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which season was it they had that new technology at that convention, which was better than they thought?
Wow, a mediocre thread about a mediocre show on Sup Forums. That's a surprise.
They really love Run The Jewels
the show was funny for about 5 minutes in the first season and now its just stupid
S1 finale i think
Name 10 better comedies currently airing
It was the finale of the first season.
I can't because I'm not a child who watches "comedies".
Every season of this show is the same
it worked for the first two, but S3 was shit. the formula got so old.
>"I'm a serious adult, who only does serious adult things."
Whatever, gramps.
really says something about the quality of comedy shows if this piece of shit is the best we can get
So, let me get this straight.
>S1. I really wanna make something amazing and here it is.
>S2. I made something amazing, now lets get it off the ground, here it is.
>S3. Oh no, I am being sued, I sure hope I win and keep my project, I did, here it is.
and now, Season 4.
>I dont give a shit about any of this stuff and I am going back to what we did in Season 1 to get those ratings back.
Ok, good, done, I will do like I do with many other shows and pretend it ended there because thats the logical step. Its like East Bound and Down, the shit knew when to end, sorta.
>Implying I watch this modern comedy garbage that pollutes television and not Nick at Night or TV land for the fine quality comedy's such as Sanford and Son, and All in the Family.
Anime is a superior medium for comedy.
Go tip your fedora somewhere else
Didn't say it was the best, but if he says it's mediocre it means there are a few shows that are better, that's what being mediocre means
I liked the first season. The second season was barely passable, and didn't bother with season 3, after the first episode.
Hopefully, they'll "reboot" the series and by the end of this season they'll have "make it" and become IT moguls. Then in the sixth and final Season we have a decent, bittersweet, closure to the series.
don't watch season 3 it wasn't good
>Tip muh fedora argument.
I am sorry you dont know the joys of somebody like Archie Bunker, and the only comedy's you grew up on was laugh track Big Bang Theory shit.
>Born in 80's.
>Watch old 70's 80's shows.
>Get to enjoy early 90's shows.
>Roseane was the pinnacle of good comedy's at night.
We all know Seignfield, but can you even think of a current comedy thats good on TV right now? Legit question, all I can remember from any I have watched is the canned laugh track.
>Try to watch Tyler Pery's show about some old bitch and a dinner.
>Every word that is spoken has canned laughter to it.
>You know what? "Laugh"
>What? "Laugh"
>This "Laugh"
>Louder canned laugh as old lady farts.
>not a single argument in your whole long ass post
Please don't @me again, you literal autist
you're the dumb nigger being defensive for no reason
>numales like numales
Not surprising
>Not an argument.
>To le Fedora comment.
>Look mommy, I cant name one show like asked.
Enjoy your shit television shows, maybe NBC can make another one for you.
>Numale being triggered this badly when babies first meme show gets shit on.
Numales travel in packs.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Rick and Morty
The Venture Brothers
Nathan For You
Horace and Pete
The Detectorists
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Bob's Burgers
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
You're the Worst
Documentary Now
Wet Hot American Summer
Master of None
BoJack Horseman
F is for Family
The Good Place
Ash vs Evil Dead
People of Earth
Search Party
imagine having a grown son who watches HBO
Imagine having a grown son who posts on Sup Forums.
Only one correct answer: Atlanta
Saying "comedies are for kids" is literally a fedoresque comment, like being a classical music fan who says rap is for kids
Some of those shows are not even currently airing. A few in fact are in limbo about being cancelled.
Strong argument there my friend, you sure told me!
>Saying "comedies are for kids" is literally a fedoresque comment, like being a classical music fan who says rap is for kids
Said nobody in those two posts.
Literal over sensitive man child throwing a tantrum over nothing and moving goal posts. Not one person in those two posts have said "Comedies are for kids"
Thanks for playing, now claim your prize.
I like that it's so plot heavy but 10 30 minute episodes is barely enough time to develop anything of substance.
Imagine having a grown son who posts on Sup Forums.
>Oh shit, we got a big problem I sure hope we resolve it.
25 minutes later.
>Oh shit, glad we could resolve it.
All of them are definitely coming back apart from Horace and Pete which may or may not come back and Venture Bros which has a weird schedule. Oh and Fleabag and detectorists but those are British so who knows.
I admit I went for breadth but there's a good 15 shows there that are comfortably better than Silicon Valley.
>Said nobody in those two posts.
Are you literally retarded or just baiting?
