Exactly 7 almonds

Is Obama autistic or something?

Other urls found in this thread:



Maybe he controls his diet? Too much almonds gives diarrhea, and a president with diarrhea is a bad idea. He loves almonds but can't have diarrhea, so he eats only 7.

White people sit in the light to get darker

Black men sit in the dark to get lighter

If he were autistic it would be 5 or 10 almonds

its probably a means to ensure that he doesnt overindulge
I know whenever I buy a bag of almonds that shit is gone within minutes :(

Of course. World leaders say he's difficult to talk to. He's a full blown autismo

It's a fucking satanic ritual and almonds are the main ingredient of said ritual. Open your fucking eyes sheeple.

Almonds contain various amino acids which help reptilian beings with their brain processes and telepathic abilities.

Eat too much and he'll die.

naw, Obama is just majorly cucked by his wife

7 almonds is his allowance

he's sitting in the dark because Michelle put him on time out

is he activating them though

The real question that should be on everyones mind, however, is:
Does he ACTIVATE his almonds?

Maybe his strain of autism makes him prefer prime numbers/multiples of 7?
Food for thought

No he is just black.
Seven is the highest he can count.

The real question is: are these almonds activated?

I imagine they are activated right?

Get some wasabi almonds, they're awesome

They're activating the almonds, it's habbenin!!

>Not activating his almonds
No wonder he never reached his full potential

>not activating your almonds

Rounding would be less autistic.

A few weeks ago I came home to a bunch of almonds soaking in a bowl of water and I immediately started laughing as hard as I could while my brother stood looking at me saying "What?" over and over.

I bet he does not even activate those almonds.

>7 Almonds
He's calling Kek in his time of need

Is this some sort of reddit shit?

This thread is pol in a nutshell.

> half the posters discussing whether he's an autist for picking odd or even numbers
> other half want to know if he's activated his almonds

Keep it up you glorious dengerates. I haven't laughed this hard since the Brexit vote.

damn, I am a newfag, had to check this out first

You're white. You can eat how many almonds you want.
Obama is a nigger, so he's relegated to his ration of five almonds, plus two for being POTUS.

Do you even lift?


No, he's praying to the east.

I wonder if he activates them too.

Are they activated almonds?

He pretends he's King Willy, throwing the almonds and reading the future.


Queen Obozo gets most of his protein from Reggie Love after golf.

>Not scrolling through the thread first
Disregard that i suck cocks.

Remember that, it was here in Warsaw. Some guy sneaked into gym while Obama was "working out" and there was scandal why he wasn't stopped by Secret Services, kek.

>imagine a pair of floating teeth moving almonds across the desk with telekinesis


Is it /fit/ shit?
Missed this one myself.
Guess I'm a newfag now.

>he doesn't activate his almonds

Maybe if he had diarrhea, it would come out of his ass instead of his mouth.

you should watch his inauguration ceremonies.
he fucked up both oaths.
jewish Lizard stroke confirmed

faggot with unactivated almonds detected

>emu meatballs
Australians finally did it!

Yeah, fit and b jumped all over it. Funniest thing I've seen for a very long time. Still makes me chuckle when I see anyone buying almonds.

Kys newfag


>not including the date in a cap
This triggers my autism.

Also... the ones that instead of date and time say like "six minutes ago" rustle my jimbobs.
Stop this shit.

Damn, nice flag.

>implying you aren't the reddit shit
Go activate your almonds nigga


>tfw sit counting almonds in the dark my whole life and never get recognition

He should activate them to avoid diarrhea

>eating deactivated almonds

Fucking disgusting.

That's an especially fancy flag, reminds me of the Libertarian flag.

>Imagine Obama counting out exactly 7 almonds in the darkness
Legit loled.

Called counting calories you fat fuck

No. He's counting almonds.

Obama is a fox. He intentionally says meme stuff like this because he knows people will joke about it. Just like he goes on ESPN to give his March Madness picks or Fallon to do lipsyncing or all the other pop culture stuff.

Doing pop culture stuff makes him likeable and his critics look like batshit crazy racists. People underestimate Obama's political skills he's FDR level.

Lurk more faggot

Kek. 7 of them, to be exact.

Seven almonds.
That's as many as two 3.5s, and that's autism.


That moment when you realize you have been setting the TV volume to numbers ending in either 5 or 0 for years.

Oh shit


"Almonds" is probably just code for lines of blow.

>implying he wasn't just trying to set an example for Michelle's pet fat kids

Dude is hapless and inept. He gets a break on a lot of his okie doke because he's black and it would be racist to make fun of him.

>Is this some sort of reddit shit?

Is this some sort of Reddit shit?

>not exclusively using powers of 2


It has to be activated first.

I hope they are activated.

He's counting in octal you moron.

>his activated almonds are only level 1

>He intentionally says meme stuff like this because he knows people will joke about it.

He does it because he's a narcissist and enjoys having his ass kissed by morons in front of the whole world.

>obummer doesnt eat emu meatballs with his almonds
>obummer doesnt even activate his almonds


>eating unactivated nuts


Activated blow is called crack, Obama's probably into that too. (Black culture, yo.)

>that feel


bash ur head in with a homemade coconut newfag

Lol what is this from?

>if you miss anything on any board you are a newfag
>being worried about status and rank on an anonymous site
You get no karma points or upboats here.
Fuck your mother.

I don't know but I bet if it happened to a white president, we'd all know.



>not exclusively eating your almonds in Fibonacci number amount

> not making his own coconuts at home

There will be rioting in the streets when they find out.


What I want to know is, has anyone ever called Obama a nigger live on television

Funny as it looks, it's taken a bit out of context. The gif shows him introducing his own people, he just gestures awkwardly at each of them along the way.

7 Prostitutes.


7 is the number of God.

Also I do this kind of thing myself. Everything has to either come in 3's, 5's or 7's,

well done

>Is this some sort of reddit shit?
Idk, why don't you go back and find out newfag

>is this some sort of Reddit shit?

Jesus, is that not photoshopped? What is wrong with Bill?

where do you think you are?

>ever eating unactivated almonds