Who is the nickleback of television?

Who is the nickleback of television?

Kevin James


Is that sam hyde

Bam Margueria


this is a good one too


Adam Sandler?

Honestly I think if you were the Nickelback of television you would still be seeing a good amount of success on top of being around for like 15 years. Bam is like finished.

john oliver or as most people know him "current year man"

Good question. It would have to be someone who never made it as a wiseman, but could not cut it as a poor man stealing.

I don't know these things, I thought they would be in the same situation at this point.


I refer you to


This thread is about what Nickleback reminds you of. Are you having fun yet?

>This thread is about what Nickleback reminds you of

What I really am...?

Something that's incredibly popular yet nobody admits to liking?

no thats Chad Kroeger

Police Procedural shows

>Does literally nothing wrong
>Hated anyway

Seth McFarlane

Million Dollar Extreme

Far Away is a legit good song.

The Big Bang Theory

>universally loathed by critics and fans
>are the universal bad generic thing when people talk about band generic things in their respective medium
>still tops ratings and charts consistently somehow because the uncultured bulk of middle America buys into them

Really nice songs but hated to no reason?


>ywn facefuck anzu

TV = Aaron Paul
Film = Shia LaBooof

This fat fuck

TV = Jimmy fallon
Film = Sylvester Stallone

Zuckerberg BTFO