> Great Wall's Thursday previews grossed $970k
> Great Wall's grossed $970k
> $970k
Great Wall's Thursday previews grossed $970k
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Thats almost a million
Is that low or high?
real question is how it did in china
$150 million budget. Double that for marketing. Needs $300 to break even
why is america so racist
So incredibly low then, if it only made a million. that's weird because it's saying it made tons on other news sites.
>lead actor says he doesn't believe in his walls
>audiences don't believe his movie exists
That's just one week day, wait for the combined week-end box office to judge (playing Devils advocate here's cause it looks like shit)
>b-b-but people want to see white people in blockbusters
>n-no one wants niggers
It's very high for a single day before the film has even been officially released you numbnuts. That's why it's "Thursday Previews". It properly opens nationwide tonight.
it still won't do well in the states though. But I 100% expect it to be a massive success in chinkland
>it's about the color of actor's skin, not about the overall appeal of the movie to the general public
Fuck right off.
Fuck off nigger, it's about the movie which is based on a shit idea, not on the actors' genre.
>No American really wants to see Chinks on the big screen.
Honestly it was a stupid move pushing out something like this befor testing the waters for the american audience. Should have made low budget kungfu movies. Honestly there are not enough of those around anymore. This movie honestly looks to blatantly cheesey and not in an endearing American sort of way. But then again its too eary to make any real predictions.
It's the Chinese attempt to make a China movie with some appeal to the West, just like how Transformers 4 and all the other recent action shit insert tons of China for the Eastern audience
>from Thursday previews
Lick clockwork, the hypocrisy of Sup Forums is pathetic
For a thursday that's pretty good.
the reason the film is failing is the chinese production/director.
The Chinese are lucky to make one good film every 5 years
For a "preview"? On a Thursday? Impossible to tell unless it's expanded upon.
Why can't the Chinese make a good movie? Do they lack the creative vision?
>the film is failing
Except it's doing exceptionally well, and that is a great thursday opening.
Why are you fucking faggots so retarded?
>make a movie to appeal to both western and eastern audiences
>it's bland as fuck
wow who could have seen that coming
Fuck you too, you racebaiting faggot
Iron man 3.
The chinese box office version was just ridiculous.
the reviews are all terrible, i dont care about the financial performance.
because they have zero creativity and most fun concepts would be banned by their government.
their government actually forced chinese review sites to change the (awful) reviews they gave for the film or they would block the sites.
when you work with such a government it's impossible to make something great, just passable will do
It was shit. Matt Damon doesn't get the chinese girl at the end of the movie
>i dont care about the financial performance.
i bet the chinese producers do, though.
>their government actually forced chinese review sites to change the (awful) reviews they gave for the film or they would block the sites.
Need a source on that, big boy.
>i dont care about the financial performance
This thread is about the financial performance as evidenced by the retarded OP picture and his lack of understanding how film openings work.
the chinese producers are colluding with the chinese government to ensure their film industry is a success, hence why they are censoring any bad reviews of the film and shilling it hard across all media
don't care
How is 970k good you dipshit
150 million budget with marketing that may as well double it
970k from previews is garbage
Guardians , marvel in general make millions in previews
Suicide made millions in previews
millions you stupid chink
>white lead
the public said no thank you
>Matt Damon doesn't get the chinese girl at the end of the movie
It's Kino.
>Guardians , marvel in general make millions in previews
>In a move Trump would envy, the Chinese government quickly silenced the naysayers. It's getting hard out here for a critic.
What did he mean by this?
It's in the top 50 openings ever, you're fucking retarded and I'm not a chink and I also don't give half a fuck about this garbage movie. I just don't sanction buffoonery from idiots like you.
>don't care
Fat and stupid is no way to go through life.
Interesting, thanks for the link.
Trump is a baby who would censor people if he had the power.
>t. butthurt nigger
im not the original person you were arguing with nor am i OP, thats why i dont care
i work for a chinese company and speak fluent mandarin, i am white, so fat and stupid isn't really me
Yeah, he should just punch people in the face instead xD
Are chinks really as bad to work/with for as I've heard?
