance to their dominance
good goyim

what the fuck they both have nigfus?

Cartman's best(only) friend is Jewish.

Dayum she's a super qt3.14

I can't stand cartman. He used to be great and just one of the kids until they changed him to some kind of edgy evil psycho. Fuck cartman.

This. South Park like everything on TV is made by the kikes. They were trying to be edgy, but it helped wake people up to the kikes in general.


Do you think those milionaire buddies since childhood who made a fortune writing lewd cartoons with hot wives give a fuck what sexless weirdos on Sup Forums think?

Butters isn't jewish

Cartman's best friend is quite obviously Stan or Kenny.

>Trey 'stupid goy' Parker writes, directs, produces, voice acts, oversees, coordinates every step of development for the show from start to finish, and works hundred hour weeks the entire season run to do so
>Matt Stein deals with administrative work, writes music occasionally and voices one character
>share 50% of credit, rights and income
letting Trey get away with jew jokes is just a concession he makes to keep the gravy train rolling

Yea I am pretty sure that he mentioned that Kenny was his best friend or something

I hope you understand that there's literally an episode called cancelled where Earth is actually a reality show put on by alien jews who put races together to watch the carnage, sell it and make money off of it and there is a line "Joozians own all media in the universe".

In the most recent season in the first episode Cartman tells Kyle that as a jew he is responsible for unlimited immigration because he's a jew and wants to undermine the moral fabric of America.

They constantly make jabs like that.


He is not if his only problem with interracial is when white woman dates another race

give me hundreds of millions of dollars and I'll spout any old liberal bollocks about white people too

Literally a hypocrite

>It's okay for me to race mix but not you

But he is not a woman
Hypocrisy is when you have some rules that you demand of others, but you yourself don't follow

It'd only be hypocrisy to hold men and women to different standards if men and women were the same.

Right, I forgot that women aren't equal and that they need to do what they are told, but it's okay for men to go break all the rules because mug dick

South Park is so redpilled its absurd that it has gotten to popular, I consider it the only thing that I am a fanboy for

Its not my reasoning
Personally I think it has some merit, taking a woman of another tribe was always seen as victory. This is pretty natural for males.

Cartman has risked his life to save Kyle's and Kyle is the only person he believes is on his level. He has never shown that Stan is anything more than the friend of a friend and he openly laughs at Kenny's death/other misfortunes.

Butters is Cartman's useful idiot.

it got popular because it acheived momentum at a particular time. at that time the young people were still gen x and they had all just come through the 90s and the seattle scene and new wave of american heavy metal and gangster rap, and it had really become ok for everyone to stand around and say 'this fucking sucks' and accept a level of negativity in their world view. it went from 'i'm ok, you're ok' to 'i'm not ok, go fuck yourself', whereas these days it's 'i'm not ok, stop the world and cater to my emotions'. political correctness was still considered a fucking joke and people were a lot less precious. bevis and butthead was still around and the simpsons was still watchable. it got anchored in at a particular time and as time went one it became 'oh well that's what southpark is like' and it's never left us.

i love those guys and i love southpark. fuckload of stuff about them on youtube, they're always a great watch.

jesus she's hot

let's be honest, to live with him she has to be the exact opposite of a blm whining nigger

and she is really fucking hot holy shit

Yep. It's definitely summer now.

if you listen to their recent interviews, they started off essentially being stan and kyle and now matt and trey identify mainly with cartman these days.

thing is cartman usually wins and cartman is usually right. as time has gone on more and more episodes are anchored around cartman.