>It's a Peggy episode
It's a Peggy episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a king of the hill episode
>it's a Peggy still doesn't tell Hank that Bobby is Cotton's child episode
Th-that's kinda interesting desu.
I'd like to learn more about your theory.
I've recently realized my girlfriend is becoming a literal incarnation of the character of Peggy Hill.
What the hell do I do? I live in Canada btw
Hey Leaf, how did you feel about the episode about that asshole Canadian nationalist neighbor?
Peggy episodes are dope, we get to laugh at her until she's humbled in the 3rd act. Plus we get to see Hank get pussywhipped sometimes
One thing that episode got right was that mass produced American beer is pisswater. The Canadian brands are not much better for flavor but at least you catch a solid buzz.
>Randomly killing time on tv
>get mindfucked
Molson and Labatt Blue are trash.
>hank is addicted to a an online video game
>peggy somehow manages to talk the creators of the game to give her godmode, and then discontinue the game
Kek, I'm not going to argue against that. Mainstream American beers are pisswater. The only beer I was comfortable drinking until I got full on drunk was Mexican Tecate. Even that's not amazing but far superior to anything in the USA.
Drank so much on New Years that I woke up at 4 AM without any memory of anything after 10 PM.
I'd rather drink 95% trash than 96% trash
>it's a Peggy The Pegging Pig episode
Currently drinking Sam Adams Boston, Americans can make good beer same as anywhere but the people like to guzzle trash. Alcohol is taxed to fuck in CAN so if you're gonna drop the dough on beer you may as well get something good
Bobby is Bill's child, not cotton's.
That's why Bill is so obsessed with Peggy. From the one night that they fucked.
So did Dale ever find or not?
Bobby aint Hank's boy, if anybody's it's probably Baumhower's.
Moosehead is alright, and its cheap where I live (PA)
this makes sense actually
Speaking of beer I've always wanted to drink some Alamo beer. I'm sure it's cheap trash really but it always looked so refreshing in the show.
Just buy Lone Star. It's basically what Alamo was based on. Cheap, shitty Texan beer. If you're not in TX some specialty liquor stores might carry it.
My theory is that Dale knew the whole time but didn't want to openly admit it because he knew that it would destroy his marriage and arrangement where he gets to be a part-time exterminator and conspiracy nut and live in a comfy neighborhood.
Peggy isn't anywhere near the worst character.
Pic related.
>its a pegging episode
the show was kind of okay to watch. Until THIS fucker showed up!
>it's a Lucky episode
at least it's not a Luanne episode.
it's a lucky&luanne episode
>its NOT a Bobby Connie, and Joseph episode
>its NOT an episode about a controversial topic
>instead its an episode about cotton, peggy, or bill.
>its NOT a Bobby Connie, and Joseph episode
Those were always the most /comfy/.
How can you hate on this man? Lucky is bumpkinkino at its finest. He got Bobby a corn chip fresh off the line
>I slipped on peepee and got my settlement money
>frito chip fresh off the line
For some reason I'm still a sucker for middle school drama or kids perspectives on adult topics
>that episode where they have sex ed
"Wouldn't you rather see me naked?" "Sure"
>that episode with special ed
"Is this clown happy or sad?" "..."
>the episode were the adults were worried about kids not being diverse and being racist when in reality the kids were colour blind
I think people hate him because know people like this in real life. Honestly I was always surprised anyone outside of the Texas tri-state area liked this show unironically. So much of the humor is so specific to the South Mid-west
Is this the worst [creepiest] character in KOTH?
Enrique was worse.
He was legit gay for Hank.
>>But Bobby has Cotton's hairline and GH looks a lot like Bobby as a baby
Someone post the piglet pasta.
I know one of you sick fucks has that shit saved somewhere
The Dale episodes were the best.
Make it stop.
Unequivocally true.
How could people hate lucky? His intro episode was kino
(its the one where khan becomes a redneck and almost loses his house)
>it's a boomhauer is a texas ranger tasked with keeping tabs on dale episode
>Hank couldn't have kids
>Peggy still wants that Hill blood line
>Cotton drops a steamy load in peggy
>Peggy hates him after since she cant live with what she just did
KOTH movie when?
