Do an-caps and libertarians exist or are they just larping. If they do exist why are they so stupid. Even communists aren't as dumb as an-caps.
Free market is bad, it rewards those who create value instead of (((the people))) who deserves it.
How would a voluntaryist-based society prevent complete ecological destruction, i.e. Clear-cutting, overfishing, devastating mining techniques.
Requesting the Don't step on me or my wife's son ever again flag.
I think it's mostly memes.
Maybe some autism.
An-Caps are immature children.
They have no concept of honor, nationhood, nationalism, culture, or community.
That is their major downfall. They believe there is no money in this life, and nothing more.
magical money would fix it
just like magic money somehow stops people from shooting you and taking your property
oligarchy and feudalism is great at rewarding the productive class
If you are concerned about these things, you would not buy from companies that are doing this.
If you're an anarchist you're not a capitalist
If you're a capitalist you're not an anarchist
It's just that simple
>lumping an-caps and libertarians together
Very different ideologies.
>pretending almost every single """""intellectual""""" behind the neoliberal/libertarian/unlimited free market theory wasn't a filthy, scheming kike
But what's stopping them from doing it regardless? What if every company is doing it?
Anarcho-capitalism would devolve into feudalism pretty quickly.
I agree OP. Sometimes a government is needed. I heard Molyneux argue that in a hypothetical anarchist town, people could just socially ostracize people who do awful things.
Well.... Child molesters are already a pretty ostracized group... Not to mention that if the perp has a lot of resources there will always be towns people willing to help him out.
>le rational consumer meme :^)
Just like people always have access to all business practices employed by modern corporations, and just like people rationally care about the future in the present day, right? :^)
Exactly, because if there's anything I can trust others to do it's to act rationally and ethically without incentive or force.
It is feudalism.
It's a matter of degrees. An-caps are just libertarians who went full retard
I think feudalism would actually be putting it lightly. Most likely it would end in a Mad Max scenario.
Kikes hate work, who do you think control central banks? The FED is the tool that jews use to become rich without working.
How much are you guys getting paid to shill statism in this cuck circle-jerk thread?
>naming the jew
50 shekels per post.
Yeah. They also hate regulations. Why do you think it's so hard to regulate banks. KIKES hate government oversight. They just want the fed to insure them.
Mad Max is a bad comparison because it's not based on land ownership.
In any non desert society you'd have whoever wins the initial battle for land becoming the land owner and essentially being king and installing whatever form of rule he wants. Order would be reintroduced fairly quickly, but any non landowner becomes an impoverished peasant.
Rule by strongmen is how just about all non western governments worked until the west introduced democracy to them.
>creating value
kek. Mankind stopped creating actual value since the late 70's. It's just meme value now and how much morons you can trick into giving you their money
>hates statism
>posts on nationalist/fascist board that advocates closed border
Non-Aggressive KEK.
libertarians think that wall street putting the entire western world into debt makes them "wealth creators" and that wall street and international finance is somehow "productive"
pretty fucking dumb
Capitalism is like anarchy for the market.
Anarcho-Capitalism is the most real, pure form of anarchy. They go hand-in-hand.
Nationalist Minarchism is the true redpill. The state should serve the nation by protecting its citizens' natural rights.
There's been a conflation of state and the nation. If you have a strong nation, ie a strong culture, there isn't much need for a strong state (except in the areas of security), as social ostracism and morals will get more done more effectively and less brutally than the state. You can't have a weak state with multi culture, as then the culture with the more strictly enforced morals (eg Islam) will overtake the other cultures and there will be mass confusion and conflict.
it is just an optional phase some people go through.
Eventually you are confronted with (((who))) ruins the idea and realize how ridiculously idealistic you were
Pure Degeneracy. An-Cap is the Blacked of political ideologies.
People care so much about what companies do that Apple, despite having inhumane working conditions (and anti-suicide nets) in their Chinese factories, they are one of the largest companies in the world.
People care so much about what companies do, that they buy drugs from drug dealers which funnel money directly to cartels.
An-Caps are next-level retarded.
Then you can start a company that doesn't do it and advertise it that way.
Banking is the most regulated industry. And what is even worst, in the middle age jews would bankrupt local economies with fractional reserve. Now banks are regulated to do what used to be fraud.
It's also a bad comparison because it's a work of Hollywood fiction spiced-up to be as unrealistically entertaining as they know how to make it.
>"substance": the post
But you can't argue it.
>If someone rapes my wife. Instead of prosecuting them. I should be a person who doesn't rape just to stick it to them.
Where would you get the funds to do that from?
What if the other companies own all the land?
>Being this pedantic
>must be an an-cap
Just because banks have rules doesn't mean they are regulated in any meaningful sense.