I'm just telling you what was meant. I didn't say it was right. Chill out.
No one gives a shit faggot.
>150 million budget with marketing that may as well double it
It has already made ~240 million worldwide.
ok nobody gives a shit, now let me first reply to this guy who is interested and asking me a direct question about my post
yes, but some are okay. the most annoying are those who scream into their headsets as if the microphone wasnt right next to their mouths.
All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall
any of the chinese girls get naked in the movie? if no then why even bother
I have literally no idea how much a film is supposed to gross in previews, but a million sounds like quite a lot.
No one gives a shit faggot.
>implying the result matters
Anyone remember those threads on the first day avatar was released and everyone calling it a blunder because an alvin and the chimpunks movie did better the first day?
>from Thursday preview
I have no idea what this means. Is that good, or?
It is. OP's a retard.
Care to explain?
it has made close to 240 million outside the us, on a 150 million budget. if it makes 100 million in us, i think that would put it up as a financial success? will it make 100 million?
It already is a financial success. The movie is absolute trash though. Everyone laugh at OP and his faggot picture and the fact he took the time to make it. You upset you can't delete your own threads you fucking Obongo loving faggot?
I like how racebaiting is only OK when Sup Forums does it when it's about "dem dang ol niggers"
They won't get all the money they made in China, they will get a lot of it because it has a lot of Chinese actors and it had many Chinese production companies, but not all of it.
>muh Sup Forums
Keep on trying to deflect that you were obviously shitposting and that the movie's failure was inherent to the characters' ethinicities, you brain damaged cunt.
>implying I want to watch matt damon in a chinese state sponsored movie about the great wall
It's very low. Big movies (like this one is trying to be) make over 5 million on Thursday previews. IIRC TDKR, Hary Potter's final movie, and a bunch of Marvel movies crack 7 million on Thursday night showings.
say's right here it's at 220 million
>It's very low
>Big movies (like this one is trying to be)
>Big movies (like this one is trying to be) make over 5 million on Thursday previews.
yeah i'm gonna need a source
it released in China months ago and they loved it
>this thread
Uh it already grossed 224 million faggots
the movie is forecast to make about 15m over the weekend, that's not great.
lego batman is forecast to make more than twice, and it's in its second week.
it's also competing with john wick, which is forecast to fo better.
Who cares it's going to gross like $700 million in China alone.
nah it stopped at 170m, not going to make much more now. maybe a few 100k.
Iron Man repulsor energy that powers his suits are made and property of some Chinese man.
At one point Iron Man also goes to a school for no reason to perform for kids.
the chinese premiere of this beat the fucking xXx premiere by only 100k
Actual premiere is Friday though.
Hold onto your butts.
There is some ridiculous dialogue too
>"China will help/aid Iron man!"
Based China.
The good word of mouth will save it.
why is mcgillis in there
>Double that for marketing
who the hell invented that stupid rule?
watch it make 75 mil in the states
>last updated 2/12
it's probably a lot higher by now
>shit movie
I went to see the movie in the theater's and i felt asleep
Just came back from watching it, people are being way too harsh about this movie.
If you go in expecting an action movie with a chinese fantasy theme aimed towards young teens, you wont be disappointed.
It was entertaining.
oh wait.... nah make that 40 mil hahahahahaha
Why is Brad hanging out with that murdering rapist again?
>who the hell invented that stupid rule?
Sup Forums accountants who think production and marketing are the same department and share the same rules.
more like Great Bomb lmao
>if matt damon was black it would be financially successful
>last updated 2/12
Where do you see that.
>censorship is okay if you are a whipped bitch and accept it
>President literally prefers that you get news directly from his mouth
>this censorship is okay
>punching a white nationalist for heil-fiving and refusing to distance himself from Adolf fucking Hitler
>bad censorship
>in conclusion: censorship is okay if I agree with it.
You can't make this shit up, you really can't.