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Pay them then kick them out of the EU.

Germany doesn't have to pay and they are not going to.
And before you say "they are going to cuck out and pay regardless", you must understand that the German elite doesn't give about humanitarianism, everything to them is about profit and since they aren't going to make profit out of this they aren't going to repay "just to be the good guys".

Everybody is legally right to demand anything. Whether he gets it or not is a whole 'nother legal question.


Stop posting this shit rag

What about Russia?

they care about a destructive pretense of humanitarianism for their own political ends, just like most elites do, nothing more.

You have been paid already.

But we gain nothing, Stalin gave us those lands for our eastern territories so it was nothing more than exchange.
Pay reparation Hans or at least stop demanding obedience from us.

Germany = Japan
Poland = Korea

Don't pay Germany.
They continue to demand because they are poor.

>be poleshit
>cooperate with nazis and kill jews
>claim to be the victims and get gibs
nigger nation

>mfw Poland and Germany will go ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLERS on each other over WWII/refugees for years to come

Why can't Poland invade Germany and France?

pay debt, nipon

>be korean
>cooperate with Japanese army and kill chinks
>claim to be the victims and get gibs
>subhuman country

This. This is why you neber supposed to apologize for war crimes or genocide. You will never stop paying debt


Will Poland ever stop demanding gibs?

This is nigger tier. Just like Spanish speaking countries demaning Spanish gold

Paid reparations to the birds?


It's the other way around. The emus will have to pay.

Polen please :(

You filthy german pigs gib reparations so we can build our empire

>Germany kicking Polad from UE
Something's wrong with your logic skills buddy

Poles will never win because they are white.

If Poles were brown or black, Germans would pay.

Check your privilege.

poles arent white

>polish lawyers

>tfw wh*Te subhuman

This is an unrelated topic, but I read a ridiculously funny news article yesterday about a Russian gay who fled to Germany and applied as a refugee due to being oppressed in Russia or some shit.
So, Germans approved his refugee status and sent him to a refugee camp. Which is filled with muslims. A gay dude, living in the same camp with a whooole bunch of muslims. The dude started going to nearby gay club, his roommates found out about that and the rest of the article is just him crying about being beaten, demeaned, forced to perform fellatio on his muzzie roommates under fear of death and Germans not doing anything about that because he doesn't speak German and any Russian speaking person he encountered couldn't give less of a shit about a homo's troubles.
He wrote a letter to Russian embassy asking for help, but they ignored it, since he's a refugee now and his problems fall under German jurisdiction.

Comedy gold

I would like to see Germany paying full amount of the reparation. Because you are the leader of Europe and the embodiment of humanitarianism. I'm counting on you, Germany sama.


>muslims despise faggots
>they hate them so much once they meet one they'll force him to suck their dicks
Same for american prisons.
I will truly never comprehend what goes through the mind of a subhuman

Germany was a mistake.

The dude that forced him to perform fellatio also tried to force the gay dude to marry him in order to get the full refugee status too.

My fucking sides.

Korea is good. Can't wait when they launch atomic bomb on Japan.

He is gay, he just need to search a hot muslim, marry him, make a youtube video and voila

>lawyers say
Top kek.

He could choose to stop being gay

Once you take up in the ass, you can't come back to heterossexuality

>t. underage fag who doesn't know shit about German/European history

They are, as criminals, cleaners and manual labourers.

Suck a dick pooland

Currently there are 1.5 million Poles illegally occupying and have confiscated properties and belongings of native Palestinians putting them into endless suffering for decades with many losing their lives in this ordeal, not to mention the inhumane conditions they had to live in for the Poles to illegally evict them.

We are going to sue Poland for reparations for the damages their citizens have inflicted upon our glorious nation and its people and we demand exactly the same amount they are asking from Germany.

T. Mahmoud Abbas

So since Germany gave you and Russia took from you, it's Germany that owes you?
>Polish logic

russia has been paid back during the cold war


>their citizens
You have to renounce your polish citizenship in order to obtain the citizenship of Israel

They were still citizens of Poland at the time of the war, meaning they were polish invaders and later relinquished their citizenship after the war ended and Israel was established

I think he implies that Poles should ask reparations from us, which is a meaningless task.

nod really

Yes really :DDD
You have two options:
A) Pay reparations
B) Take them back

Once you join a foreign army, you lose the right for double citizenship.

poland stronk

I think poles should pay the expenses from removing the plague on his country.
Not less than a euro for every jew removed.

