Do you know what the oldest lie in America is Sup Forums?
Do you know what the oldest lie in America is Sup Forums?
That niggers are people too?
>Do you know what the oldest lie in America is Sup Forums?
"The Holocaust happened."
E pluribus unum
came here to post this and a maplenigger beat me to it.
That America is free from the British Empire.
"Americans are white"
Native Americans were here first
Only 60% of them
this thread is so edgy
Not all men.
>t.Aladdin Al-Londoni
>quintessentially brittish
The civil war was started over slavery.
>this thread is so edgy
But the Holocaust literally did not happen and there is zero evidence for it.
I'm not being edgy. I'm telling the truth.
If the truth triggers you, don't come to Sup Forums.
>Only 60% of them
How did you arrive at that number? Seems about 60% off the mark tbqhwy
We were just talking about golf and the grandchildren?
rather, 3/5ths of a person.
That the US needed a central bank.
All men are created equally.
Lincoln freed the slaves.
>rather, 3/5ths of a person.
That's more like it.
That the American dream is real.
That there isn't a Templar/Free Mason treasure buried underneath a church in New York City.
The reason for all of the national obelisks is to empower those treasures with Solar ray etheric energy
America is only 1% whiter than London
That we have a constitutional republic instead of a democracy so that the downtrodden, underrepresented minorities are protected. In reality it's so the opulent minority (i.e., the rich) are protected from the majority. Madison made this very clear from the beginning but somehow this became twisted.
>implying theyre mutually exclusive
>this thread is so edgy
nigger detected etc. etc.
1% of 350 million is 3,5000,000 white people
They are.
>saying edgy
>actually being edgy
>not killing yourself yet