Greece-"Turkey" unification

When will our lost eastern Greek brethren calling themselves "Turks" understand that they are Greek?
We could merge our states and become a superpower.

it will be a shithole but with more land than before

Come home Greek man

>We could merge our states and become a superpower.



Turkey should reunite with their African BLACK brothers

epic meme
now get the fuck out of here before i scorpion kick your mother

You are Greek.

yunan degil

>you're greek
>meanwhile turks and greeks from the same city
have Greeks started to whitewash us to feel whiter now? must be tired of rapebaby meme lmao

itnen yazma

Are the T*rks still rangebanned? It seems like there is only 2-3 of them around.

>We could merge our states and become a superpower.
We overnumber you so much at best greece would just end up as its own state in the united cunt
There are turkish cities with as much or more population than your entire country

True, but we have Raid.
You guys are fucked.

>Underage discovered an epin meme on Sup Forums
wow so offended ohh i'm gonna die how can i even recover
stop making shit threads. or else i'll make you my underage fuckboy and rape your milf mother
bremın ciddi cevap verme pls

1 Greek is worth (much) more turks

Greeks are better than other humans
but op is a manipulative non-Greek shitskin

bumping this great thread


If they don't convert to the true faith they can kill themselves

El otomANO


beautiful thread