Can anime be kino?
Can anime be kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
These dubs are kino
that one was but not any recently
of coursh
Memes aside, this and one punch man are the only things that come close to OP
nice try, check these
Anime can never be kino, child of callemdb Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.
Absolutely. But don't tell anyone on this board or url.
>conveniently forgets Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and many others
You tell me.
Wait is this the same entry level trashman that joined Sup Forums due to star wars 7 leaks and then watched entry level cartoon #2312 and now thinks hes in some sort of deep end?
So with sadness in my heart, I feel the best thing I could do is end it all and leave forever
Look man, let's be real here. There is nothing to be found past the "entry level anime". End of Evangelion is as good as it's gonna get.
Death Note first half was great but the 2nd got too convoluted with the rules and no Light was a downer. Ending was satisfying though. Bebop is a classic, don't even need to mention it. I admit I haven't seen trigun
>He thinks he understand Anno, the greatest troll of this generation.
>Anno went on to explain that for years he and his colleagues had denied the allegations that Evangelion is anything other than a poorly funded mecha anime with Christian Imagery to draw viewers’ attention. Laughing, he said, “now people actually believe I only chose the name Evangelion because it sounds complicated. You know what else sounds complicated? Freundschaftsbeziehung, the German word for friendly relation.”
>Kubrick in the same image as Bergman
Why do you hate and disrespect Bergman so much?
Was he right?
He sure got you.
damn shame you people are so stupid.
wasn't he talking to school kids or something?
>posts blatant anno troll
>believing it as fact
>nah-huh he got you!
But Tolkien make so much more sense
Millennium Actress is as kino as it gets
>center stage for videogame players
>quote unquote "kino"
kino the anime
>Kubrick is bad meme
Sennen Joyuu?
>it's a "Sup Forums rejects discuss anime on Sup Forums" episode
But can kino be anime?
>Anime can't be kino
MD Geist you faggots
even though I consider NGE a masterpiece, I agree with everything in this post
frogposters confirmed cucks