What do you mean?
Why do an-caps believe everyone will be interested in following the non-aggression principle in a stateless society?
Create your own land. Stop letting the laws of thermodynamics oppress you.
No, you shoot them right in the goddamn face. NAP =/= pacifism.
What's even funnier is that they themselves probably wouldn't follow it. Let alone other strangers. Without the NAP an-capism falls apart as a viable ideology. So they have to believe it.
Who says there can't be incentive?
Because they believe the equality lie just as devoutly as Marxists.
How do you decide on what is a reasonable form of retribution in an an-cap society.
Divine command.
Are you aware of how unnatural and fraudulent is the Banking industry? How there is no real competition? How a few people decide the rules, the interest, what banks will be rescued.
Even with no regulations and no justice (something ancaps are against) they couldn't pull up those kind of fraudulent schemes.
Central banking is a monopoly. Monopolies are bad.
I don't need to tell you why they are bad, do I?
What incentive is their that is greater than cheap products?
>he and three friends just gun you down first
It's sad how ancpas can't think even 1 step ahead.
You cannot have an an-cap or Libertarian government without a moral and virtuous people. Otherwise, instead of being slaves to the state they become slaves to their decadence and usher in those who would want to implement an authoritarian state. Worship of man's inventions such as the free market, will bring downfall.
Doesn't having a god violate an-cap principles.
>Even with no regulations and no justice
>(something ancaps are against)
Umm. I hate to break it to you, but part of being an an-cap is having no regulations.
Why do statists think that positions of power over a population won't be infiltrated by the same power-hungry non-NAP people they fear?
>moral and virtuous people.
The things is if all people were moral and virtuous literally any system of government could work. The whole purpose some forms work better than others is because they control unethicacy and stupidity more than others.
How do you plan to get rid of people like that with something like the NAP in place?
Why don't you re-read that and give your comprehension a little workout?
We do. The thing is though that the state helps keep them in check and gives us means of removing them.
No, it's not.
No fraud, no violence if is not on self defense. Respect for private property. All this are regulations.
What we are against is to need a college degree and a master to cut hair, for example.
Where do you come up with this shit? Seriously, how much are you paid?
Not at all. If [God], then [God]. There being a God wouldn't change human relations, which is what anarchism is concerned with.
>fears his people are unmoral and unvirtuous
>thinks a position of power over him will only attract moral and virtuous people
It'd be left up to a court.
>No fraud, no violence
Common human decency is considered regulation now. Is not raping random people considered a regulation as well.
>Respect for private property.
Yeah good luck with that. Unless you have a state to protect those privacy rights good luck defending them from giant companies that want it or the mineral resources in it.
you can't have a freeee market without a little reeeeeee
How do you enforce the punishment in an an-cap society.
Tell me more about how this is all going your way.
>implying guns would not be easy to come by in an ancap society thereby making coercion a very costly method of ensuring compliance
Whatever the community or court thinks is acceptible. Could be jail, could be labor.
Someone owes you employment bruh? Who?
>notices that a particular state isn't working well
So your pretty much describing an organized government based on democratic principles.
And this is exactly why we need basic rules and a competent justice system to enforce it.
Now is not about if a stateless society would work, but increasing freedom and justice (based on natural rights)
Guns would be pretty easy to come by in an an-cap society.
>muh morality
>muh values
>hey poor man with a life expectancy of 60, better pay your income tax and contribute to our social security pyramid scheme, or you go to prison
where are these government programs that run on values
seems to me they all run on cold, hard cash
Did someone say cash?
In the sense that people would be forcefully subjected to the arbitrary whims of others.
But there's room for that under NAP.
Neoliberalism sucks balls. I don't know any non richfags who unironically support it.
>some company decides to forcefully destroy your house because there's gold under it
>guys, there's a roving company that's destroying everything in its path
>the rest of society is okay with this
We live in a society where people get up-in-arms because they get called the wrong gender, don't act like you could just go around doing whatever you want.
That's the point. Violence would be seen as the very last resort by business because of that.
What if I don't agree with the courts and peoples punishments for my crime?
Not entirelly true but neither false.
Its purely profit oriented which meets this user explanation, but it also works as an incentive for people to work/innovate.
However, if left unchecked it only brings harm. You actually learn this during the most basic of economic classes.
In a society without legal ramifications companies would fuck you so hard it would be censored in japan.
Name a country that you think is doing well. Don't forget the whole Rothschilds thing.
If you violated NAP, it doesn't matter what you think anymore, since retribution becomes justifiable toward you.
>not minarchism
>Anarcho-capitalism 101
Not really. If i'm exxon mobile I can fund a private army. Good luck opposing my tanks, warplanes, and nukes with your hang gun and hunting rifle.