Who here is ready for /latenightkino/ ?
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>dumb alt-righter v dumb old man
wow exciting
stream when?
The guys hasn't lost a debate yet and is smarter than you.
Glad it's one on one.
Could you imagine Larry Wilmore behaving like a human if he were in on the conversation?
>he agrees with all my views so he can't have lost anything!
Bill Maher will """"win""""" again like always.
How long
He'll be on overtime with the rest of the panel
>The guys hasn't
Typical blue pulled faggot. Kys.
Bill has certainly lost debates before.
Milo isn't a debater, he's a flamer.
>The guys hasn't lost a debate yet and is smarter than you.
Seems like just about anyone is smarter than you
Sure thing, grabbing my helium bag right now. See you on the other side.
Is Milo American?
>edgy old leftist crypto-jew whiner vs edgy faggot nigger-sucking crypto-jew whiner
go shill your meme (((politics))) elsewhere
Go back to Sup Forums shitbird
They're actually a pretty good fit for each other, since both are sanctimonious morons with no idea what they're talking about who only have an audience because of partisan hackery.
Some british faggot I think? I dont know, he's always coked out and he's balding fast. He doesnt have much time in the gay scene.
do you have big fatty fingers or do you intentionally misspell normal words that nobody else has trouble with
milo probably false-flags some liberal shitfit for attention then leaves "for safety" without arguing.
Will there be a stream for this?
Why does anyone care what Milo thinks? Seriously? He isn't an expect in any field and three seconds on Breitbart reading his "news" articles leads to an immediate dismissal of his opinion. I don't believe in censorship and what happened at Berkeley was a fucking spergfest but Milo isn't some credible source of information at all. Just some disinformation provocateur that builds a career on getting a rise out of people. I think it is even equally autistic that he is surprised people find him insufferable.
Why am I suppsoed to give a shit? He's just some psuedo-intellectual.
I watched Milo on Rogan and after listening to him speak for a few hours I have serious doubts on his ability to "debate" with someone like Maher.
Should be an interesting watch, but Milo should stick to flaming topics on twitter versus this sort of thing. He loses a lot of his "power" when he goes off script.
He's not a pseudo intellectual, he's a troll.
He most certainly is a pseudo.
>two obnoxious kikes yelling at each other about shit neither is qualified to speak on
stop shilling for these hacks
Maher was always way out of his league when he had Hitchens or Rushdie on.
Based Hitchens
>that episode with Hitchens, Rushdie, and fucking Mos Def
>he's a troll.
Troll implies a level of calm and wit.
The moment Milo gets into a debate, he just barks out lines that he borrowed from Sup Forums. He's all surface, 100% gayfaggot.
Or Greenwald, or Stone.
>(((blocks your path in the desert with a pepsi)))
>leave debatekino to me
>I d e o l o g y
>he just barks out lines that he borrowed from Sup Forums.
Yea, thats what i saw from him, too. But i wasn't aware, that that is his modus operandi.
Mos Def was incredibly retarded but I think most people expected him to be retarded.
He debates liberals not lefties and he has a horde of 12 year olds who white knight him
10pm EST
milo is interesting in that he says christianity has the best morals, yet he's a flamboyant gay man. he says he's not a self-loather, yet he also says he wished he was not gay since being gay is not a choice. and then he chooses to fuck men, and apparently a lot. fascinating.
*pulls own shirt*
>he debates liberals
>not lefties
1. Liberal is a broad term
2. Liberals are left
3. What are you fucking saying?
>says christianity has the best morals
But does he kill himself for shaving, though?
Because he is full of shit
*readjusts seat*
*leans forward*
any streams?
He's going to get destroyed. Sophistry always loses when thrown against a blunt instrument. Say what you will about Maher, but he's never been known for dancing around his opinions. A lot of the spokespersons for the alt-right have to dance around their opinions because of the fact that they tend to inspire disgust in general society. Milo will have to acquiesce, and then he's acquiesce some more... and pretty soon everybody will objectively have to admit that he's wearing no clothes.
>liberal are leftists
What's next? You probably think antifa was all rooting for shillary too right?
Damn, Lou Reed looks like that? I thought he was dead- he looks pretty good.
>it's another "Milo is just an uneducated alt-righter!!!" thread
Friendly reminder that Milo was able to quote Wittgenstein form memory in German in one of his talks
And it's not even Noam Chomsky going up against him, it's Bill fucking Maher.
>Liberals are left
I mean, it's semantics. Many, who call themselfes are socially to the left to republicans. Far most liberals i talked to in my life are economically more right wing than the programs of nearly all bigger western european parties.
But you can surely find someone, who calls himself "liberal" and is a socialist hippie. So..
Wtf?! I love Milo now
le alt-reich meme man
I can recite the first 200 digits of pi from memory, I'm still retarded.
Please don't bring poor Noam in this shitshow.
