What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Seriously. Were two nukes a bit too much?
What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Seriously. Were two nukes a bit too much?
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is that even a TV show? the fuck is up with their program? everybody's talking over each other.
I love ano-chan!
She's the cutest autist in all Asia!
you have the same problem in your country
>shitty fuckn game shows
>even shittier show hosts
get the fuck out senpai. your country doesn't know shit about asian-style tv shows.
Nah the burger is right. Take it from a fucking leaf, you guys have your own shit to worry about.
Cute girl with autism
don't see the issue here burger, your countries TV is by far the worst
Stop spamming this thread.
do I REALLY have to tell a chai-latte-drinking leaf about how broadcasting works?? how do ya suppose you get tv shows, senpai?
sure, korea's not great on tv shows. but that's the least your country should be tellin us.
Korea has enough plastic in their tv sets to start a bottle making factory. Wouldn't be talking.
I still kinda like watching tv sometimes
but what was that?
seriously is it a game show?
who won?
All variety shows are like that, man.
Mexico and Japan took a look at the cesspool that was 1970's era television in the USA, and said "Yeah, we want that to be what TV is like all the time.", and did it because it's even CHEAPER than reality TV, can be filmed in front of a live studio audience with no producers necessary, and unless there's quality programming to rival it(note that both Japan and Mexico have nationalized TV service, so there ARE no competitors due to the monopolistic nature of TV there), people are too dumb to realize it's shit.
nah, you good too in the botox game. you think every korean you see on tv has plastic surgery you REALLY slobbin over that media narrative.
>complains about japanese Television
Anyway god bless gaki no tsukai
Are those the girls from BPM15Q? Also what is this show supposed to be about? Seems cringey as fuck even for nips.
Can't tell if she actually has autism, or is just faking it
I wish I was a jap. Never have to deal with niggers or white women. Must be nice.
Yes. Koreans are ugly as fuck bro, at least the women.
autism is cute tho
I love the racism/insults from South Koreans towards Japanese and vice versa.
Fucking idiots fighting over the same fucking shit and pretending they're different.
Honorary aryans thread?
>le nuke joke
Japanese are the alphas of the Asians also
>inb4 butthurt Asian country conquered by japan
they're basically Europe pre world wars. Although they're already very slowly pulling a UK/France
>Were two nukes a bit too much?
the problem was we didn't drop 3+ nukes to wipe them out
I bet fucking her runs a good 4 or 5 grand a night.
>do I REALLY have to tell a chai-latte-drinking leaf about how broadcasting works??
You seem to imply to know shit. Tell us of your credentials.
Get the fuck out of here you goddamn normie nigger scum
>Were two nukes a bit too much?
quite the opposite
But she is pure
Can confirm this.
I only watch TV for the occasional soccer match and even then a lot of teams are moving his matches to cable and streaming.
>what are ironic memes
baka desu senpai
that autistic grill was kawaii as fuck, nigger
Bruh is not an ironic meme, its nigger speak. Smh desu SENPAI already ravaged the board
I don't understand the sounding like an autistic 12 year fetish in Japan , it's kind of unsettling
national television prevents degeneracy from creepng in
what is "quality" television anyway? high budget hbo specials about black men impregnating white women? shut the fuck up, ALL television is trash and the goal of government should be to limit damage. period.
also, the NHK has a few good rograms. one just has scenic panning shots of tourist locales set to appropriate soft music. I keep it on in the background
faking. this is a surprisingly common act normal girls play.
it's adorable. would marry/10
Anthropologist here. Please allow me to explain this fascinating aspect of Asian culture in layman's terms.
We all know that Oriental societies have a long history of perversion, and this phenomenon has to do with the peculiar evolution of the Mongoloid brain. You see, chinks are lacking in what's called sexual dimorphism, and exhibit a high degree of neonaty.
In other words, one can barely distinguish a male gook from a female gook, and all nips look like children. Tojos have much more modest secondary sexual features such as breasts and penises, and a greatly inhibited sex drive and prowess compared to other races, especially their diametric opposite, the nignog. And these differences are not limited to the physical or behavioral, but also the mental.
You see, slanteyes dedicate much more of their more abundant neurons to the intellectual abstraction of sex rather than the raw, primitive act of fucking. For example, the full extent of your typical nigger's inner sexual fantasy world is, "Imma fuk dat," while your typical nuke-dodger gets into all kinds of weird stuff involving maid uniforms and tentacles.
