Guess his ethnicity

Guess his ethnicity

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kavkaz, non -kurd turk

nope this is exactly why i chose him google search says he's chechen but he is actually not



arab or m*stizo


new worlders suck at classifying as far as i see



Kurd, Turk, or Greek.
Different corners of the same triangle.



He's hot. He looks Sicilian/Greek

jew or lebanese or aryan

Hispanic 100% beaner. Trust me, I know, I come from Ustados Los Unitos

he doesn't look hispanic


imo can pass as turk but still


uzbek or tajikistani

wtf he looks like me, bt i have potato nose like nigger or down syndrom finn

he does

Except the fact that he has Tajik citizenship doesnt make him ethnically Tajik.
He doesnt look Tajik at all

In that pic he looks like Sagopa Kajmer

Tojik detected

maybe in your ar*b enriched c*ntry

Anywhere from C*ucasus
and a subhuman


That was unexpected, but yea he looks tajik.

albanian subhuman in usa

No Im Russian so know these pretty well.
They put ceramic tiles in bathrooms.

most of south america has a lot arab descendants aswell as mexico

HAHAHAHA Holy shit they do that here too.

Muhammad ethicity

turk/greek/armenian subhuman

manipulative diaspora in canada
thats not a turk or Greek

looks like iranian or azeri and you know it you sneaky roach

triggered turk?
get back to cockroaching mehmet

canadian flag
always diaspora behind

where are you from?
turks must be above your filthy people

i'll kick your wh*Te skull in if you try to talk down to the Laz, and make your mother my rapeslave.

He doesn't look Iranian to me desu. Azeri and Turk? yeah.

Literally fuck off


why did you write this post if you knew that this is not turk or Greek?
you sneaky gypsy

He is very a ttractive and has a strong neck

He looks Roman

I'm white retard.

Why are you answering for me faggot?

Don't mind me

he doesnt

he isnt

you are not white you sneaky diaspora roach

ftfy wh*Te subhuman

kys wh*Te scum we are taking over this shit country slow but surely


this is an asian shitskin

I'm not an expert on subhuman nationalities. Sorry.

he's not wh*Te tho.

Scottish, mostly. Some English.
Why are so you consistently arsehurt, Iki?

My brother

So I see. Thanks for stating the obvious.

>khokhol talking about subhumans

Disdain for plebeians.

only subhuman race is the wh*Te race

i dont believe you

anglos are subhumans
scotts are even lower

australian flag = manipulative eastern diaspora shitskin


Meaning if I'm subhuman, you're subhuman, too.

>can speak
Whoah! What the hell just happened?

>i dont believe you
That's your problem then mate, but keep in mind that deferring to paranoid delusions to support an existential angst ridden sense of grandeur really isn't good for your mental health.

>paranoid delusions
america is 50% "white"
canada is just diaspora
australia is full of eastern subhumans

you should know better what kind of subhuman posts with australian flags

Don't you have some chechen jihadi ass to kiss?

I am Greek