Why are slavs so hated around the world in general?

Why are slavs so hated around the world in general?
I noticed many people start to disregard you with prejudice once they know that you are slav.
How so?

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There is nothing to be jealous about, however there is a hatred somehow.
Like people annoyed by the very fact of your existence


Could it be that people over here are more interested in circle jerk generals, guessing ethnicities and roleplaying as their respected countries?


slavs are subhumans

Decades of cold war propaganda

It's easily one of the worst boards here and that's saying something.


But cold war is over yet people still bear hatred in their hearts.

From what I've seen over here this one looks like one of the most civilized ones where you can freely express your opinion without fear of being down-voted and muted by admins of some big site.


Backstabbing criminal thugs. No one trusts Slavs. Slav is synonymous with crimes and prostitution.

says a brazilian


Not here, maybe only albania.

They cause trouble and are usually up to illegal activities.

And they're poor

But crimes commit little percentage of actual population just like everywhere else?

What kind of trouble?

you try to play vidya with these cancerous bitches in your team in every single game, they cant / nor wont speak english, flame about the slightest of things, fuck up and shit

Don't play those games/don't play with such people?

You seriously base your hatred on interaction with people in video games?
As far as I know over here it is kids (mostly of age 7-15) who play video games over here.
If those games are f2p then chances are higet that they will play it.
They don't want to speak ENglish in general because they are not going to need it.

>Brazilian and gook calling others violent criminals


Even kkk hated slavs

funnily russians despise foreigners innvydia too for insisting everybody should speask in english even when they are a minority or they are not addressed at all (a group of guys speak to each other, a russian guild advertises to russians etc) they still bitch they can't satisfy their creepy curiosity, and also for poor skills (yeah, each nation blames another in the poor skills)

No, it has been ages ago and nowadays too. You try to visit a bar as a finn, youll get your ass handed. Ive seen russian workers get new cars from working here and coming back after weekend it all trashed up.. You visit Viipuri for example, youll get robbed 100%. Back in the day (grandpa) to now

You wouldnt fucking know cause you aint playing with them constantly. Bunch of retards

lot's of it has to do with ignorance and as he said; propaganda that boomers shared to their kids. the bigger factor I think though is that russia is seen as the boogeyman of the world, since pretty much all of europe is in the same military alliance, so there's nobody else to point fingers at.

well russians are rarely criminals but they are often unruly... stuff like taking pics where it is forbidden, taking food from buffet breakfasts etc

russians are also often rude

atleast it is why russoan tourists are sometimes disliked

I see. WIth this I can agree. Many of my countrymen when travel abroad expect everything to be in their favour. We don't have any culture regarding travels because a lot of people didn't travel before. It is especially true about mature and old people.
I believe in next 10-20 years situation will change since modern youth is more aware of right behaviour in foreign countries, however currents sanctions reduce amount of people who can afford it.

Because there are like 350 million Slavs in the world, but they contributed very little to the world culture, science and economy. Slavs are just subhumans, who occupy precious clay that could be used in a proper way, for the mankind, if it was controlled by Germans or Anglos.

one hour without turning into cnaB thread, congratulation

All those videos of slavs showing their balance skills on the edges of skyscrapers make me feel that they are dangerous.

Nobody hates Czech or Slovak.
Other Slavs are hated though.
I honestly don't know why.
I only understand hatred of Russian and the communism that is connected to Russian past.

>balts, churkas and poles fight for communism because they want independence
>get it
>for 20 years
>shit at Russians for ussr despite most of Russians fighting against it

>most of Russians fighting against it

lol, 90% of Russians in 1917 were illiterate peasants and they supported commies

if commies hadn't had support from the people, they would have lost to whites + western troops

I have no problem with Slavs. I feel a contentious ambivalence towards Russki Huns though

we are not slaves
turan blood flows in me

you're gypsies

inbred dog,
go back to your Russian master

>supported commies
are you literal retard? It's 9th grade history
Peasant can't support communism because he has land.

do you want a meme answer, or real one?

Meme answer was given by Iki As for real answer, it might just be your own complexes and confirmation bias. It could also just be regular prejudices ("I bet he drinks a lot of alcohol and beats people") Or maybe it's case of national politics filtering down to interpersonal relations ("I bet he supports cryptofascist dictators")

Russians are alright.
Fuck churkas.

people from the land in general don't support communism, city folk (poor city folk) supported it

Never known a single person who hated Slavs here

they fuck russian women
fuck russia

Those are not russians, but other finns from territories occupied by soviets after the winter war. You don't have russians in finland. People who immigrate there are either other finnic people or northern russians which is basically the same thing genetic wise.

Dumb polish subhuman. Jews and other minorities carried out the bolshevik revolution, not russians.


I hope we all will live in peace one day.