You might say that you've been gifted a much more vibrant sexual imagination at the cost of actual physical endowment or performance. Ours is indeed a humorous God.
>one just has scenic panning shots of tourist locales set to appropriate soft music.
Almost tops heavy machinery instructional videos.
I don't speak chinese.
So wtf are they even talking about? Can we get a japbro to translate? Or at least a weeabo faggot?
Wait did Japan nationalize anime too?
didn't bother watching the whole thing. they start off talking about popularity rankings within some idol group, and about gossip and fighting. she's the "innocent" one. they just play that up. it's pretty boring, except for how wife material she is.
I also speak chinese. unrelated, but people in the thread shouldn' be afraid to ask for chinese translations on pol more generaly if there's something they're curious about.
because yes, it's true they're beating us in almost every way imaginable.
>expect some fucked up shit
>it's just a bunch of nips on a game show talking
At least post actual fucked up shit going on in Japanese culture.
They've pretty much weponized it
What the fuck are you talking about. The first clip they're talking about teeth fillings, and she says in some weird autistic way that she eats potato chips only out of poverty, and that she has teeth fillings. Then she says something about her fans wanting her teeth fillings to worship, and that she didn't give it to them. By this time the host has figured out she's mentally retarded and fucks with her for a minute while all of the bitches around her laugh at her.
Look up Elmer Wife.
2nd and 3rd clips are pretty self explanatory. They talk about how she gets into autistic fits of rage with her fans on twitter every night in the 2nd clip for a second.
Japan should fucking Annex your shit country once again.
Every K-pop slut has plastic surgery nigga.
thx anthropologist
She has nervous ticks like she either has Tourette syndrome or is a schizo
this is second time we've had this thread
did you think people from the last time wouldn't be here anymore?
fuck off
You keep posting this since months with the exact same pic and text.
You're just promoting ano you shirr aren't you
that ends like 2 mins in
I hope all anthropologists informally talk like this with their colleges, but I thought the tentacles came about to get around censorship laws imposed by the us after the war?
>while your typical nuke-dodger
Jesus fuck, Belgium.
Fucking anthros, go jack off to curries elsewhere
he's not an anthro, he even misspelled (NOT a typo, he doesn't know the term well) neoteny
high level troll, but his lack of background betrays him
Ano's just autistic please don't bully her. Yurumerumo makes pretty good music though if you ever want to hear a 10 minute idol krautrock song.
Apparently most Japanese don't like root beer. It would seem, OP, that quite to the contrary, two nukes just wasn't enough.
This squares with what I've read.
Cf Gary Zukav, Male Colors. Japan was a homosexual country that happened to tolerate some heterosexuality. All countries had phases of homosexual tolerance, usually at a time of decadence, and never permanently. Japan really did have by far a normality of homosexyality, it had more gayness than anyone, until the Meiji period and the militarists of the twentieth century.
It's sort of like the nonwhite idea that whites have to be kinky to make do with less.
Gotsu ee kanji, Gaki no tsukai and Lincoln are like the only good things worth watching and all involve Downtown.
Japanese TV is largely shit.
Oh I guess you could put in GCCX too.
I want to facefuck her hard.
>everyone is basically the same
as expected from a Canadian rape baby
it's kind of gross but why are the comments so angry as if it's cruelty. the frog was dead. they could have just tossed him into the trash at that point. but hey put it on a plate instead.
is it more humane to kill an approaching sentient animal like a cow, and leave it to bleed and die in different circumstances, and then eat its frozen flesh a week later?
if anything the japanese are more kind to animals. they mostly just eat fish which are barely even aware, and eggs.
u wot
Is she retarded
I was just memeing familia
I enjoyed reading this.
Do you expect me to watch this shit?
Nah brah, 2 was too many
Should have used the first and then just hit them with 120mm guns for days on end wiping out a city or two
They would be much better if we had
Post-Meiji a shit.
Swedish men do enjoy watching.
fucking savages
How could she do that to pepe. No, I refuse to believe I am no longer Asian now.
No, Mr. Swedish man, I expect you take a fat refugee cock up the ass.
You haven't seen shit until you've watched funky forest.
gaki no tsukai is the shit.
more like not enough
it's like kayako decided she wanted to be cute and autistic