Top 10 countries in your opinion?

Based on their culture/history

1. U.S.
2. Nothing else



Why are there so many Swedes on the internet?

because they are all social outcasts like us

No order,

Spain I guess
Portugal I guess

Nobody else

new zealand

Based on their affects on history, economy, population, and culture
in no particular order (except USA)
1. USA
2. India
3. China
4. Iran
5. France
6. Spain
7. Japan
8. Russia
9. UK

Based mostly on history
>1: US =/= UK
>2: Japan
>3: France =/= Italy
>4: Germany =/= Russia
>5: China
>6: India
>7: -
>8: -
>9: -
>10: Everyone else

1. Egypt
2. Rome
3. Persia
4. Mesopotamia
5. China
6. Holy Roman Empire
7. Macedonia
8. Russia
9. Does Mongolia even qualify?
10. France

>Based on their culture/history
In what way?
Honestly dont understand your question. Seems like a thread a brainlet would make.

USA has no culture other than killing natives

sort of like us except we forced them in to white families to breed them out.

Wtf @ ppl including poland, sweden, iran, SHITaly, australia, switzerland, belgium, finland, singapore, latvia, lithuania, canada, usa, and new zealand


Hail America (the continent)

Inca Empire

Probably just Finns

1. middle east
2. southern Europe
3. china

In terms of relevance, economy:
1. Usa
2. Uk
3. Germany
4. Russia
5. France
6. China
7. Italy
8. Japan
9. Spain
10. Israel

1. China
2. Iran
3. Greece
4. India
5. Turkey
6. UK
7. Italy
8. Germany
9. France
10. Mongolia

Obviously Portugal
We are hisyorically by far one of the most important countries

Based on culture/history?


t. Alberto Barbosa

If your country has been playable in the Civilization series, you qualify. If it hasn't, you don't. Australia, congratulations. For some retarded reason you made the cut.

Pan-American nation when?

How about now?


This is a good point.

No country is better than the USA, because the best people from all the other countries chose to immigrate here. We're a new world country, so we have all the best immigrants since they all (minus historical-slaves) chose to immigrate here on their own will.

Europeans didn't recently choose to immigrate to Europe, Chinese people didn't choose to immigrate to China, Indian people didn't choose to immigrate to India, etc.

But everyone in the USA chose to immigrate here. We have the best of the best, the best British, the best Italians, the best Russians, Germans, Indians, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, etc.

So when a Britfag insults the USA, they're basically insulting a coalition best British people + the best people of other cultures too.

and no one has more pride than MURICA

Fully agree MURICA fuck yeah

There's no reason to ever leave this beautiful country. We're the most geographically diverse country on Earth.

Want a tropical vacation with volcanoes? Don't go to the Bahamas/Mexico/Mediterranean, go to Hawaii.

Want a cold tundra experience? Don't go to Russia, go to Alaska.

Want to experience Japanese culture? Don't go to Japan, go to San Francisco or Honolulu.

Want to see the fish culture of Nordic Europe? Go to Maine or Ballard in Seattle.

Want to see Europe? Go to New York or Vegas (there's a part of Vegas that looks just like Italy).

Plus we make the best movies, have the best universities, and create all the music on earth.

I will divide my top 10 in two halves because I'm autistic.

Consistent Top 5 (they have nice culture and history and are at least decent countries nowadays):
1. Italy
2. France
3. Japan
4. Spain
5. China (both)

Decadent Top 5 (they have great culture and history but their countries are in a sorry state nowadays):
1. Iran
2. Greece
3. India
4. Egypt
5. Iraq

>there's a greater Shanghai in the map
>there's no greater Guangzhou


Only including countries that still exist today
1. USA
2. China
3. Britain
4. France
5. Spain
6. India
7. Germany
8. Turkey
9. Iran
10. Russia

History is overrated. Culture is what matters. We have the greatest culture in the world.


Pick one

We don't have a culture.

Out of all civilisation cradles, only China exists. Does India count? It's such a shame what happened to Egypt.

The Indus River civilization is mostly entirely in modern Pakistan, which is an Islamic state, so I wouldn't count it or modern India.

>mostly entirely
Meant to say "almost entirely"

chinese are subhumans who got fucked by invaders

Greek is the only one that survived with pure people

you chinese shitskin

1. Norway
2. Norway
3. Norway
4. Norway
5. Norway
6. Norway
7. Norway
8. Norway
9. Norway

*blocks your path*

I am Lebanese but you're gonna call me an Arab shitskin anyway

norwegians are subhumans

cunt eyed shitskin with dark genitals

you arab subhumans are very jealous of Greeks and turks
you manipulative asian subhumans

Fuck off Leb.
Yes we do. It's a twist of traditional Anglo-British culture but with our and American influence. We're still shaping it mind you.

Not really. The current people are very different generically and culturally from their ancestors. Maybe the Southern people can have some claim but they live the South hundreds of kilometers from where they originally used to.
Tbh it's only the Chinese and Greeks.

