Why is bullying so severe in american schools to the point that kids kill themselves?

Why is bullying so severe in american schools to the point that kids kill themselves?

Wh*Te cruelty.

because kids are weak now
we've raised generations of snowflakes with no idea how to deal with life
it is good that they kill themselves, only the strong should live

Anti-intellectual society turns schools away from being institutes to improve yourself through learning and instead turn into a violent circus attractions where you improve your social standing using violence on others.

You're living in a movie. People don't get bullied for doing their homework or doing well on tests.



The entire concept of the "nerd" and every newer incantation of it are based entirely around the educated being a lower social rung than those who are not, and that's an entirely American originated concept.

All this could have been prevented if teachers were allowed to hit children
>be me
>kid behind me keeps flicking my ear
>teacher notices
>slowly walks behind the kid
>smacks the kids head
>he never did that again

This desu you get bullied for stinking or being a faggot

Both are the parents fault

I get bullied/bantered for my thicc ass and boyish looks. Stopped wearing tight jeans

You said it, now you gotta post that sweet boipooch
[spoiler] PLEASE! [/spoiler\

mmm oh yeah

how do you fuck up this bad

shut up
It was a half assed effort anyway.

Thats gay user, have brown nippels instead

their public schools no longer properly functioned for lower class shitty children.


Not bad.
I'd kiss those nips if they weren't paki.

Gib steam already you cunt

Not really. In East End of London, kids who got an education used to be shunned and bullied for being "class traitors" or something.

it's kids with the means to extraordinary violence

if they think they have the means to end it they will


It's actually a thing in black communities. You'll see ghetto niggers shit talk other blacks when they "talk white".


I went to a shitty middle school full of poor Mexicans and blacks. 7th grade was probably the worst year of my life.
Basically every other guy would try to pick a fight with you for no reason and the teachers didnt care. People would just hit you in the middle of class without any purpose. It was absurd. I ended up getting in a bunch of fights which just got me in a cycle of getting in more fights.
The whole system is retarded. I wish retards who were there to fail classes and pick on people were allowed to quit school but by law they have to attend school until they turn 16 so normal people get stuck with them.

school is training to get people used to waking up at the ass crack of dawn to spend their entire day doing something they hate with people they can't stand

the only guy in my school who was bullied for being a nerd was literally the person who would put up his and at the end of class to remind the teacher she didn't give us homework

this, we beat the fuck out of kids here too

Yes, and your country is a savage shithole which, without oil money, you'd be all living in your own filth, beheading each other for sneezing incorrectly.

I had to make my own reaction pic for this.

bullying is almost unheard of here

>beheading each other for sneezing incorrectly.
relax buddy I know it's fun to talk out of your ass like it's factual but beheading only goes for murderers (and sorcery lmao)


He was likely bullied by other blacks retard.