Be canada

>be canada
>mint your pennies from steel because you can no longer afford zinc

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be Canada
>We don't use pennies anymore

what's a penny?

we no longer have pennies, so i dont know what you're smoking burger

Americans should do the same but most are probably too stupid to know what rounding is.

I noticed that too OP.
It making ahaving their coins so much harder.

Shit I forgot so I'm basically holding a fucking artifact from 2004

Chinese steel?

>using pennies

they are still legal tender but Canada doesnt make them anymore

the cost of making a penny was more then the unit to make one so we stopped

you should stop too with your cents.

The days of buying shit with cents/pennies is LONG GONE.

on an unrelated note i want to punch anyone that advertises shit as

>ONLY $19.99!!!!
>the house costs just $249,999.99!!!!!

ITS FUCKING $250,000

You said you wanted to live in a world without zinc.

It's a jew tactic to make your brain the price is smaller than it really is

It's the oldest advertising trick in the book. People feel like they're getting a better deal, even if it's only by a cent.

it has something to do with psychological marketing.

the *9.99 looks bigger than the *0.00 so therefore it must be more worth it and better.

I see

>a world without zinc
What did he mean by this?

The government is sequestering valuable metals. It might as well take the least valuable metals.

We should get rid of the penny but I'd also like to see a coin like the old british pound; small, heavy and worth something. The gas one always got me - 9/10ths - like wtf? And in a completely unrelated note I found a 1918 Canadian silver dime when I dug a hole to plant a mango tree all the way down here in Florida.

Damn Canada really loves maple leaves

Syrup built this nation.

Fuck that one with the horizontal lines is aesthetic as fuck.