The whole controversy is preposterous - these killings are obviously ironic

>The whole controversy is preposterous - these killings are obviously ironic.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no "uzi lover" easy lover cover

>you now realise Morris plays every damn character in that sketch

Uzi like a metal dick in my hand,
Magazine like a big testicle gland


Hey guess what! It turns out if you tell people things, presenting them as the truth, those people will often take what you say at face value, instead of immediately calling you a liar, even when the things you're saying are somewhat preposterous! Don't you find it hilarious that we live in a world where people exhibit basic courtesy?

Did anyone have uncomfortabe feelings for Chris as Suki or was it just me?


Moments you laughed at and then immediately felt guilty about

Apparently the only thing he's ever broadcast and then apologised for. Ian's daughter was a massive Morris fan.


I hate these clips that cut off part of the gag.


How did Morris predict To Catch a Predator by 3 years?

the orgy of sly winking usury was only brought to an end by a stairwell nonce bashing which left North braindead and quadrospazzed on a life-glug.

and sadly, crime experts predict that one day even friendly conversations between mother and daughter will be conducted at gunpoint

I take every opportunity I get to use "quadrospazzed" in conversation

1 in 5 teenagers addicted to drugs? NOPE! We know it from tests.

To preserve the anonymity of our 15 year old volunteers, we replaced them with three 5 year olds, and not ONE of them had even heard of drugs. Let alone "smoked one off".

>Over 1200 convicts were released last month after lying to the Home Office about how long they'd been inside. And just 2 days ago, it was revealed that convicts in Dartmoor prison, had been running an international airport for over 14 years.

He really is a shit.

Morris was really good at writing daft things.

Are the day today and brass eye absurdkino?

This made me kek so hard

On The Hour is the best series, but Paedogeddon is Morris and Iannucci's finest hour.

I like some of the other people who have done stuff with him 2bh.

This Is The One Thing We Didn't Wan't To Happen

I downloaded all of The Day Today from YT recently, it's absolutely god-tier.

"He's an appaling failure, and he's committed many crimes"

Not only that but she had been trying to convince her mum get to into modern comedy and this was the first episode of the day today they watched together.

>You see I've never... been stung... by a wasp...

>Any idea why Noel Edmonds has done this?
>He never did it before.

More oxygen needed says France.

like poets of the street, they are

"And there's just time for a rapid glance at tomorrow's papers. There's a large timepiece on the front of The Telegraph, the headline there "It's Six o'Clock, Say Greenwich Time Laboratories", The Times are giving away a 'Teach Yourself To Read' book tomorrow, The Independent lead with "Spherical Torpedo Depresses Navy", there's a picture there of a large splash, "Come Shake My Hand, You Bitches From Hell" is the headline in The Warcry, while The Daily Mail go with "Blue Giraffe Storms Out Of Peace Talks". That's it, I'm Christopher Morris, my species; Homosapi-news!"