Do you drink Tea with Milk in your country?

Do you drink Tea with Milk in your country?


Barley tea + sugar is the best drink

Yes, te, mate cocido and covfefe.

tea is for asiatic subhumans

tea is shit

Depends on the tea, but mostly yes.

tea is for asiatic subhumans you chinese filth

gayreeks are gay and they reek

laughed too hard

you are manipulative asian shitskins with dark genitals and black eyes

diaspora shitskin

We do in kriegstan but i'm not a fan

>diaspora shitskin
no thats you


you are the sneaky chinse subhuman
not me
you filthy shitskin

>you filthy shitskin
no thats you

chinese are subhumans

no thats you

Pls, don't let this thread go off topic

chinese are subhumans

Sorry, I'll stop now.

>t. butt hurt russ-mongol rape baby

It's already too late

>I drink tea

It does because of this autistic cunt that thinks he's on Sup Forums and replies the same trash every thread
>luk at me I are aryan
>y'all shitskins cause our schizophrenic leader said so 7 decades ago

I am a Greek

>Tea with milk


>mfw great grandfather was injured in Northern Caucasus and never reached Berlin so he could rape qt germans

only breakfast tea

also milk does NOT go in coffee.

Don't listen to this g*rmanoid subhuman
Tea is great and I love it with milk.

No, that's weird

i dont drink tea because im not a poofta desu

Not often as I prefer green tea. Wouldn't drink Black tea without it though.

>wh*Tes arguing about who is more subhuman
You're all trash.

I'm a BLACK TÜRK and I only drink BLACK TÜRKish coffee.

Disgusting Anglo habit. I'm sorry, rest of the world.

I don't know what my country does, but I do drink tea with milk, it's some extra proteins, but I usually don't drink tea because it lowers your testosterone level

What proportions do you recommend?
I wanted to give it a try but confused about this matter.

Never have, never will
That's fucking disgusting

No, it's retarded.

put 1l of water and red tea and after it starts to boil just add 1l of milk, but I recommend just 0,5l for beginners, boil for like next 3-5 minutes. voila

oh and I usually take the tea out before pouring the milk, but it depends on how strong you want it