When did you realise you had an accent?

when did you realise you had an accent?
for me it was when i realised i said ass like arse, and fuck like fuark

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When I went in the east of France people told me I have a southern accent sometimes, I notice it now and it pisses me off because I'm not even native from the south

when i realized i was a norwegian person from bergen

when people in the capital region couldn't understand half of what I said. I basically have the redneck subhuman accent of this country.

I live in London we objectively have the neutral accent

>family has lived in SA since colonial days
>have an SA accent
>everyone else here comes from NSW/Victoria
>get made fun of because they think im trying to sound posh just for having the accent of the state I live in

I don't know that feel I'm from Castile.

Literally no accent whatsoever.

Exact same thing happened to me. I have a thick Värmland dialect and when I visited Stockholm people treated me like a stupid hick everytime I opened my mouth

I don't, and it pisses all the people off from the surrounding regions
>"you central finlanders think that you're something special"

T. Finn on a vacation at hungary

>tfw live at a convergence point for several accents and have a weird agglomeration of all three plus some black speech patterns
At least everyone here is more or less like this. I can't imagine how goofy it must sound in other parts of the country though

I'm from New England and we have a lot of tourists here so I have a very neutral accent



I just have a very light Australian Accent

its when I say dance that makes people think im trying to sound like a fancy cunt

"arse" and "ass" are two different words. Americlaps just can't into English.

Well try not to be such a fancy cunt and you won't have problems.

vocaroo thread?


how do you say it? i say dahnce
westralian english T_T

>we don't have an accent here we just talk normal

>be malay born in malaysia with malay parents, heritage, and lifestyle
>my english sounds american
My school days was the bomb
I miss them

>Substitute teacher for french class
>She decides to pick on me the whole time
>Asks me something in Spanish to see if I could speak it
>Tells me she could tell I spoke it from my accent
I thought I spoke perfect English, but I guess I got that chicano accent

with 'a' as in cart and bath


certain brits and americans can't grasp this concept no matter how hard you try. happens in all these threads

you sound like you have fat in your throat
but yeah very neutral

I have the carioca accent (aka I pronounce the "S" like a portuguese person) but nobody cares about it when I travel to other cities.

I grew up around sydney yet pronounce demand, graph and chance differently

well the chart is from 1995

my sister doesn't
she's been thoroughly americanised via tumblr, netflix etc.
a real shame


I have really bad sinuses. Congested all the fucking time.

I realized I didn't when I listened to music in foreign languages and it was just like my accent but sing songie

breddy disgusting bru

You only think that because you grew up in some irrelevant shithole where they talk incorrectly( i.e. not the way I talk)

When I was in the car with my friend's family and they told me I speak with an accent...

Do you even know the definition of "accent", you brain dead moron?
>a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class.

It doesn't matter for us because we literally have many different accents and dialects from Eastern Armenian. I have a standard perian accent which is not much different from the other Armenians who came to Iran from Nakhichevan in 1600(bourvari, khazaztsi, bolorantsi) except for the esfahani Armenians in new Julfa who sound like New Yorkers or the wife from bobs burgers. But it is very different from the tabrizi Armenians who have been living there since the Seljuk invasion of 1071. And the western Armenians from the Ottoman Empire.

Iranian Armenian

>mfw extremelly noticeable Galician accent
>dont even speak Galician

Nah it's cool

when i was on discord

>you sound indian

i was hurt

People frequently mistake me for being either British, Australian or American. I don't understand desu, I've always lived here. A client at my workplace literally just asked "So where are you from?" the other week.

When I went to California and someone asked me if I was from Boston
I am from Boston

when a jap exchange student asked me how to pronounce a word, i said how, she repeated it and sounded like a literal retard

>tfw have JUST, the accent

>no accent
I bet your lisp is horrible.

What Province are you from?

I'm a brit and I've had many people tell me that I have a nice British accent and they want my accent

get extraflags lad

Standard "Spanish" is Castilian.
The Castilian "accent" is pure "Spanish."

