Redpill me on the founding fathers

Redpill me on the founding fathers

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They founded the fathers.

You are already red pilled on them. They were a rag-tag group of red pilled alpha WASPS that decided to Make America Great

They're the best God damn founding fathers in history

Created a country with the intentions of establishing a white nation where only white male landowners could vote

"All men are created equal" = white men, not mexicans, not women, not blacks, not pakis

This country was founded by white men for white men

dey wuz kangs

Geniuses ahead of their time

they sucked balls senpai. give up already on your american ancestors

>founding fathers

They were a wealthy elite who simply wanted to break away from the crown.

They could actually compromise unlike America today

>"We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal".


But aside from that they were exceptional men and I count some of them among my personal heroes

They were all racist sexist homophobic fascist capitalist bigots who wanted to enslave and exploit anyone who wasn't a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male. They're responsible for countless deaths all over the world, and the hateful genocidal nation they created needs to be systematically destroyed. The only way to ensure freedom and equality for all is through violent socialist revolution and the extermination of the oppressors

Now I know why the nips hate you fags so much

>They were all racist sexist homophobic fascist capitalist bigots who wanted to enslave and exploit anyone who wasn't a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male.
>Implying this is a bad thing

because why? you can only survive as a country being retarded pigs?

They were incredibly intelligent and gifted men who put their lives on the line for their radical beliefs and won. Also we should have listened to Washington, why didn't we listen to Washington.

They where all kangz

we should let the norks and chinks ass fuck you guys. by the way, I fuck korean girls all the time. enjoy jacking off Kim Cho

They should be revered. Actual paragons of right that beat the odds.

Fuck off, we own you. Our founding fathers are your founding fathers.

Pipe down woo-hyoung.

I genuinely cannot wait until this satanic empire is destroyed and your fascist race is removed from power. You've caused so much death and destruction and pestilence around the world. The day America dies is the day we achieve world peace

as if saving us wasn't out of pure necessity. you'd be stupid to let a free foothold on continental asia go.

and really, if the only shit you did as an ally happened 70 years ago, you're a shit ally.

Washington had a massive case of jungle-Fever
(Can't say I blame him)

Yeah, but try to have a movie about Egypt with anybody white, even if they're Egyptian, and suddenly it's a huge fucking deal.

Even if Egyptians where fucking white.
Its a mad world.
see thread:

I KEK loudly because your founding fathers aren't even your own founding fathers. you think they'd even think they founded a country they wanted if they came back? they'd disown you pretty fucking quickly.

Brought legitimacy to banking, made the Jew the upper class.

They were masons and kikes and founded the US to break the bond between nation and völk by creating "values" and "races", then what follows is simply traditional kikery and then exporting it to Europe to finally destroy the Aryan man.

They're a group of dieties who can do no wrong and are to be worshipped and honored by the USA at all times.

See also; Kim Il-Sung

Fuck off again, you'd be speaking Chinese or Japanese right now working in a sweat shop had it not been for us.

>literal fishmongers and peasants for eternity
>bad white men come in and make them modern

I can not stand you fucking butt hurt chinks. you owe us everything. We should have let the Japs ass fuck you to death How does it feel being the country that was passed around like a used slut between Japan and China for its entire history?

Yeah no shit, we let the libs bark around for too long, didn't we?

Listen to Washington about what specifically?


>thinks koreans were stooges to chink commies
>literally slept through world history 101
you got great knowledge senpai, plz tell me about them.


Alexander Hamilton can be blamed for promoting the concept of a national bank based on the (((Bank of England))).

He actively shilled against the other founding fathers.

Just a bunch of educated elites who wanted sovereignty back from the crown.

I like where you goin. because America just too good a country amirite? i don't deny korea was in either chinese or japanese sphere of influence in modern history once in a while. but doesnt mean shit on america being a fucking piece-of-shit ally, or a colonizer for that matter.

no, it's a good thing you have those liberals. it'll make sure your country falls crumbling to the ground ASAP.

South Korea was merely a small plot of land until we really started fighting. Again, you had no chance against the Chinese. WE were the ones that led the fight into Seoul.

You sound like an angry liberal

The good old days.

>Implying a Jew would post this.

>Implying the only reason China doesn't invade you fucks is because we are around

Fuck off.


>It was by pure chance that all of them got together in Philadelphia because New York was too far away for the more southern states
>They brought up the issue of slavery many times but were forced to ignore it due to dissent from Virginia
>They all pretty much disagreed on everything for a while, even seceding from the UK
>John Hancock's signature is believed to be a forgery as he was not present during many of the meetings
>The declaration was written in a day and we don't have the original one, the one in the US Library of Congress is a copy
>Jefferson owned slaves but hated them, called them inhuman pigs as opposed to modern liberals view that he had a African lover
>Freemasonry was not their religion, it was simply a union of sorts that most of them were a part of. They were on the whole Christians
>There was a major rebellion over alcohol being taxed, it was the first tax introduced in the US on a domestic product and Washington was sent to squash it

freemason scum

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. End your antisemitism you fucking Nazi piece of shit.

