However, it is less obvious who is the second best: the British or the Japanese. Who is it, Sup Forums?
It is obvious that Americans are the best at cinema
Brits and then the Koreans.
> yanks being best
Kek, tier 2 at most. Russians, Japanese, French and Italians are the top tier kino makers.
Russians then French
To be honest I've always wondered why are Americans the best at story telling maybe not in modern times but they had they best directors/ kink movies (my theory is cinema is actually profitable so it attracts more people and more people equals higher odds of having a kino movie)
My second pick would be France before the 2000s Ps Amlie was meh
Kino not kink
user, tell me about your relationship with your mother
Why is silver surfer blue?
I don't get it why ?
>Italians are the top tier kino makers
this 2bh
Only coastal Americans. Flyovers are as trash as Australians.
Not for a very long time.
He got blue balls on earth, so he went to the purple planet to wait it out.
Flyovers dont make movies and movies set in flyover states are pretty decent for the most part.
Also im sure many other countries have a specific place where they film and set movies too.
our best directors come from the mid west
Second best used to be Japan, but they were overtaken by Korea. The only reason Korea isn't the best movie country in the world is because their movies don't have the American budgets (that and their actors have a tendency to over-act).
>Americans are the best at cinema
ehhhhh this isn't the 1970s senpai
you fell off along with all the old traditional great nations like france, russia, italy, japan etc
these days it's a wide open mixed bag, countries from all over the world are making excellent films but no one has the reputation for consistency
as for the brits, they might have a tradition of producing great actors but they've never been a cinema nation
You didn't say who was the best
Americans barely make the top 5, sorry to say.
Japs don't make good films any more, that time has long since passed.
there is no best
that's what i mean, these days a great film can come from anywhere, but there's no one particular country that's in a golden age, with a generation of great directors consistently making good movies
but i do think south america and the middle east have got next