>Mexican may-mays
the "lisp" is an Andalucian thing my overweight friend

I never did because I have the "general American" accent


Truly the master race.

yeah, the way I talk isn't distinctive at all because it's correct. I don't say things like some special snowflake

think you mean laowai :^)

Stop Canto genocide

There is no standard English pronunciation. Everyone has an accent.

Oh you mean Han Chinese who speak a dialect of Mandarin? Not genocide, they just realise their language is pointless :))))

um no sweaty xxxx
>Received Pronunciation (RP) is the accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom[1]


central finland has the worst accents (savonian)
northern ostrobothnia has best accents

you're from WA and you've never noticed that literally everyone else speaks differently to us?

probably just putting it on, you can't lose your accent from watching fucking tv

RP is a meme and nobody cares about the opinion of UK, let alone just the southern part of it.

who else has /objectivelyperfect/ accent here

>RP is a meme
So that's why basically everyone on the television and radio speaks with an RP accent then is it?

they're the ones responsible for the english language mate

they do?? fucking easterners

yes you can
see: melbin, aka seppo colony

nails on a chalkboard if I'm honest

When everybody asked if I had an accent. Things came to a head during a party, when a woman from Ireland said I sounded Australian, and another woman from Australia said I sounded Irish. It almost got ugly.

are you 12?

It's not a lisp, we correctly pronounce both /s/ and /θ/

everyone in Melbourne speaks the exact same as they did a decade ago and a decade before that


dilit thus

El castellANO

Yes you do have an accent to, especially if you are from Burgos or Valladolid.

I have a quite noticeable accent too, easy basque

>born in England
>permanently tainted my accent

kinda sit in between English and Australian, almost like Naomi Watts but a bit worse

I have a southern accent that I can use at will.

Mobile phone - My bill fine

>Not having a Patrician upper class US, Deep Southern accent

their version of english pronunciation has diverged more from original than american
there is no one true english accent, they are all equally dialects

RP hasn't diverged from anything, it's entirely manufactured

When I recorded my speech for the first time. I swear I thought that I sounded like a hobo paisa (a truly lazy cunt) despite not being from there and being raised in a place and region that doesn't have anything to do with them and where people speak in a really pleasant way, unlike paisas.

I felt like I wanted to kill myself.

when i realized i always extend every S

you don't speak like us, faggot

When I moved to central finland and people told me they didn't like the way I speak. Said one wrong word and they all got mad and gave me paper to stuff in to my mouth

If you use any other pronouns than minä or mä you have a subhuman accent.

Miä herrarotu

>you don't speak like us, faggot
I wan't to believe this myself. I don't want to speak in such a disgusting way. If it happened to be true, I could not endure the soul crushing feeling, and would end up killing myself.

If you use kuka instead of ketä, you're human scum

Spanish is the normal language and Spanish castillian is the normal accent, so I don't have accent.

Is that Lapland or some other shithole?


yeah, our accent is so bad that everyone worships it, fuck off stupid rolo, you're don't speak like us, you may think that the stupid tv shows reflect the actual way we speak, but it doesn't

Eastern Finland, Kymenlaakso

That's not so bad then. I've actually thought of moving to the east sometime.

There are many people with bad taste everywhere and most plebs who "love" Colombians' way of speaking only know the lazy and (ordinario) coarse sounding paisa speech, and have never heard or wouldn't be able to even recognize how a truly beautiful Colombian (western central) accent sounds like.

Even rolos sound better.


go home CHI

Fuck me I can literally hear him saying it, my sides cant take much more of this.

>brits actually think their accent is the "original" or most "neutral" english
What we know today as "american english" was spoken in Britain way before America was discovered. After people started moving to America, Brits started speaking in their disgusting accent, known today as the British accent.

No it wasn't. Certain aspects of yank accents used to be in some accents here, and indeed they still are in some accents. Go back to your bogs nokianigger

>people make fun of your 'r's
Even the people who come to the school in my vliage do

when American friends told me that I have accent. I was confident that I mastered the American accent. they can't seem to pinpoint what's exactly different tho. just said it was a tiny bit off.

Finnish and Hungarian are infrahumans anyway

I'm from Coimbra, so I have literally the most neutral Portuguese accent possible.

>move to Australia age 8
>why do you talk funny user
>don’t understand slang