Here is your answer: With the addition that by breaking away the crown, they also wanted to create their own empire with hookers and blackjack.

what do you mean by "small plot of land"? insignificant in a world history sense? sure, that's the same for wyoming or florida or whatever fucking state you have there.

insignificant as in a cold war sense? get the head out of your fucking ass, it was the front lines for the tension against communism. of course south korea fucking mattered.

your shittalk is getting real boring, senpai. ramp it up a bit.

They were brexit before brexit was cool.

>We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal... Go make me a sandwich nigger or i'll kill you!

>of course south korea fucking mattered.
He thinks he matters, that's soooooooooo cute.

They led arguably the most successful political revolution in history. Pretty good I'd say.

Antisemitism will end soon kike. Hard to hate something that doesn't exist...

>a fucking DANE
you shouldn't be the one talking, senpai. I visited your country and it was shit.

You're absolutely 100% correct. Antisemitism WILL end soon. As soon as your pathetic fascist WASP culture is burned to the ground. Whites only make up 60% of the population, and soon YOU will be the minority. And revolution will follow close behind.

Read Washington's Farewell Address.

He warned us about the dangers of political parties, loss of morality, building debt, and foreign entanglements.

S-sorry for this gook scum, senpai...
Plz don't hate me...

>my country being ranked as number 1 by some, is not as good as your country, never even making the top 50, which is also called worst-korea
Sure lad, sure

Bunch of hypocrites who are immortalized in a nation where if they were currently alive would be spit on. Greatest accomplishment was leading an armed rebellion fueled by convincing poor British reject retards to die for a bullshit cause just so they wouldn't have to pay tax on importing and exporting goods. Thought of as military and political masterminds, when the political system they created is still plagued by the same problems as when it was first created, and it's greatest military accomplishment was Britain realizing it could become much more powerful allocating its resources elsewhere than wasting its time killing what was left of the retards who weren't already being killed by infection as a result of not knowing what germs were

Bolivar? Washington? Ever realize that rebellions are only funded by people who have money directly associated in trade? Enjoy a nice fat hot dog in celebration for what is the great cucking of the common man, est. 1776

>ps I work in Congress.

>does not even get irony of calling north korea best-korea
>implying his shit-hinterland country wasnt raped by england, germany, sweden
>implying denmark isnt literally just benefited from western europe having good economy

I-Im sorry se-senpai, do I need to suck your small scandi penis now? or are you too busy being fucked by muslims already?

They are not some monolithic entity with homogenous opinions. Some wanted to go back to the monarchy, others thought the whole exercise was a mistake, and still others were anarchist firebrands.

The real redpill is that they wuz black and whitey was their slaves

>>ps I work in Congress.

well get back to scrubbing those toilets abdul

deist freemasons and a product of post-enlightenment thinking. They weren't any different from many others at the time, but having them in charge of a country created one of the best set of laws out of any country I believe

They fought for freedom, the most important thing for a human being with self-esteem. Maybe you should go back to your cozy cuckshed.

Frankly, we don't give a fuck about any of the Koreas or China or even fucking Asia for that matter. It's always been about Russia with us. How does it feel to be so insignificant, gook?

I understood that reference

I've been real big on Blackstone lately. Laid the foundation for Common Law and fairness in society. Of course the British have shat on his teachings but they really do hold up well in the US. He said he'd rather let 10 guilty men go, than to convinct 1 innocent man. But liberals didn't get the memo bc womyn.

KEK you're in for deep fuckn trouble if you think you can just ignore asia. that just might explain all the fucked up bigotry in your country.


this is what a great kingdom stands for

Fuck off! You sound like a kike coming to terms with his irrelevance.

>thinks kike doesn't control world's banks and media
>can't even keep up with the system
why the fuck you in Sup Forums, friend?

every founding father except thomas paine and adams owned slaves

jefferson even raped his. washington had slaves but when one ran away he didn't chase her down because he didn't want a controversy


>redpill me on nigger rapers
they raped niggers for a living. privileged too. every one of them, except hamilton he's self made. Andrew Jackson wasn't a founder but he built himself up. He's self made. More respect for him and Lincoln because unlike Jefferson and Washington, they didn't get handed everything.

Seriously, the only good ones are Franklin and Paine. Franklin is a bit of a cuck though. Most don't know that Paine almost died in the French Revolution. Based Paine.

>Franklin is a bit of a cuck though
explain? I always thought he was pretty legit

He was into cuckoldry.

Privileged white males, slave owners and misogynists whose constitution has aged greatly

They knew Latin and some Greek.

I see no problem here

>Arab Spring

Traitors to their King and to their country who refused to pay their taxes and killed many of their own kind. As well as getting families and friends to kill each other, they armed children and had children fight on the battlefield. They fought like savages by fighting during the winter and killing officers.
They were really ahead of their time!!!

It's kind of strange that they didn't want liberty until *after* we kicked the French out of Quebec and the Spanish out of Florida.

Quis non, fili?

why are you getting trolled by some depressed army faggot on the dmz?

"No taxation without representation" came from the interest rates on the british currency. Basically the bank of england was jewing the colonies. The Fed is doing the same thing to us today.

Masonic figure

Shut it down