Why is Europe so cucked?

Why is Europe so cucked?
Why can't they simply enforce their borders and tell illegal economic migrants that if they come here without going through legal channels that they will not be given housing, food or public services and they will be allowed to starve on the streets and eventually be deported by force.
You can't stop economic migration without force. They will never stop coming until you remove the incentives to come (public serves, welfare, eventual amnesty etc...).
Paying tens of billions of dollars to bribe other countries into not sending some migrants is utterly retarded.

External pressures.

This is ridiculous, as if Africans have the means to manage that sum of money. If they did, they would not be so fucked up. It really saddens me to see so many taxes go to waste for useless shit like this.

Will #EXITalia ever happen?

How many refugees has Israel taken btw

Soros doesn't want us to. Or the kikes in general. At this point I am simply convinced that there is a shadowy power behind them not sending a string signal that we don't take anymore fucking migrants anymore. For 62 billion you could build the great wall of Europe.

>it's another American telling others how cucked they are episode

Yiff in hell, furfaggot

Instead make the refugees work for their housing and rebuild europe. Then throw the niggers in the ocean (blacks can't swim)

And 80 or 90 billion spend on the ones already in Germany. It really seems like a big waste of money. Where did they get all this money? If you have that much, couldn't you have encouraged German birthrates instead and spent some of that money on pensions and what not until the next generation of Germans comes along?

>Where did they get all this money?

It's one of those arguments I like to use to redpill people.

"Remember when they said that there was no money for more kindergartens or for education or for that one train station? Where did all that money for the refugees come from?"

It's funny because it usually works. Plebs are egoistical people and once you have them understand that it's their money getting taken away from them, they get pissed.

>spending money to improve your own nation
that's racist.

I like this.

It's probably the only way to stop all of somalia and northern africa from ending up in europe within the next decade.

Enforcing borders is incredibly hard when they are coming across a huge sea, or can enter europe through like 8 different countries from the middle east

Honestly we should shoot the boat with all the shiny marines we have.
They would try during 3 months and then stop.


>I like this.
I don't. People I know went bankrupt because they couldn't even pay taxes, the government is giving our taxes to EU to waste them on useless shit that could be easily prevented simply increasing sea patrols, boat fuel is not worth 80 billion euros, you could literally build a wall from the bottom of the sea all around Europe with that sum of money, but realistically speaking EU only needs to provide more sea personnel and give us a break when we need to deport illegal migrants. They're illegal and need to be deported ASAP but the EU cucks don't let us.

>EU sends 62 Billion to African warlords
they need money for dem programs

>EU sends 62 Billion to African warlords
Anyone who doesn't think this is what will happen with the money is deluded.

European people are hosteges of puppet governaments who act only on behalf of economical interests of a group of people so alien to all of us they might aswell be aliens.

The solution is having similar laws as Australia has. If you get in illegally you should NEVER be allowed to apply for permanent residence. As it is now getting smuggled in is expensive but a very good method to become a European citizen. And even if they get their application denied Illegals have rights to healthcare, rights to schooling, rights to fucking everything, and the police are allowed very few methods of finding them. We're actively encouraging people to get here illegally.

Because of ridiculously fucked up international laws and "human rights" that forbid any country to treat illegal subhumans like trash, simply because they are seeking asylum.

But I don't know why the West bothers to attempt to change the obviously Western international laws.

Probably because of bureaucrat Jew fucks.

Build a big beautiful wall then, or buy guns and sink the boats carrying immigrants

None, as they would either:
>cause problems within Israel
>dilute israeli culture

Which is exactly what is happening to Europe now

>But I don't know why the West bothers to attempt to change the obviously Western international laws.

They don't want to change them that is the point. Most of our countries are run by multiculturalist, globalist shitheads. Not to mention the fucking media.