How can everyone hate Turkey when they are:

How can everyone hate Turkey when they are:

>The most uncucked nation in Europe
>One of the strongest European militaries
>Doesn't give a shit about what anyone says
>Cucks Communists and ISIS on a daily basis
>Köksal Baba

The only reason people seem to hate Turkey is because:

>"muh constantinople" (Even though freedom of religion was promised to every non-Muslim after they took the City)
>Literally crushed Greece in every war.

Literally every Turk I've met in Sweden have been so fucking based, very friendly people and beautiful women, compared to every other PKK- and Slav-loving commiecucks we see here.

t. Turkish immigrant
Get out.

hello kebab

Your people are generally recognised as one of the most unpleasant on earth. That's why

Only Swedes and David Cameron think Turkey is in Europe.
How's that Armenian genocide btw?


Sorry Mehmet, but...

>conservative nationalist shitskins
still shitskins.
they have nothing worth conserving or being nationalist about.

If they dont have a 2nd amendment then they are garbage. Even our 2nd amendment is heavily regulated and sold back to us. So no, they are not awesome.

Because amerca gave money to turkey in which gave the money to ISIS

>ucks Communists and ISIS on a daily basis

I agree they do fuck the commies but they directly support ISIS stop being a faggot.


pick one.

Turkey has millenary history, culture and unique architecture due to its position in between Europe and Asia, unlike you ignorant ameritard

I don't hate Turkey, they are my allies.

they have a long history of trying to rape europe and getting their ass kicked by poland

Yeah you crushed us. Go suck some commie Kurdish cock now cuck.

And lick some sweaty, musky, urine smelling, hairy commie Kurdish pussy too. Don't forget PKK, YPJ cucks you hard.

>in europe
stopped you right there

>that pic
The fuck kinda mall ninja shit is that?

nice body tho

Turkey is a pro-ISIS terror state that hates Europe, and has no democracy. It is a state that bombs, shoots, and gasses Kurds and expects respect from first world western nations. At the moment it is currently trying to blackmail the EU into membership. Turks are bastards. We'd have to be fucking mad to take them in. They are also not European -- 95% of their country is in fucking ASIA for Christ's sakes. On top of all this, their secularism is slowly being eroded in favour of a new revival in Islamic ideology.

why is her strap covering her scope?

I don't mind the Turkish people since they are all a hodgepodge of conquered peoples and genetics. I fucking hate the Turkish government for their bullshit tactical support of ISIS

Yes, Turks, your Turkey is so "secular" it is currently establishing a God empire and has been the greatest ally of ISIS.

Even Germanistan isn't as bad as Turkey from an Allah Akbar perspective.

If I could wipe one people off the face of the planet, I would pick the Turks without a moments thought.

>unique architecture
It's just stolen Byzantine styles. Turks are just Anatolians who got confused and thought they were Islamic hordes of Steppe nomads.



If you'd choose Turks over niggers your the biggest dumbass in existence.



And the roaches fund ISIS you fucking fag

because it's a PR shot, nothing is actually happening.

Kek, nice one Poland.

>strap covering scope
poorly staged, but still hot

>turkey shill
>swedish flag




What does this acronym mean

Bitch, you're just repeating baseless Alex Jonesian memes. The majority of ISIS fighters are Russian, you stupid son of a whore.

First Post Best Post
Some retarded cancerous meme that came from that shithole NeoGAF and newfags use it to try and fit in.



Not all of them. Throughout the years they've integrated (ironically unrelated) Turkic people because of their false nationalistic impression that they are a Turkic nation. As a result, today's Turkey contains more Uyghur and Tatars than it does Oghuz, which is what Ottomans initially were.

I hope Turkey is partitioned into two one day. A revived Greco-Anatolian nation to the west, and a mongrel steppe Turkic nation to the east.

>The most uncucked nation in Europe
stopped reading there

Lol poland bringing the bantz

Thank you. I've been wondering for weeks.

this is what i found

aaand im btfo (???)

pick one

The only good thing about turkey is Koksal Baba

are you that chechen guy from Sup Forums?

lol maybe back in 93
Ataturk is rolling in his huge grave that tourists don't even visit anymore because everyone knows Turkey is dangerous now
>Cucks Communists and ISIS on a daily basis

>Bitch, you're just repeating baseless Alex Jonesian memes. The majority of ISIS fighters are Russian, you stupid son of a whore.
Source? I'm not a Russiaboo, I'm just really curious as to where you found such information.


GTFO achmed!

i would think that they arent "russian", but probably chechen

fuck sarranids


captcha: gaywood

American colonist lost more battles against Britain than Britain lost but in the end you won the war. Same thing here.

>in Europe

> a made up country

it has more persian styles than byzantines, also adapting to civilized world isn't actually stealing
what did you want us to do, build some stone yurts? cunt

>they have nothing worth conserving or being nationalist about.

>"muh constantinople" (Even though freedom of religion was promised to every non-Muslim after they took the City)
>Literally crushed Greece in every war.
you forgot shitskin
i hate shitskins

lol, okay
albos were so good at war they got conquered and vassalized
>160k men
ottomans didn't even have 60k(christians claim 300k ottoman troops lol) people in the siege of constantinople, and that is with thousands of christian volunteers and vassals joining in

Turkey is where today's Jews originated from.

> mfw burka oven