Expanse thread, best granny edition!
terrible character in a redundant plotline.
>still looks like a midget
Do I look like a fucking shrink? Why are you talking about your mom?
It's the mouth breather chin. How did he even get cast?
Miller likes it in the butt?
He is supposed to be shorter than Naomi and belters as an Earther. At least they're getting this part right.
Remember the beginning of S1 when belters actually looked like belters?
What was that black goo?
Why didn't Eros scream? I was looking forward to Eros screaming
It did, but it screamed something incoherent. I think if they did the book version it would be creepier.
The book version would have been the perfect cliff hanger end for the episode
is it a lewd scream?
Close enough. It's Julie either about to get raped or remembering it and getting triggered? and not in the stupid tumblr way
A manned Nauvoo would never have sustained a burn like that; even in the best couch, the thrust gravity would have pulped bones. He tried to guess how fast the ship would be going when it hit.
Fast enough. That was all that mattered. Fast enough.
There, in the center of the fiery bloom, Miller saw a dark spot, no more than the dot of a pencil’s tip. The ship itself. He took a deep breath. When he closed his eyes, the light pressed red through his lids. When he opened them again, the Nauvoo had length. Shape. It was a needle, an arrow, a missile. A fist rising from the depths. For the first time in memory, Miller felt awe.
Eros shouted.
Slowly, the bloom of engine fire changed from a circle to an oval to a great feathery plume, the Nauvoo itself showing silver in rough profile. Miller gaped.
The Nauvoo had missed. It had turned. It was right now, right now, speeding past Eros and not into it. But he hadn’t seen any kind of maneuvering rockets fire.
>giant space dick ramming into space station called Eros
>the station screams that it doesn't want it
What did they mean by this?
Julie = Eros at this point, no? It's been a while since I read, but I got the impression it was her voice.
A commentary on rape culture. It's a feminist series.
It is, which is why I wanted that part to occur, the entire Eros == Julie part is awesome along with Miller hauling the bomb through the station to try and find her
>eros becomes a touchy skynet
“Catch me if you can, cocksuckers,” Eros said. “I am gone and gone and gone. Gone and gone and gone.”
"Bad girl eros, sit! sit!", Miller said
Remember guys, smoking is bad for you
Her voice is sexy you just homo mang.
Bookfags pls no ruin, but it would be pottery if the series ends with a side note about humanity sending self replicating robots to explore the universe, in a way starting this whole goo thing all over again for some other species.
What're the belter lingo you guys picked up?
I only remember welwala
the goo must flow?
I won't spoil anything but so far nothing like that has happened. The stars don't deserve us.
he says pumpah or something like that to miller
Been done in Space Detective, I hope Expense guys come up with something more original.
>Tfw no qt belter gf.
God dammit my dick though.
Pampaw, belalowda, sa sa.
I unironically loved that the bulk beings from Interstellar were humanity's descendents.
Date a model, they're somewhat like Belters: tall and anorexic Much more high-maintenance though
Why do they keep shoving muh stronk womyn and muh diversity down our throat?
I wish I could remember which Victoria's Secret model this was traced from
shhh! shuddup and takeit
For the fellow bookfags here
anyone else hoping they keep Florence to play "Peaches"?
I think it could work
Because you touch yourself at night.
Why do you make a big deal every time you sie a single woman who isn't baking cookies?
They aren't, the characters are all originals from the story. They aren't diversity picks, they were picked to accurately represent the characters from the book. The only pick that confused me was the guy who plays Amos, because he doesn't have a beer gut.
>get butthurt that the inners suddenly have access to over a thousand theoretically habitable worlds that will only kill two-thirds or so of their colonists with opportunistic alien microbes
>start spouting "beltalodah be da TRUE futcha of evolution" sour grapes bullshit at every opportunity
>buy into your own jingo so hard that you drop a barrage of RKVs on your species' homeworld and only self-sustaining habitat like some half-assed wannabe Char Aznable
Fucking Belters can't leave a good thing alone
Well they'll have to, unless they can find an actress who's nearly identical to her. Claire a cute, I really did grow to like her character.
oh wait, Romee Strijd.
even sounds like a Belter name.
I haven't read the book but the guy who plays Amos is great. He pulls off the role well.
Yeah that was my thinking as well, granted they could find an actress but i think for non-book viewers it might be a good WTF to suddenly see a new POV character pop up and ask themselves "is that Julie!?"
Not trying to be unreasonable or anything, it's a scientific fact that women have only 33% of upper body strenght compared to men. When you portray women as stong as man, that's just not realistic. When you portray women leading men into battle, that's not realistic, as it doesn't happen in real world.
I still don't get the whole "new planets will make belters extinct so we're just going to blockade the gate" shit. After all, people would still absolutely need orbital factories, long-haul transports for interplanetary travel, possibly orbital mass driver stations, etc and people to run them.
Oh yeah his performance is good, he just doesn't look the way the book describes him.
This is fair they could bring her back and just use makeup to change the way her face looks a bit, have a scene when Mao goes down showing her and the rest of the Mao family receiving the news.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the sexiest character.
To be fair though the Martian chick is supposedly supposed to be built like a fridge. Maybe they grow them differently in space.
>it's a scientific fact that women have only 33% of upper body strenght compared to men.
average woman compared to average man
To be fair, this is a universe where you can pump yourself up on steroids and growth hormones to go from a tenth of a G to a full G within only a few months with physical training. It's not too implausible to imagine that soldiers receive similar treatments, and the MMC does train at a full G so at the very least any Marine who can handle the training will be physically stronger than any normal Martian or Belter, who's muscles are only adapted to fractional G.
