What are some movies about that one dumb bitch in the class?
What are some movies about that one dumb bitch in the class?
>implying liberals are smart
no one is smart
people just pick a group they want to be a part of and just dislike everyone else.
Democrats, in general, are smarter than Republicans. There's a reason rich, well-educated urban areas vote Democrat and dumbfuck hicks vote Republican.
>Well educated
There's a reason that rich educated people seek seclusion and open space.
the wealthiest people vote republican
the "smartest" by meaning of being indoctrinated in liberal think tank universities where you have to call yourself racist
> college makes you smarter
> having a degree in feminist yak breeding means your political opinions are superior
really boggles my noggle
What are some movies about that dumb neet making thinly veiled Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums?
Are we really still having this conversation in 2017 are you 14? Both parties don't give one damn about the citizens and well being of the nation. It's a neverending facade of facism
I want to fuck her therefore her opinions are right.
>its current year and i disagree with you!!! this makes you wrong!!!
>muh anarchy
You're the 14yo, kiddo.
> le current year meme
>latched on the to meme
Ya blew
>what is self aware post irony
Go back to watching cartoons kiddo
why do they lose to repulicans then instead of smiting them with laser beams
> le "I was only kidding" may may
Poorfags voted for Clinton
>If Democrats are so smart, how come they lose so god-damn always?!
Hey Sorkin
*proceeds to vote Demokkkrat*
Not gonna lie, that picture makes me a little angry, mostly because there's no effort put into it. There was no attempt to make it look like that's what she actually wrote. They could have spent like 5 minutes in photoshop and done a decent job mimicking a whiteboard. Fucking kids these days, always being lazy with their OC. I'm going to guess the real dumb bitch in class is whoever the mspaint user is that made that pic.
Do you know where you are
I voted for Trump and Obama I only pick winners
>Republicans go on and on about how Democrats are leading the country towards an authoritarian fascist hellhole
>As soon as Republicans finally get a majority in office they do all sorts of authoritarian fascist shit like putting evangelical Christians into positions of power and mobilizing the national guard as if they're about to declare martial law
Really made me think.
Probably what happened is the girl did a presentation at school, and some other bitch made this to make fun of her for having the wrong opinions.
>putting your supporters in government and upholding the law is fascist
I guess every government we've ever had has been fascist
Majority of Niggers vote Democrat, that's all you need to know friendo.
it's fascist when it's stuff I don't like
it's the far-left and the far-right that attracts idiots, everyone in the middle and the moderates are the smart ones
Thats someones 12 to 14 year old daughter
I had this opinion when I was like 13, Fuck you mom and dad i'm a liberal now you're old and don't care! Then I realized liberals are basically annoying rebelling teenagers who never grew up and I felt shame and reverted back to having pride
>I'm a Democrat because that's what celebrities are and I don't feel the need to question it.
>not 18+
There is no such thing as a moderate in 2017. There is liberalism or reaction.
Anyone who self-identifies with either group is a fucking idiot.