Give me more podcast kino like Cum Town. It could be more thematical as long as they have a similar style and humor
Give me more podcast kino like Cum Town. It could be more thematical as long as they have a similar style and humor
literally nothing
cum town is something really unique, I autistically re-listen to all the episodes. There really isn't anything like it, just how casual and funny it is.
I am a big shill for the show
my man i was just listening to the last one
they're getting better and better
how many yall like sex?
>My man know when you got a wallace and gromit bitch on your dick
>its a Chapo Trap House episode
Stav's laugh has grown on me, unlike Adam's vocal fry
is there a specific episode this comes from
I'm interested. Is this something I can jack off to while drving?
I predict that Nick Mullen becomes a global superstar. The first autistic podcasting comedian to win an oscar.
It's from the episode "how many yall like sex"
Could you sell me on it? What's it about? What's the appeal?
he reminds me of a young Norm
A failed comedian, his actually funny fat friend, and their nasally jewish coke plug do a podcast in their Patreon-funded mansion where they cover a variety of topis, such as:
>how black people are dumb
>pretending to be democratic socialists
>home improvement
>the occasional 10/10 story about some fucked up loser comedian or retarded person they used to work with
>whatever movie they are currently watching
>Calling themselves gay and autistic
>greek gayness
>Steven Segal
sometimes a shitty guest comes on or Nick isn't getting enough attention so he does angry episodes. If that doesn't inherenty appeal to you, you will never understand it
Thanks, I'll check it out. All the podcasts I used to listen to have turned to shit.
So it's Sup Forums: The podcast?
Sounds pretty fucking reddit.
Cum town on Pizzagate
>it's an amber episode
otherwise best podcast out, the height of the medium imo
you must never respect a woman
some of these are gold
remember, if you're an internet nazi you gotta pay 15 dollars a month off yer mums credit card
cum town is pretty fucking great, but I do prefer Chapo though
Between Cum Town and Hollywood Handbook I have become unable to participate in any sincere human interaction
Adam talks like he has 3 dicks in his ass at all times, theres no way hes straight.
How long before Nick is stabbed in the streets by a fan?
>duuddde we're working class socialists and care about the people (are actually all bourgeoisie upper class brooklyn hipster coke heads with high level connections)
My favorite Nick story is his uncle reporting him to the FBI for explaining what a caliphate was
>listen to the first episode
>they talk about trans-bathrooms and how Gavin McInnes is a terrible racist for saying the "n-word" all the time
Just another one of those amazing Sup Forums recommendations...
Good job sean
good shit on this thread sean.
he'll OD or kill himself before then probably
They shit on trannies and say nigger all the time you mongoloid
>ctrl+f no Uhh Yeah Dude
Sup Forums pls...
they just passed their 11 year anniversary too iirc
>Cum Town
>make Patreon begging page
>$500/mo funding goal
>"We get Stav sex change"
>$1,000/mo funding goal
>"We fuck the Stav girl"
this sounds h*ck of reddit
The Bone Zone is the only other podcast that makes me laugh as much. It's been shit for a while now, though.
What the fuck is this? The show notes make no sense.
Earwolf is reddit
My go to silly voice is nicks baltimore guy now
Any Podcasts that are not overtly commi/liberal. I can handle lib comedy but at this time all they do is talk about trump. I makes me wonder if they actually hate him or just glad he gives them purpose.
>Any Podcasts that are not overtly commi/liberal.
Any recommendations?
I've been watching a little bit of one of their episodes.
Is every episode so "DUDE DRUGS LMAO XDDD"?
So far I found No Agenda here. Frotcast is liberal but it is funny at times if they don't focus on politics thru the whole cast. I hope Cum Town and Chapo Trap House are at least like that.
if you get triggered that badly you should just listen to Anthony Cumia and nothing else
>I hope Chapo Trap House are at least like that.
oooooh boy...
This bits not, its about ghosts
I'm fine with liberal casts just as long as thats not all they do there are other things to talk about. I wonder if trumptards think of trump as much as a liberals nowadays.
had me chuckle mildly once or twice. but i think the entire concept of podcasts is gay and you are gay if you listen to them
what's gay about them? they're effectively just recorded radio shows
>the nick story about the break in at the gamestop
had me in fuckin tears
>Give me more podcast kino like Cum Town
Big 3 Podcast
Ron and Fez
>So it's Sup Forums: The podcast?
>Sounds pretty fucking reddit.
the way they walk about memes is a bit first eyar poster sometimes but nick mullen is genuinely funny. it's worth a listen.
I don't even listen to music anymore, it's all podcasts these days.
Jesus fucking christ, The Bone Zone is still being made? Those fags stopped being funny in like 2012, I only started listening because one of them had some good bits on The Ice House Chronicles
Is it really comparable to SleepyCabin? I just got through Season 1 and really enjoyed it.
You fags should try The Biggest Problem In The Universe. Maddox and Dick Masterson's defunct podcast. (Be aware however that Maddox the cuck hijacked the RSS feed for his shitty new show "The Best Debate In The Universe". It's unlistenable, unlike Dick's spinoff podcast)
what's this about, is it gay or sexual at all?
For a movie about woodworking
I think one of the most underrated moments (and one of the hardest times I've laughed) was the filler bit at the end of the Halloween episode where nick randomly brings up the tap dancing kid who used to get beat up
the ep where they talk about their schooldays is great
>Nick putting magnets on the computers and blaming the retarded kid
>the kid playing 'Titanic' in the tent
>black nerds who would try and go supersaiyan when they got angry
do you remember what episode that is?
Cum Town is legit my favorite podcast right now. Their taste in movies is pretty shit though.
it's all ironic and "funny"
Cum Town is just a worse Being A Dudecast, too bad it's fucking gone from the internet now.
>Check out an episode of Cum Town
>Reminds me of unfunny shitposters immediately.
Wow what a shocker!
Red Bar Radio back when Dean and James Fritz were on the show/getting constantly roasted was probably some of the funniest shit though.
They say "enword" a lot.
>actually, autism is the highest order in the Indian caste system
I listened to a bit of this and they were unironically 3 white guys talking about "white privilege"
I can listen to Earwolf shows for that, they have much better production quality.
this is easily the best comedy podcast out there right now
Nick Mullen is the most talented one, also its not very reddit because you need a Sup Forums esque autism to get a lot of the references and jokes. redditors are sherrod small fans
high society radio was the best until cumtown came out
the bone zone podcast is pretty great as well but no one puts good shit on youtube
gavin mcinness sucks and literally cannot stop shilling for (((them)))
hell yeah
>not liking the bone zone
fuck off redban
Roundtable of Gentlemen is hilarious as far as podcasts go to me. Around the NFL podcast is surprisingly funny as well, but that only applies if you're into the NFL
I've heard a lot about CumTown, i'll have to check it out
I haven't listened to a lot of podcasts, but Sleepy cabin is hilarious
bullytown i think