Is the rise of Trump scary to you?
Whats happening to the polls?
How does it make you feel when everything you shilled about turned to be complete garbage?
Why do europeans here care so much about american politics ?
Women in the presidency... What did I expect?
Because we are the last country that has a 2nd amendment that defends our Bill of Rights and all other amendments from an overreaching government. Once we fall the world loses hope
how can you be so blind, boy?
Because when the civil war against globalist and corrupt left estabilishment in Europe starts, America will be there to provide 'humanitarian carpet bombing' . Destabilized or collapsed US is in Europe's best interest.
SORRY PIERRE. We just Trafalgar'd your snail-eating arses in the political realm.
Trump is going to remove Libcuck. It's going to be amazing.
Go USA bros! We support your anti-establishment votes for Trump. You build a wall, we'll worry about the Eurocucks. We'll make this world great together again.
I dunno man.
Why are europoors on an American image board about being politically incorrect?
>the world loses hope
If this happens it will just kick off a civil war here
>American image board
It stopped being american moments after June 16, 2015.
Look boy, you're just a degenerate pessimist who hates America because he/she/it feels cucked by it in some way. And that's just the honest truth. No need to take it out on founding documents that empower the individual and citizenry.
The US has their own problems to worry about this time. Trump is an isolationist candidate who will rein in excessive American spending.
I support that. It's what is best for the American people. They deserve their shot at prosperity in very hard times. I stand with the individual, not the collective government shit-pedaling masses.
Trump will win faggot and you know it. Now go cry and die.
Oh the irony ;)
>Trump is now only losing by a bit instead of a shitton
I'm terrified lol
USA, UK, and USSR to save world again!!
>he does not understand the consequences that this will cause to the rest of the world
it sure smells of underage in here.
>I'm terrified lol
WHY IS 2016 so based?! Can't wait for 2017. The sea of libcuck/lefty tears will be glorious. Even if I'm a slave, it will be better than this backwards-ass Leftist shithole that I see today.
How are your banks Italy? Has that 150 Billion Euro bailout fund run out yet?
>Born just in time to watch Cultural Marxism and the Jewish disease with their useful idiots S M A S H E D
I'm not sure if I can handle so much based, but I'll give it my best damn shot.
>why do you care about the largest western country