You are Turkish rapebabies.

you shitskin chinese

there are several studies
even a recent one
proving again that Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks

asian subhuman
always manipulative


The Greeks aren't a civilisation cradle (although they were the cradle for "Western" civ) and I don't know how similar modern Greek culture is to Ancient Greek culture.

diaspora shitskin

new world flags
always a shitskin behind
canada worst
then australia
then america

*is bitchboy of Turks for 500 years*

>I don't know how similar modern Greek culture is to Ancient Greek culture.
Not similar at all. Indians still have their Vedic religion from thousands of years ago. So I think they have stronger cultural continuity than Greeks do.

look at this manipulative asian shitskin

>I don't know how similar modern Greek culture is to Ancient Greek culture.
its because you are a sneaky asian diaspora shitskin

thats a lie

manipulative asian shitskin with inferiority complex

I'm glad you only think I'm third-worst, Mehmet

Reminder that Greek girls are the easiest girls to fuck in Melbourne. They especially love it when you cum on their face and eyes,

this post is trash

because of me he is angry and starts to lie
manipulative asian mentality

a shitskin with dark genitals

>Its a lie
Boy have I got news for you

Kill yourself.


you are the manipulative diaspora shitskin who came to my threads on pol

you came to most of my threads you sneaky asian shitskin

shitskin australia
only subhumans

you have got lies manipultive asian shitskin

you are the latino subhuman in a 3rd world shithole
not me

It's hard to tell with Indian continuity but Greeks are totally different culturally. Greeks even forget they were Greek and instead claimed Roman identity during the Byzantine empire.

asian shitskin continues to lie

manipulative asiatic behavior

Modern Greek culture is highly divergent from ancient Greek culture, but it's still stronger than say -- Egyptian culture. Indian culture was surprisingly better preserved despite the constant fragmentation and invasion. China was largely isolated and even foreign dynasties didn't culturally alter it much.

This. Greeks were identifying as Roman and not Greek for about a thousand years even if they continued to speak Greek.

Then it's probably just China. All the ancient people were eventually raped by somebody else and then forged new identities after that but chinks seem to be the only ones that carried a lot of their original culture to the 20th century. Even modern day Hinduism is vastly different to ancient Hinduism.

manipultive asian shitskin

he is lying about Greek history because he has an inferiority complex

and manipulation is normal for asiatic subhumans

Even before that, there's a disconnection between the Indus Valley civilizations and ancient (Vedic) India akin to the gap between the Mycenaeans and Minoans and classical Greece. We still haven't deciphered Indus Valley writings, and it is doubtful that we ever will.

China technically got overrun by barbarians a few times, but its culture persisted and we never lost the ability to read their moonrunes and we had successive political entities from the iron age to last century. Perhaps a bigger blow was the cultural revolution, but not even the loss of one generation is enough to erase that amount of culture accumulated over millennia. Still, I wish the Chinese on the mainland took better care of their cultural artifacts.

>three out of four cradles of civilization in the old world got ISLAM'd
Impressive, really. Depressing, but impressive.

keep in mind

these are the shitskins insulting you and pretending to be white at the same time in other threads

Fear the Turkish warrior

Civilisation cradles
>Indus Valley
>Central Andes

This is pretty depressing.

This but Greece instead of fucking Australia

Egypt still exists tho?

sneaky manipulative asian shitskin

you have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks

you shitskinned subhuman with dark genitals and black eyes



diaspora shitskin in australia

because you are a shitskin with dark genitals and jealous of light skinned people

Arab'd, and then Turk'd.
>Indus valley

>Central Andes

Hun'd, Jurchen'd, Mongol'd, Manchu'd, and yet they were still able to assimilate their conquerors every single time.

New zeland

Egypt was Persian'd, Roman'd, Greek'd, Islam'd, Turk'd, British'd

trash list
you slavic subhuman

>g*rman subhuman calling anyone else a subhuman
Thanks g*rman you destroyed europe once again
Meanwhile croatia was defending europe from muslim meance for centuries

Kek 2000 years under foreign rule

1. USA
The rest is quite irrelevant

I am a Greek you slavic subhuman

why bother replying to b8?

Technically so was Mesopotamia, although you have to include Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia for it too.

But I hesitated to include them because the after effects that you see on Egypt and Mesopotamia are pretty much 100% based on the arabization.

america is a shitskin country

its not a bait you sneaky asian shitskin

He's a mentally ill turk, don't waste your time.

you are angry because you dont like the truth you latino subhuman

>there are people IN THIS VERY THREAD that unironically dont include italy in their ranking
fuck's wrong with you mongrels?

No not even China. Most Chinese people aren't religious anymore

Chinese people were never religious in the western sense of the word.

They've always had Confucianism, which lives on in the cultural mindset of every Chinese (save for the "lost generation") as well as every culture derived from the Chinese.

Buddhism and Taoism forged a lot of culture over the centuries, but they were never religions "practiced" in the same sense that the West practice Christianity or MENA practices Islam, but more akin to the way Western people practice enlightenment ideals nowadays regardless of religion, and they were never majority religions to begin with.

And most of all, religion isn't the same as culture.

Roman Empire

>all these illiterates saying Iran as if their culture wasn't based on Mesopotamia until today

Idc if India hasn't "held" their ancient Karnatic roots. I think they have (like they still have classical music and medieval dances like bharatnatyam).

Besides, Medieval India seems like it has the cool stuff

Greek civilization is the most influential
i read this in an older anglo book when brits werent subhumans like today

But it wasn't?

Even pre-islamic Persia was already distant enough from Mesopotamia to call that into question, but now it's a whole different beast.

Africa should be number one. We essentially invented humans since all humans came from Africa. We also created some of the best music known to man (pic related is just a modern contribution. It goes WAY back) and contributed to some of the greatest inventions. There's actually a dispute going on right now about African mathematicians in history, lots of their work has been stolen by the Greeks, Turks, Indians, Chinese, but the ideas all originate from one place.

Greeks were influential sure, but only in BS like philosophy, which is useless today. Look at where Greece is today. Poor.

India HAD karnatic culture but besides that + art, they didn't do anything. Sure they invented "zero", but anyone could've done that (they just did it first). And look where they are today.

Similar to greek. They made philosophy and maybe some math contributions. Mostly, they invented communism (which ruined Russia).

You are retarded.


Were amazing people before the shitty europeans/asians came. Africa isn't even that bad today. Look at India or China if you want to know bad.

are you legally retarded, i know this is obvious bait but, the term communism was fucking coined by two germans