
Racemixing is still the future of Britain edition

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the lads are all down 'ere. floatin and such


Getting my daily dose of Molyneux and Sargon lads

>go to Thailand on holiday one summer
>20 years later she shows up at your doorstep and says she's your daughter
How do you react?

whats up with the train

love a bit of carl in the mornings before work

must visit swindon one of these days

wish there were only one race lads not racist just hate all the fuss simple as

hello nigger

I wish leftists didn't use racial politics to try to further their insane agenda.

NOT a very good morning coffee, Saturday is hanging in the balance

grab yourself a KFC brekky lad you've deserved it

Swindon mentioned





i'd assume she wants money and i'd immediately tell her that she ain't getting none from me

>Drinking coffee in the morning
>Not black tea


Brit > Su

What if she just wants to spend time with you because she never knew you?

I have good news

thats a song from THE BEATLES

people ain't like that lad

I'm so glad I'm not a 60 IQ Abo lad

Do u like her, Beto?

embarrassing i wold leave the thread for half an hour if i were you

I'm on Sup Forums

>it's an unemployed paki gets on the bus with his 16 children and burka"d up wife episode

>it's a paki gets on the bus with a lidl bag but you're 3 stops away

wish i was born in the days when colonialism wasn't seen as some great evil and rather as a just and noble cause

hope you killed them then and there lad


The Ozzy Bible

my country did proper colonialism not poncey yank colonialism

Time will prove us right desu

>I help a bunch of ninjas with their prams down a series of steps
They don't even say thank you
Just mutter to each other
It's hard to be a mannerly Brit these days

did they atleast put out lad?

This too


ummm lad practically every county on the planet is beholden to us in some way
how is our form of colonialism any worse than yours

been farting non stop all day

there's enough gas in here to form another jupiter


hope so lad

sometimes it's hard to remember to keep the ol' chin up these days

yanks? no thanks!

We did it to help the hapless natives whereas you simply killed them

Your disgust me

>what is Zulu

nonwhites don't deserve to live tbf


the savages of the north american continent were hardly hapless

in fact they were some of the most brutal people to ever live
they would've made a medieval inquisitors seem like a bunch of mother theresas

as for our overseas expeditions we did help a lot in fact the philippines was doing spectacularly until we left at which point manila quickly lost its moniker of the time "the pearl of the orient"

Shut up ya filthy ranga

A place that was introduced to a superior way of life

A film. Zulus still exist mate.

Stop not racemixing

ausfailians need to stop

native americans still exist. they have massive reservations to live on
there's literally no difference between us. yank colonialists were mostly british anyway haha


I mean it's cute, but it's not really news

Filthy fucking ranga

Simmer down

its wranga you mong

Ah yes the "We're British when it morally suits us" tactic.

with all the pakis in britain these days it's safe to say that the average american is more british than the average brit (who is a mix of south asian and west indian)

the USA is an extension of the british empire twobh

You are the British empire

unbelievably assumptuous yank post

post fucking machines

good lad

post fucking machines

America left the British empire ages ago it's fucking sad you lot still associate yourselves with it

Its presumptuous you fucking spoon

Without the Empire, Israel would still be Mandatory Palestine

just testing you lad well done you passed

i thoughts brit were proud of the fact that the USA is like their bastard offspring

>tfw the fucking machine guy was nearly four years ago
Good meem though. Lest we forget

No the America of today has nothing to do with Britain

What do I win ya mam on toast?


I will personally annihilate every single shitskin nigger subhuman who steps within a 200 kilometre radius of my domicile

you have been warned

Am I white?


and downright stupid

*breaks into your house as you type this and rapes your maw*

>3.1% British

Average modern Yank

Filthy mud blood

don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry


What If I kick my ball over your fence accidentally?

dont like you anyway

cannot believe people see no problem in giving a company their DNA and genetic information for $100

don't blame me when 23andme creates an army of superhuman clone versions of runts like you and takes over the world

post fucking machines

listening to rammstein

ahhh he is back :(

*heems you right in the noggin*

goodnight alt right


>dark body hair


need a tan lad

unironic paki

pretty sure i know who this nutter is

I'm a Frog/Tunisian, you bastard

Huh she looks like a Colombian chick I know