my sides are in orbit
Feminist comedienne flashes pussy during rape culture stand-up routine
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>I also thought this is the most “asking for it” outfit I could wear, I don’t even have a skirt on, I don’t even have knickers on, like if this is all it takes I should be getting raped every night. Every night that I do the show I’m in a room full of drunk strangers. The fact of the matter is that’s not what it takes, it takes someone willing to violate another woman’s body. That’s the only thing. You can take every other thing out of the equation, put it at home or in an alley, drunk or sober, wearing a burka or pajamas or a miniskirt. None of those things actually determine rape. The only thing that you can actually put in and out of an equation to tell if someone is going to get raped is the person willing to rape them.
Remember kids, rape isn't funny. Unless you're a feminist.
I hope someone rapes her.
No, she would love that. It would vindicate her whole fucking neurotic ideology. It would be crowning achievement of her life.
>le edgy comedienne makes rape joke
>man makes rape joke
i... i dont know this feel.
>most “asking for it” outfit I could wear, I don’t even have a skirt on, I don’t even have knickers on
That's not an "asking for it' outfit at all. She's whoring herself out.
I want some jello and pudding now
Sue her wrinkled ass for indecent exposure. Fucking sluts, man
She's eye searingly ugly, what the fuck does she expect?
If it was t for white knight faggots rape would be legal and these woman wouldn't be laughing.
Wow... really makes u laugh... hmmm... haha...
I recognise that imagine, it's from Mike Leigh's Naked (1993). One of my favourite films ever.
Pick one and only one.
She's fucking ugly
I can't remember if a male comedian has ever flashed his cock on stage, but probably not.
where is the uncensored picture?
>female humour
Pretty sure I've heard stories of that here in the UK. Might have even been Billy Connolly.
someone should pepper spray her twat
Except that's bullshit.
>headline implies that regular rape jokes aren't funny
>says a woman makes funny jokes
>it's actually just one of those long winded rants women think are funny, because they used all the stale lame voice quirks and posturing faces they could think of
I feel sorry for the poor schmucks who'll go to her show expecting to laugh. Then again they probably know it's a female comedian
>muh vagina
>muh rape
>muh wage gap
>female """""""""""""""comedy"""""""""""""""""""
>women comedians
"good" thread, OP
Has she tried walking around like that in the ghetto, out of view of cameras and in the presence of lower class black people?
>I also thought this is the most "asking for it" headgear I could wear. It doesn't have a brim, I don't even have the top of my head covered, like if this is all it take takes I should be suffering head injuries every night. Every night that I do the show I'm in a room with potentially loose bricks and tiles. The fact of the matter is that's what it takes, it takes someone willing to throw a brick at you. That's the only thin. You can take every other thing out of the equation, put it at home or in an building site, drunk or sober, wearing a helmet or fedora or a baseball cap. None of those things actually determine head injury. The only thing that you can actually put in and out of an equation to tell if someone is going to get concussion is the person willing to drop stuff on their head.
Mike Leigh's pretty based. Have you seen any of his short films?
10/10. Too bad this woman 'comedian' is too smug and pompous to realize this shit
Why the fuck are you spelling comedian like that?
Lmao white boiz, this is representation of the modern white woman.
Only a faggot would rape that man looking creature.
>Women want to make a point
>Flash tits and pussy to get attention
Are women anything more than sexual objects and sandwich makers?
the patriarchy
I think I threw up in my mouth a little
i-is this the "funny" joke?
And people pay to see that old hag pussy?
Why is that all female comedy revolves around "MUH VAJAYJAY"?
Nothing is more universally despicable than an aging whore.
>how fucking stupid you have to be to think that it takes a halter top and a miniskirt for someone to be raped.
nobody thinks that you stupid cunt
fucking feminists, same old bullshit every time
uhhhh the missing part of the equation is her being attractive
she legit looks like an old meth hag
Because women aren't funny but vagina jokes make women giggle
We all know we rape women 24/7, as we are evil white males AND Nazis ooohoohoooooo scarey
No Ahmed, just because our races have poor self-control doesn't mean we can shift blame. Take some responsibility for your action for once.
I don't think anyone wants to see that beat up pussy anyway
This is it. Fucking exactly. I just never analyzed it that deeply before. God damn, I hate that shit.
Can someone photoshop post a pic of ben garrison over the cosby picture,please
>if you rape your enemies, they win
Cocks are flashed all the time on Celebrity Juice
>Rape jokes can never be funny!
>Hahahaha! This female comedian actually makes rape funny!
Hypocrites. Also, incredibly egotistic, you can't decide for all what's funny or not.
dude vagina lmao
Fucking this
women aren't funny. at all. stop trying to be
>Woman making jokes that are actually funny
LITERALLY "My vagina"
Where can I see her pussy?
That's exactly her fucking point though. She'd get raped in the hood or in india no matter what she wears.
If she was good looking anyways.
Always funny how you retards hold stupid opinions just to be contrarian
She is ugly as shit
So after some googling, it really just looks like she's an exhibitionist.
Well she wouldn't be raped here if there weren't any niggers or shitskins here !
In Nazi fucking Germany rape wasn't legal you fucked up piece of psychological ineptitude
Btw, fucking NOBODY actually thinks what the bitch was wearing is a factor. Look at all the high-profile rape cases (that have turned out to be hoaxes) that were featured on here. Never has the defense asked what the plaintiff was wearing. Ever.
It's a strawman that's becoming real by importing muslims.
It is much likelier that if she were dressed normally and in the bad part of town, that she would be treated better than if she had only a shirt and shoes, but no pants or panties.
A man would face similar reactions even in very dangerous places. Seeing a naked dude wandering around anywhere other than a hippie festival or nude area is a "pay attention" kind of situation.
Dressing in a certain style implies a lot to the mind of observers. Saying it has no bearing on the way you are treated is just wishful thinking.
While she is ultimately correct she isn't funny and her statement is of no value. If you dress like a slut and walk around dangerous parts of town you are more likely to be raped than if you dress conservatively and stay in the good parts of town.
If you live in a gated community and park your new mustang in your driveway with the doors unlocked and the keys in the car, get out of your car wearing a $500 suit and rolex watch as you check your mail before going back inside leaving your keys in the car without getting mugged or your car stolen. Try doing that in some shithole in Detroit and you will be caught in a gunfight as multiple people try to rob you and steal your car at once.
Not on stage but, Louie CK's been locking doors and jerking off in front of female comedians for years
Why would you want to do that to yourself?
I think there are women getting horrible psychological damage from not being raped in dangerous places like college campuses. The statistics say 6/5 women will be raped, but not a single one of them has gotten past stare rape or mansplaining. There is something so fundamentally wrong with them that rapists don't want them.
So, did she walk down the streets alone at midnight wearing this to prove how strong she is and how tolerant society is?
Every day on pol something so stupid come to news that I as a poo lord feel better day by day. 2030 world power is happening if your people are this retarded in real life.
Now that would be funny