I'm not having kids because the world is already overpopulated!

>I'm not having kids because the world is already overpopulated!

Why do only white people say this?

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Never heard that ever

Have you ever once gone outside your room or even been on the Internet before?

Because white people are the only ones to contemplate the results of their actions and repress instinctive urges for instant gratification.

World is not over populated, there is a shit ton of people but those are mostly shitskins and subhumans.

A white baby worths more than 10 of those animals.

>I'm going to post once and never post again

Why do faggots keep doing this?

A white baby is worth more than all the Mexicans that have ever and will ever live

Because whites have the unfortunate cognitive ability called foresight.

Because only white people have the cognitive capacity for such delusions.
Molyneux did an entire video on the phenomenon you noted:

Because all people of color are desperate for the gibsmedat that comes with cranking out shitlets.

>Why do only white people say this?
Because black people and mexicans cant help themselves having lots of kids, asians are super family oriented and whites get divorced more than anyone. The breakdown of families has led to this. I dont want to have kids myself mainly because of the cost

lowkey, i think mos white ppl r sacred of bullys n bad sh!t in the world. fur real doe, i be kina scurred bout bringin shawties in2 dis wurld to cuz shit b cray in tha ghetto senpai

i mean low honeeslty i aint bout that life. my pops had me n juss bounced. just the way it is bruh

because they want gibmedats for themselves and so they try and self aggrandise their motive

>knowing your kids would have to be around niggers
>still having kids

multiculturalism at its finest

because the jews lie to them and tell them that the world is overpopulated.

Das rite but it aint too late to hit that (you) button my nigga!! Aye

If Eugenics and gene editing was mandatory human race would become immortal lobster people. But noooo lets wait for millions of years for natural evolution and breed randomly like pigs.

>immortal lobster people

>India and china are so overpopulated they make the whole world look overpopulated
>the non-overpopulated areas decide not to make kids because of it

They don't

But I'm not having kids because I'd rather keep my money to myself and stay single.

Gonna live innawoods before 2020 hits.

Only in USA would someone state this as a reason of being childless.

I blame environmentalist ideology.

t. I have 6 children

10 years of Sup Forums destroyed my attitude and self-confidence and now I can't get laid.

Because only White People can plan. You just proved you have nigger-tier intelligence. Well, actually, you just proved you're a neoliberal corporate shill, but then it is a day ending in "Y", right?

I'm not having children or a family because of the state our world is in. I do not want to pass on my genes and I want to end my family line with me, being the only male. I'm completely fine being alone and see there is a greater need for my own financial stability.

This, during times of economic hardship white people reduce their reproduction

See: the great depression and collapse of the soviet union

Lmao Sup Forums gave me more attitude and now I can actually get laid. Too bad you took the black pill, friend

Life is pointless and full of pain and boredom. Enlightened people realize this. Procreation is just selfishly bringing people into the world so you can feel better about yourself in your adult years.

are you orthodox

Because they are fucking retarded.

Well I'm just waiting to depopulate it a little first.

WW3 anytime now....

Actually, people don't have kids because they think life is pleasure and sunshines. You are deluded

I'm not having kids because I can't fucking afford it. Also I refuse to date because respectable women are few and far between.

>world is not overpopulated

You're fucking autistic.

it's just something stupid young narcissistic people say

i'm not having kids because of X

when they hit forty and their body starts to give out and their hair turns grey and they get wrinkles and limp a little bit and get bored with all their toys then they see that all their friends have kids

and then they wait a few more years, and then they can't find a good partner because they waited too long so they have to settle for someone with obvious flaws- like a bunch of kids or a drug problem or chubby with no hope of recovery or hyper-sluts

then they make shitty mixed families with no real connection just a bunch of people 'related' through law

these people bring it upon themselves

if a woman is 30 and still unsure about whether or not she wants kids then it's already too late for her

her hair hasn't turned grey yet but her looks are about to fall off a cliff and when she notices that her options are suddenly limited she will latch on to the best-looking richest guy she can find. it doesn't actually matter if he is good-looking or not at that point.

after 35 they begin to realize that they fucked up and they start to cling to 'security' rather than what they actually wanted when they were young and had options.

then they get divorced anywhere from 38-45 and have to start again with more baggage and fewer options

life is not fair to women

and they have no foresight and society flat out lies to them with shit shows like 'sex in the city' and other middle-aged woman's fictions

life is kinder to men. if you have or can make money- you will be fine

Because it is true.

The other races don't have foresight, though.

> having a helpless mouth to feed when the war breaks out.
Good luck with that.

Look at nigger culture it's nothing but mindless consumierism and drugs. Do you really think they are capable of thinking that far?

>world is already overpopulated!
became a meme when we invented the fucking steam machine

What is overpopulated? The state of having more population than is possible?
That's clearly false.

The total population density of the land mass of the world excluding the arctic and antarctic circles is still less than than 5 people per km^2.

At the population density of New York the whole's world population could live within an area smaller than Texas, although clearly requiring massively more space to grow food and house the industrial production needed for modern life.

The current estimates are that the world population will cap out at 12 billion people with almost all the growth happening in South America and Africa.

I have schizophrenia and don't have sex drive at all.

I will take things that are not true for $200