Bill Maher is the master of deflection. The second he begins to lose, he abruptly changes the subject. He's not going to do shit to Milo
He was educated at Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys. He attended the University of Manchester, dropping out without graduating.[20] He then attended Wolfson College, Cambridge, where he studied English literature for two years before dropping out. Regarding dropping out of university, in a 2012 interview he said "I try to tell myself I'm in good company, but ultimately it doesn't say great things about you unless you go on to terrific success in your own right."[21]
He came from a wealthy family too.
*adjusts nose*
He is a disgusting man.
He isn't altright. All encompassing disdain doesn't make you smart.
He is though.
>Milo Yiannopoulos (/jəˈnɒpᵿləs/;[1] born Milo Hanrahan on 18 October 1984[2]) is a British journalist, author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and senior editor for Breitbart News, a far-right news and opinion website based in the United States.
>pretending milo isn't an attentionwhoring annoying cunt because he dislikes feminists or something
what is wrong with Sup Forums?
Joe rogan was high as fuck and still destroyed Milo. It isn't difficult when his usual opponents are whiny SJWs and entitled drama queens. His bantz are weak as fuck.
Idk what nonsense you are saying but liberals on the political spectrum are literally Left. Do you just not know how words work...?
What disgusting views does Milo hold?
Having a border?
Viewing abortion as murder?
Supporting Trump?
Opposing feminism on the grounds that it disadvantages men and makes women miserable?
What supposedly beyond the pale belief does he have?
I'm just explaining how definitions of these words work, man.
>>pretending milo isn't an attentionwhoring annoying cunt
No one has said he isn't. He made that his identity.
Most of Sup Forums agrees with that green-text, but they do enjoy the rage he causes.
dope argument kiddo
>He came from a wealthy family too.
>Drops out of Colleges, that even above average students can just dream about
What a disgusting piece of subhuman shit.
That just shows that you're an idiot who doesn't know the history of that term. Altright is white nationalism without neonazism. Breitbart picked up the edgy name. Milo rejects it. Because he's not a white supremacist, you ignorant moron.
Liberals are mere centrists. Maher may believe that Israel is bad and a huge ass Hillary fan but he has a fuckton of rants against PC Culture and Islam. Therefore Liberalism is clearly not leftism
Maher is such an intellectual lightweight, populist hack.
It's not the content of the opinion you hold, anything can seem rational on paper when broken down, it's the method in which you hold it. It is inectually dishonest to think that way.
Also just read any of his articles. He's a retard.
You couldn't help yourself, could ya?
>Having a border?
We have that.
>Abortion is murder
So I assume he also sees killing an animal is murder?
>Support Trump?
A mentally ill old man
>Opposing feminism on the grounds that it disadvantages men and makes women miserable?
The first part is partially true, the second part is absolutely false. Women love feminism.
The Master Baiter of the left vs the Master Baiter of the right
They're going to scream at each other, and then they will end with "well, I don't care for Muslims", "I also do not care for Muslims", and they'll shake hands while Maher's left-wing crowd boos the both of them.
Okay, then you don't know how words work or mean then. Got it. Individuals who have mixed political views don't change how words work.
Believe me, he will against Milo. One second of watching the guy and you can see that he's a spineless cheerleader
>pretending that shit you just said
what is wrong with (You)?
>when Milo was an edgy teen he behaved like an edgy teen
I read Ayn Rand when I was 17. We all do stupid shit
Maher is barely left outside of some social issues and isn't a "master" of anything .
Just stop.
How does this make hin intelligent?
>Liberals aren't lefties and vice versa
Shit get
>>Abortion is murder
>So I assume he also sees killing an animal is murder?
Why would you assume killing unborn babies is the same as eating meat?
He called Leslie Knope a 'black dude'. I don't understand how anyone can defend that kind of bullshit
>Altright is white nationalism without neonazism.
Not anymore it's not. It started that way, with Richard Spencer's site back in 2011, but it's long since grown beyond that.
>Sup Forumsfags can't even into english
I don't care what he looks like, I care about his content
This desu. That or he's going to start talking and whoever they have on there is just going to lose it and scream at Milo before he finishes a sentence. Inject WOOOO from stupid audience, rinse wash and repeat.
I like his debate when he smoked that guy on why Americans should die to protect Israel.
If you're the host of a show, and the audience is there to see you, its pretty easy to "win" any debate. Especially is (you) agree with his points.
He insulted someone. People insult each other. It's not great, but it's not completely outside the spectrum of ok.
What's your objection to that? That he called a black woman ugly?
>I don't understand how anyone can defend calling a mannish woman a dude
well baited, friend
I didn't say eating meat, I said killing animals
But it seems the way you're describing it, that you put it on a higher immoral equivalence to killing an unborn lifeform who can't even think or is aware of its existence to a living animal.
He was a legally grown man with these posts. Keep on damage controlling.