What is Sup Forums's opinion of gypsies?

What is Sup Forums's opinion of gypsies?

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Powerful magic.


they dindu nuffin wrong

Beggars, thieves and witches.



I hate romanians for how oblivious they are to the fact that they are 100% gypsies

Second post, best post.

Hitler did at least one thing wrong for sure; he should've finished off the gypsies

They share with humans all the basic characteristic that humans also share with apes, but not much more.

They know how to pick a pocket


Just moved from US to France. Had always heard about gypsies but now I've seen them with my own eyes. Imagine a big clan of homeless people that roll from town to town stealing and scamming the locals. Everyone time I'm driving around and I accidentally stumble upon a gypsy camp I know I'm in some shit part of town.

Why do Europeans put up with this shit? They're obviously squatting on private property - why the fuck do they let them just camp there and shit up the place?

Married to daughter of a Gypsy King. Good money, nice hot lady, fun life, you get to outjew the jew.

A gypsy cursed me once, I am destined to forever walk this earth without a qt gf

She could steal my wallet desu.


so bad that even the pajeets didn't want them

sexy young women, disgusting witches after 30. don't know why they fuck themselves up so bad. is it genetics?


Tramps and thieves.

do they shower?

Beggars, robbers, mobbers.
Aggressive and illiterate. Some of them (a minority) are literate, educated and sane people, but in general they're a mistake.

That one is hot. Id slam

So are gypsies pretty much a less evolved Jew?

Go back to Egypt!


save her Vaclav.
porn_hub viewkey=1686036838
can't post link because Sup Forums thinks it is spam.

Send them back to India and Pakistan.

Are there any good amateur gypsy porn videos?

try zoo tube or similar sites

Gyptsies are from Egypt.


No, they're Indians. Got kicked out of India in the Middle Ages and robbed their way all across Europe.

The only thing I know about gypsies are from the movie hunchback of notre dame. I hear actual gypsies women are ugly though

Would lose my virginity to -- 100 percent sure.

burn them all alive

They were somewhere near acceptable before industrial revolution. I mean, they were still inbred thieves and liars with retardation above any civilised nation but at least they have culture and moved from place to place so you cannot really get used to them.
But now, my God, we should deport them all to the Pooinlooland where they belong. Dirty brown niggers.

Indians that left north India 1500 yrs ago and go around stealing shit and made it into a "culture".

Imagine your whole tribe is so disgusting and subhuman that even Pooinloos exile you. That's gypsies

keep them in romania where they belong


Name of the video?

is the town rapist a gypsy?

lurk more, namefag


The girl in that vid ain't a gypsy.

i got one to finger herself on omegle but my internet cut out. she had a 8/10 body but a 4/10 face. divine intervention? you be the judge.

This. What saved them from extermination, which they surely would have suffered if they were as hated in that time as they are now, was an actual Gypsey government with its own courts. This was dismantled by the chaos of the great war, and paved over by communists, who demanded that the Gypseys live in cities and hold communism-building jobs. This totally destroyed them. Compare American blacks before and after the Great Society.

They just wanted to remove kebab, now they have been reduced to thievery and other degeneracy

Polish gypses were really few in numbers and were mostly integrated by communist Poles(barely but still). Thank uncle Adolf for helping in this specific case.
The gypsies from Slovakia,Romania and Hungary are most disgusting creatures ever.
I remember their invasion in early 90 after Wall fell and they swarm Poland in their way to Nordic and Germanic countries.
Worst experience ever.
Fall of the Wall help in clearing Poland as many local gypsies and criminals move to the greener pastures to profit from naive westerners and their humanitarian laws and docile police.

kill them all
i'm stuck in this shithole with a shitton of them
fucking hell,the germans should have concentrated (hehe) on the gypsies first, not on the jews

What you fail to realize is that you're a gypsy yourself. You're a successful black man living in the hood.


They are disgusting subhumans. All of them, no exceptions.




Disgusting group of people

The worst scum on this planet and even the most hardcore leftist hippie will have a hard time saying something positive about them.
They're 10x more violent than niggers, inbred as fuck and have a somewhat crafty jew like clan structure.

I wouldn't call an average street gypsy smart by any means, but the heads of their families are far from stupid.
Actually some of the families are wealthy as fuck.
Also being "Christian" as fuck, somehow they've managed to worm their way into our churches, so they can basically siphon funds directly from there, in addition to leeching from the government.
They should be fucking exterminated.


Want to exchange? I'll take them you get our mudslimes..

Be honest, the real reason Romania has so few mudslimes is because the fear the gypsies..

Gypsies got nothing on these sick Slavic moves, senpai.

Worse than niggers. They should be wiped off the planet

Can't go to a restaurant without bringing their 30 extended family members
Steals shit and tries to sell it back to you
Smokes packs of cigs a day.

Isnt a gypsy a sort of fish?

No guns to protect private property

wow stop posting anytime

>What is Sup Forums's opinion of gypsies?
kill them all.

Dated one. Told me she could do magic and im pretty sure she believed she could. Fucking insane. 4/10 was okay

>not being able to do magic

There's a gypsy that started coming around my place. Always brings weed to smoke and never asks for anything. He's a pretty cool guy. But a big talker. Also dislikes Jews. Not sure if that's a popular opinion among gypsies.

They dont just steal, they steal kids and turn them into child prostitutes.

Huge political scandal in Saxony, Germany couple years ago ("Sachsensump") about a gypsie child brothel that catered to the high society.

That's why liberal politicians love gypsies so much, especially from the green and socialist pedo parties.

Straight up oven material

A gippo killed my dog when I lived in the UK. We had a fenced in front yard. They're true scum of the earth, and should have their squatter camps burned to the ground while they sleep.

yeah anyone have some aboriginal porn while you're at it