Imagine having posts on Sup Forums who a grown son.
>Help, I dont have a leg to stand on.
Show me the exact wording in those two posts where it is mentioned comedies are for kids.
Isn't that literally every show ever?
finally something for liberals to watch again!
>posting whatever Netflix tells you is comedy
your only argument in this whole thread is you claiming that no one else has an argument
Was talking about this post
Please don't @me ever again, you ain't worth my time
>this post
>all that >>>>
yeah learn to speak bud
>Only one correct answer: Atlanta
>I fucked up the post.
you didn't quote that one in your reply you cum guzzling faggot
>watching reddit valley
ya sure gottem numale poster!
>Its a "Sup Forums shitposters now hate this show because the majority of the cast are anti-republican, but make the excuse that its just not as good even though the quality hasn't dropped at all and they just want to seem like the better men" episode
I fucking hate the rap music in the show. The music composed for the show is alright, they should use it more.
I also can't stand the paki guy ever since I saw the actor's twitter
>Wet Hot American Summer
>currently running
they did one season out of nostagia you fucking stupid faggot
bunch of these shows only have 1 season
this twitter is cancer
his whole person is cancer. He should just pretend hes a character for the rest of his life
>can you even think of a current comedy thats good on TV right now
not that guy but I think most would agree with IASIP although I stopped watching a couple seasons ago.
you think his comedy wife writes his stuff for him?
Hey Dinesh, nice chain.
you ever seen the stand up thing they have on comedy central? I think she cucks him
I discovered RTJ from Silicon Valley
I found danny brown
>I will do like I do with many other shows and pretend it ended there because thats the logical step
This. Mr Robot past S1? Lalalalala I can't hear you.
people may think he's a tard because he gets coked out and punches uber drivers, but this guy is hilarious on the show.
hope they bring back the chinese kid. his rapport with erlich is great.
Yeah I hate how everytime something starts going decent they just get absolutely fucked over by some random shit
middleditch's twitter is ass too.
shit comedian. good comedic actor
TJ Miller is a mega cuck as well.
the plots on this show are average at best.
the joke writing is where this show shines.
too bad zack woods isn't tweeting pro trump shit all day just to bug them.
cuck as in liberal?
((((they've))) gotten to you lad
lmao you're the exact type of autist who tried to "troll" him in real life by shouting "cuck" at him, only to expose themselves as being fucking retarded drones.
>wahhhh he doesn't agree with my immature politics wahhhhh
>better call him a cuck like the other Trumptards! that'll show him!
dude is hilarious. arbeit macht frei!
This. Also fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
identity politics goes both ways
it's their constant complaining that bothers me.
I think most normal people are just tired of millionaire celebrities tweeting and complaining about this shit all day but not actually doing shit, just trying to feel superior
and you constantly complaining and "cuck"ing is different because...
>fuck white people
literally why
most normal people are tired of a tyrant running the country. why should a celebrity's opinion matter and less than yours?
even Fox News is tired of his shit. face it: your politics is shitty. don't get butthurt when people call you out on it.
First season was great, but it completely ran out of steam by the end of the second season.
*any less than yours
who cares nigger. another world war has been brewing for years already, and it's inevitable at this point. it will reset everything and all these numales will either crawl back into their holes to never show their retardation in public again or hang from the lampposts
you're tired of it after 3 weeks? bummer. not to mention most is probably wrong since he won the election
stop making this about politics you retard we just don't like these rich fucks in california telling us what we should care about
Rihanna is practically white.
dropped because of the high level of cuckoldry in the cast
and warmongering psychopaths like you is why people are justifiably calling out Trump and his followers.
How do I stop being a Sup Forumstard? I really want to watch s4.
this post has nothing to do with silicon valley
top meme
i'm not even american lmao
it will be fun watching you maggots screech autistically when shit hits the fan
"we" don't like retards like you spreading buzzwords like "cuck" either just because someone doesn't agree with your politics.
I haven't said that word once in this thread. now what
>now what
you mean like when those guys harassed the SV in real life by shouting "cuck" non-stop?
was that autistic enough for you? fucking hypocrite prick.
he calls himself a cuck in his twitter bio, at least try to make an argument that makes sense next time.
then direct yourself to these delightful comments which were on your side:
has nothing to do with me why would I care
do you know what parody is? he's trying to tke power away from the insult. how are you so fucking dense.
I'm not telling you why you should care. I'm telling you to shut the fuck up about their twitters just because you don't agree with their politics.