Americans are asleep post americans thing

americans are asleep post americans thing

how do they chase down criminals?

is this why so many american cops shoot suspects instead of apprehending them?


>police officer
how does he even got this job

it must be fake. they should have noticed that it became sweeter.

>Noticing the ammount of sugar

He might have stolen the outfit..

the criminals are fat

ever seen robbery videos
they are almost never fat



I'm pretty sure they say stupid shit like this on purpose



hehe..yeah...on purpose






jesus christ like about half of the country is surrounded by water




Well that one isn't really intuitive if you never cared for maps and projections in the first place








this takes the cake





>ITT when your country gets mistaken for an American state one too many times

why is europe obsessed with the US

dont you have anything better to do?




Help us, they've taken ove-

Those are obesity rates


oh god I remember this

trust me, if any other country made posts as horrendous and stupid as you guys, we would make fun of them too

>potius pilot

There's the story, and I'm sure someone has a picture saved of it, where a restaurant replaced a 1/4 pound burger with 1/3 pound burger. Only to have people complain, asking why they made the burger smaller.

Never underestimate Americans.

You'd think the government or society itself would go ahead and stop with the "just add HFCS to everything edible" when it becomes obvious that people will die younger, spend way more on healthcare, and not be as productive

canada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anerishit

It's incredibly fustrating that everything else is talked about and this issue is completely ignored because no one wants to make the majority of fat voters sad.

Well if you think about it, Baltic sea is mediterranean too since it's only connection to the atlantic is the Danish strait.


thanks for lulz, Georgian poster
(off topic, but Georgian church-hela is GOAT)

middle row, second from the left
This is american Varg

>be doge in america
>get shot by police

I refuse to believe that this one is real. They had to have been joking.

By shooting/tazing them?

>even the dog is fat