If KOTH comes back in the next 6-10 years.
Boomhauer was a texas ranger in the show. I've never heard anything about him keeping tabs on Dale.
>It's a Peggy thinks John Redcorn wants to fuck her episode
My girlfriend recently revealed to me that she hates King of the Hill and thinks it's stupid. When I pointed out that it's pretty good satire of living in a small town in the south (I'm from the south and she's from a big city on the west coast), she just replied with, "Wait, you ACTUALLY like it?"
I'm not sure what to do now, anons. I love my girlfriend. We've been together for four years now and everything else is great. She smart and beautiful and we enjoy playing vidya together and even have the same taste in music. But she thinks KoTH is boring and stupid and visibly cringed when I mentioned that I kind of like it.
What do I do?
quick, give me your best ytps
Nah Bill was a chad in highschool. It wasn't until later on that his life went to shit.
Murder her right now. RIGHT NOW
>she's smart
>but she can't pick up on subtext in koth
Nothing, because having a different opinion about a TV show isn't a big deal.
How can you hate Lucky? He's a bro.
Which of Hanks coworkers did Minh hook up with?
Jo Jack had some low key behind closed doors type game, honey.
>we get to laugh at her until she's humbled in the 3rd act
no, shes humbled and then hank fixes everything and shes a cunt again
>stupid redneck
I think it was the black guy played by Chris Rock
truly the worst
>that episode where she stole the turkey and ran off to her gay hairdressers
What the FUCK was his problem?
Tell me about it
>it's a episode episode
>that episode where bill finds out the army ruined his life and goes on a bender in a tank
>dale operating the tank and speaking russian
>bill redeeming himself
>everyone sobbing when they think he's dead
easily in my top 5
your girlfriend probably thinks family guy is the best and is easily amused with modern teenage shitflick movie trailers
>try to get a job at a Hooters style restaurant for easy sex discrimination money
>manager calls your bluff and hires you.
>roll with it
Bill episodes are the GOAT
>it's an after credits PSA about proper toilet maintenance
or just Bill moments in general
>Someone's got a birthday I wonder who? Someone's got a birthday I wonder who?
nacho cheese, get it?
He wanted Hank's dusty old bone
What the FUCK was his problem?
>ran off to her gay hairdressers
>He wasn't gay and made her feel like a jackass.
Ho Ya
>literally too stupid to notice he was gay
>last one to find out nancy was having an affair
>still gets retard strength and manages to survive freefalling from an airplane
its not fair
>Peggy episodes are dope, we get to laugh at her until she's humbled in the 3rd act. Plus we get to see Hank get pussywhipped sometimes
I never understood the hate, Peggy episodes are pretty fun.
Hi hope her murdered get brought to justice.
Remember when the show had continuous plot points?
>peggy falls from a plane. Is injured for a couple episodes
>Luanne loses her hair. It slowly grows over a few episodes
>Cotton loses his house. Couple episodes later he loses his car too.
The only recent continuous plot point i can think of is Luanne getting pregnant and starting to show as the season went on.
>It's a Connie episode
Funny this thread appeared, I just finished eating classic Spapeggy & meatballs
>That episode where she goes to Mexico to teach that Spanish TV Star's kids Spanish, thinks they're having an affair and gets BTFO by him and his wife
Quite a satisfying episode
>I say we put a blanket over his head and do whatever feels right, honey
Was Jo Jack gay?
>that episode where they got all the VA's from Golden Girls
Well, well, well, Jo-HNNNN Redcorn
Pe-EGGY... Hill.
How exactly does one bring cocaine to justice?
Ask Narcos
Pop pop!
Imagine getting kicked so hard in the balls they can't find one for a brief amount of time.
>and she's from a big city on the west coast
This has nothing to do with anything.
I'm from San Francisco and I think KotH is one of the greatest shows ever made.
>it's a Kahn episode