>thanks to Jews the sentence "Polish invaders" exists

There wasn't a foreign army and there wasn't a nation to have a second citizenship from to begin with. They were Polish citizens conspiring against the welfare and livelihood of innocent Palestinian chuhhhldreeen

What do you say Chaim? Become a witness and 50/50 profits?

But the eastern territories were shitholes
It's a net gain for pooland

IDF is a recognized army.


Fuck the money.

Germany has to conquer Lwów back for Poland.

t. a Polandboo which speaks Polish already

Tell me that you are not better before the jewish removal.
They where responsible for half of the bad things that happened in your cunt.

Are you Saszka?

Are you an idiot?

Pre 1948: 1. There wasn't a state called Israel to defend 2. They were armed gangs at the time

I don't hurt Poland in any way

Tak. Czy masz jakies pytanie?

A nie, nic. Miłego dnia.

They have qts
>same as you only that you still stuck at the gangs step

>Yes really :DDD
They weren't acting on the behalf of Government of Poland neither of Government of Polish People's Republic therefore expecting reparations for the actions of private individuals acting on their own will is silly


co znaczy "nie potrafiłam spać"?

mówi o tym że nie mogła spać?

Miała problem z zasnięciem

I don't think we are in the same page.
What i am saying, is that there is no more poles in Israel (nowadays) because they did join the IDF (conscripts).
Os course Israel did not exist when the great immigration started.

>nie potrafiłam spać
zdanie jak z google translatora chyba że w szerszym kontekście "nie potrafiła spać w konkretnych warunkach" ie. hałas, namiot, pod gwiazdami etc.

Time to have the talk with you dad and grandfather.
Ask them about the jews.

to z piosenki Red Lips - To co było

cała piosenka to jest piękny obrazek nowego dialekta mieszaniego

They are dead.

czego ty słuchasz

ale brzmi pięknie

z rosyjkiego rekomenduję

There are no SS nazis in Germany today either.

>jew refuses money
what the fuck is going on m8? Are you okay?

This shit needs to stop.
There will be no reparations, and they know it. only thing it does is to create animosity between German and Polish people

Come on with the money meme, I can also call you a goat fucker but I won't because I'm a a nice and polite man who only takes your lands
pls be nice and polite too and make this place a better world


Germany shouldn't became united and you know it too. Eastern Germany is not even an ethnical german territories.

See, this is why you don't know about the jews.
Poland was probably the worst case of jews in the human history.
>1414, the first jew arrive in warsaw
>1765 they number 2500
>1795 they where 6700
>1804? 11390 (15% of the population of warsaw)
>1882, 130000 jews (1/3 of warsaw)
>1917 where just 343000 (41% of warsaw)
>when germany invaded, they number 395000

Jews were never Poles. They lived in ghettos, spoke Yiddish and they never mixed with Poles. It was a completely different world no Pole tried to enter and no Jew wanted anyone outside their ghetto to meet their culture.

I know about this.
I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say here.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I was just shitposting out of boredom to ridicule this nonsense. I like you guys

>all the """Prussia""" meme

do you wanna be prussians? Speak the Old Prussian language or fuck off.

but i thought polish death camps killed most people in ww2?

poland is allowed in the eu.
dont overstay your welcome here.

Jews caused a lot of famines in poland because they loan money to farmers and take the money loaned back in crops (with insane interest). They owned the most of distillers and turn entire crops into vodka. This almost destroy your country several times.

Poles only care about the murdered Jews as long as they can use the number for their own purposes/propaganda.

Yep, I wrote this in /polska/. I found a jewish girl in web, trying to communicate, but she didn't answer.

But the main point. She is huge, really huge germanboo. Her germanophilia is even more stronger than mine to Poland.

After all the shit and being jewish, she is still Germanboo.

Ja jebię


Reclaimed territories after war were even bigger shitholes. Russians considered these as German territories, so they went completely trigger happy.
And all the modern industry equipment that was in the Eastern Germany was taken back to Russia, where they were left to rust because they had no idea how to use these.