Seriously, how can you argue that Drumpf is not a racist? He has tweeted and retweeted so much racism, nativism...

Seriously, how can you argue that Drumpf is not a racist? He has tweeted and retweeted so much racism, nativism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, it's impossible not to think of him as a fascist.

I'm moving to Orlando in two weeks and the first thing I'm doing is registering to vote. #ImWithHer

The US should give Puerto Rico back to Spain.


He's not anymore racist than anyone else. He just lacks a filter and PC rhetoric. It's actually refreshing.

Agree, or just blow that shithole up

I don't think blowing up Donald is the correct answer. Although he's a fascist, we should educate him so he stops being one.

Such as?


for example...?


Ricans are the scum bags

Fuck off Gerald!

>He has tweeted and retweeted so much racism, nativism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, it's impossible not to think of him as a fascist.

proof pls


For example?

Oh wait

>1 post by this ID

Hillary Clinton had a house keeper when she was who was black that she called "lil niggy" it's fact google it

Are you fucking kidding me??

>implying they'd take it

Trump is the only valid candidate, given that Clinton is going to prison.

seriously, can you ARGUE against Trump? he is the man that we need to be better.

Sounds like something Goebbels would say about Hitler.

It's a shame too, I personally have tried and failed to find this racism and such from Trump. Unless some faggot OP can one day show me what I'm missing, I'm gonna MAGA.

Also Hillary will not finish the race so it doesn't really matter lol.


It'll take you 5 years to get a visa you lawn mowing fuck.. f.y.i. you need one to vote.

Sounds like something a knobslobbering op would say.

Literally nothing wrong with nativism.


new liberal buzzword because racist has lost it's punch.

Is that supposed to shame people?


Puerto Ricans shit up every town and city they come to. Please stay in your shithole country. And I'm saying this as a person who actually likes Puerto Ricans. You aren't bad people but you don't see the US as your real home so you treat it like shit and throw garbage everywhere etc.

So instead of showing us these tweets which would prove your statement, you decided that photoshopping a swastika on him will bring your point across better.

What's with all the delicate special snowflakes invading here lately?

you do realize this is a racist board, right?

>He has tweeted and retweeted so much racism, nativism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, it's impossible not to think of him as a fascist.

Nice buzzwords you dumb faggot

>putting the needs of your people first is bad
Wew lad
Naw, we should use it for bombing practice. It's all it's good for.

We need Trump. Who else is going to purge the TSA of heebie jobbies?

Listen you ignorant Puertorrican, The God Emperor Trump is the savoir of the US, he's also the only valid candidate.

I know you're prob. against him because he'll take away your gibsmedat since after all Puerto Rico is the Welfare state of the US in every sense of the word and it cannot support itself it it became independent so why don't you just get a job and stop being a moron.

Fuck NO

USA took it, USA can keep it, let them suffer

Why did the US took it?
I mean it never made sense to me, Cuba makes sense so does the Philippines but why Puerto Rico? The place was a dump back then and it's still is now

Let us usher in the 4th Reich Comrades.

Go ahead and move to Orlando. Mudslimes exterminate faggots there so you won't last long.

>4th Reich

NEIN, this time is different this is the TRUMPENREICH

>Why did the US took it?

Monroe Doctrine I guess

Go build my wall, Paco.

Look at this fucking retard. Might as well stay here if you are moving to Orlando.

This right here.


Can you annex Alberta as your first land grab?

We'll take it. Canada could use a Caribbean satellite (or at least a better one than Haiti).

Come On!
Not to give credit to the Argies but Great Britan was on the Falklands, France has like a shitton of overseas territories in the Caribbean and South America and The Netherlands still have St. Maertin so i doubt it was the Monroe Doctrine at work

>a puertorrican working


So you're finally admitting that the average american is just as racist as the rest of us have been saying all along?

Canada has Haiti was a satellite? o.O Damn...that's the lowest of the low dude

We have historical ties that go back a long time, so we give lots of aid, and take lots of refugees.

I guess it comes from the francophone thing and the shipping routes between nova scotia and the carribean during the age of sail.

But neither France Britain or the Netherlands got beat to pulp like Spain

They had a doctrine and a chance to fully apply it without any further negative consequences, they did the logical thing and made example

WOW, well, what can I say? I mean, I really really fucking hate those mongols, but I would respect Canada if they were to use them as slave labor, but since Canada has a cucked prime minister he'll prob. won't use them.

I guess, but still. Puerto Rico is a barren wasteland, I would've left it in your hands Spain. I mean Puerto Rico doesn't even have a fucking GDP

I dont recall Trump saying anything racist.

Even if he is racist, we don't care. What don't you get about that? Has there been any benefit to you and your shills posting this thread over and over again.

We don't care. We want Trump. Fuck niggers and Muslims.

As an ecologist I am against overpopulation. Conservatives dismissed ecology instead electing to believe in the white God, and also, cheap cheap cheap labor to pick strawberries.

These people didn't even believe in the future (belonging to the Christian death cult) and indeed, celebrate personal degeneracy (forgivable by asking the Jew God).

Note that the U.S. had net zero population growth and housing was affordable. By 1995, after everyone had enjoyed discount strawberries and the financial system really took over, and decades of immigration had swelled the population nearing 300 million, with the climate changing, while the first post success generation was about to get fucked into a war to save Arabs from Arabs, conservatives doubled down (like they always do) and continued to mind fuck themselves into the 2000s.

Amazing how mental illness doesn't cure itself with more mental illness.

Now here we are, ecologist and moron conservative, advocating against immigration. It's ironic.

Politics makes stage bedfellows. Conservatism, always dying from self inflicted wounds, infected with AIDS from getting in bed with religious nuts, before that, HIV from getting in bed with predatory capitalists, in love with the surety of being confirmed losers with no coherent or rational platform, is now all up in my issue, overpopulation.

You fucking morons will never get it. You won't win with an incoherent ticket, delusional beliefs, fascist instincts, and moronic cult doctrines. The math won't work. You are ask fucking losers, the contest was over decades ago. It's ecology, you fucks. You never understood science, you can't do math, and you never really cared about America.

That said, let's make America great again, what the fuck.