Post in on the Expanse plebbit, perhaps the showrunners will see it and get inspired.
>You will never steal a Mormon spaceship.
Why did Diogo abandon Miller so easily after he asked him? I thought they had a bit of a friendship going on there
Recent RL ought to have explained it to you, user. When people spend years on end convincing themselves that they're the inevitable future, then they suddenly aren't, they go completely out of their gourds over all the normies.
he was ready to die together
but miller told him to go
The Belters are used to being ignored by the Inners unless they need them to haul resources, so the thought of all these untouched (if only) planets brimming with free water, metals, and everything else a terrestrial civilization needs is justifies a fear of being made obsolete.
The fact that it took Avasarala to say "hey we're still going to need to carry out intersystem commerce and shipping, why not start a spacer guild and guarantee that Belters have their own source of authority moving forward instead of smashing our entire extant civilization in an irrational tantrum" is what strikes me as kind of silly.
No no, user had a point. He is talking about soldiers, the best physical specimens. An female kickboxer could probably take on half the males on this board, but it's a fact that the best men can beat the best women.
Good thing guns exist though. All women have to worry about there is a slightly diminished spacial awareness, else pulling the trigger kills an enemy soldier all the same.
But that was when Diogo was stuck with the bomb. He didn't even ask Miller to abandom him, he just said "welp, I guess we'll die together".
Kind of a dick move.
Yeah this is my hope, I think Florence did a fantastic job last season with the big Julie backstory reveal and would be a shame to just lose her again. And I know it'll be a while, but I'm looking forward to the Claire and Amos friendship, that shit is cute as hell
So why couldn't they let them talk? It wouldn't have mattered anyway, the colony ship was going to collide in minutes and no one could intercept Eros before then.
>Fucking Innies, get oooooout reeeeeee!
well he is not smart enough to tell miller save himself
They also don't know if any of them were infected like their crewmate. It was a tough choice but they gave them no option
I've know enough Polynesian people to have no problem imagining Bobbie being a 2 meter-plus brick wall whose muscles refuse to be anything but hueg when given regular exercise.
And then they found someone with the heaviest Kiwi accent possible to play her reeeeeeeeeeee
iirc collision would only fry the outside, someone could have still entered inside
Seems rather hypocritical seeing as how they themselves got off the station without getting infected AND have a sample of the stuff alive and kicking. I could see killing them if there was any doubt that they were with the corporations, but they seemed pretty sure the other ship were the same do-gooders they were.
what other good scifi shows? already watched firefly and bsg!
That's why the bombs were there. Not just to take out the docks, but to make sure the rest of the surface outside of the Nauvoo's impact zone was too molten and irradiated to safely bypass while Eros made its trip to the sun.
The nukes were supposed to glass the surface and prevent entry long enough for the collision to knock Eros into the Sun. It doesn't matter if they got the signal out.
Also the people who infected Eros would know what was happening as soon as the collision happens and would send people regardless. The only difference would be most of humanity would know what's on there, but most of humanity wouldn't mind the killer plague being wiped out.
What's the reason the indian grandma is the only one wearing colorful dresses? Everybody else in the show is either in uniform or understated casual clothing. Does the author have some punjabi fetish or something
i want to know as well since the major ones i've already been into like you.
some say Westworld has a good scifi flare about it definitely, but i know it's a show that's kinda divided on Sup Forums
I hear Babylon 5 is pretty good, though I haven't gotten around to watching it myself. I always liked Farscape. And then of course there is star trek. You could also watch Cowboy Bebop even though it's anime
the could change its course from sun with some missiles and force their way in,
if they announced it would attract a few mega corps with enough funds to do so
I mean maybe... or maybe it was his dream to pulverize doctors without borders
I guess. Doesn't seem like it would matter too much much from my perspective though because the real people they have to worry about is whoever infected Eros in the first place, and they would learn nothing new from the news getting out and if anything would feel even more heat.
So what happens to the Nauvoo now? Can they stop it and bring it back? The Mormons deserve their spaceship.
>mormons have a state of art spaceship
>scientologists don't
you don't need a space ship to reach god
The Nauvoo is definitely brought back, it has extremely important roles to play in the story. The OPA builds some sanic fast ships to chase it down and bring it back. The Mormons don't get it back though.
probably by 2100 everyone realized scientology was a scam
They seem to feel pretty strongly that God is in another solar system
And mormonism isn't? They're not even Christian tebehe.
Miscaivage the 8th spends all his money on space blackjack and space hookers, so they can't afford a giant volcano-shaped spaceship.
>miscaivage the 8th
There's something here I don't get. Are you referencing Futurama?
I thought it was just that they wanted to go somewhere they could create a pure Mormon society
>they aren't even Christian
t. butthurt christfag
Anyone who accepts Jesus as their lord and savior is a Christian by definition.
no I just figure the current Space Pope won't be running Scientology in 200 years, it'll be some descendant of his.
Mormon bullying is eternal, user.
It's the price they pay for getting pussy all the time.
their tall tale is more believable and closer to christians'
Mormons won't survive the space age. Most religions won't. Others will come and take their place.
Given that most religions are many centuries or even thousands of years old why do you think that?
The religions with the strongest memes will survive, and Mormonism has strong memes.