>Sup Forums WILL defend this
Sup Forums WILL defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
He's moving to Israel then?
Whats the problem with what he wrote?
It's just banter lad, you all need to calm down
Is that what Brits call their wife?
Jokes on the silly cunts who actually think leaving yurup will decrease our immigration figures at all, let alone non-white immigration.
>black and British
No such thing desu
Maybe he should go back to the Congo where he belongs
"""""my""""" """"""""""country"""""""""""" back
Its not hit country though
>literally crying to twitter over a bit of banter
clearly hasn't lived in britain long and wasn't born with the banter culture. He needs to learn how to take a joke.
black and british are mutually exclusive
back to africa nig nogs
>shit that never fucking happened
Also why do these stories always talk about someone's friend experiencing it?
>he sang "so long, farewell" to his friends nigger kids all day cause he wants his country back from these subhumans
Yes I defend that. Based Owen
things that never happened
> black
> British
It's the fucking brits' fault that there are a bunch of blacks around the world now instead of in Africa. Should've left them alone.
That's fucking beautiful.
More like "my wife's sons"
top bantz kek
>black and British
> only muh poor helpless niggers can be raycis!!! boo hoo
> my wife's son and my friend's kids want """our""" country back
Would curb stomp
I'll take 'Things that didn't happen' for 500
Pick one. If your ancestors where fucking in some African jungle 300 years ago, then you're not British.
U wot m8?
Lol 90% of this shit is just outright lies.
Let's not forget that nignogs, gays, and liberals have no qualms about faking hate crimes.
Things that never happened.
So, foreigners getting taught that they're not welcome in a community they're parasiting off of? I'm shocked that children are more honest than disingenuous manchild kikes.
Maybe they could take a lesson from this and realize they'd be better off in the place god put them originally, but hey.
>Not being able to handle the bantz
Sorry you have to go in the bin m8, str8 rubbish
this - I just can't even...
I doubt this story, because modern brats aren't likely to be able to sit still long enough to get through the sound of music
I've seen this same post, only involving Muslims and Trump. Liberal propaganda aiming at emotions. Top banter anyway.
seriously, uk isnt even in the Schengen Area
>I want my country black.
>black and British
They have to go home, sorry...
T. actually not sorry
That is horrible if it happened, but 90% of these people are full of shit, either horrendously exaggerating or outright making stuff up. You have to understand that people who desperately seek attention love liberal communities because they can easily lie and get attention. It isn't that bad things don't happen, it is just a lot more liars than victims exist in these communities.
The people who believed this were the useful idiots that got us the leave win, so I can't hate on them too strongly.
There is no such thing a non-European European or a "black British"
The kid is an African born in a state that has issued him a legal status of British citizenship, that does not change who he is and what he is doing as anything other than LARPping.
Let me fix this guy's tweet:
>"My wife's sons, who are negro animals, were rightly heckled by the native population of the country they invaded. I should kill myself."
>this is horrible if it happened
Kill yourself.
Pick one.
I was born in a garage I'm a car
so he supports the kids who sung at his friends kids?
>secondhand accounts whose only proof is tweets
yeah it's bullshit. Everybody has a cell phone nowadays, if actual racist chants were being directed toward little black kids I imagine someone would start filming.
>typical schoolyard banter
What a horrific thing it would be if true.
With his addendum of "I want my country back" I have to say he does sound like a nativist. Maybe he realized the folly of his ways during the third stanza?
Oh look more made up stories for Twitter.
Choose 1
>my country
You belong in Africa, traitor.
No, because this shit didn't happen. Social media my ass - Twatter is hysteria reborn.
I'm black and British
All Brits are black.
Second that
> someone hummed a few bars behind the kid in the lunch line
I read this as
>my wife's kids.
Pack your bags nigger
The word "cuck" appears in that song 11 times.
Thanks. Reposting this to the YLYL thread.
t. Abdul Syrupfag
maybe they were just fans of musical theater
Nope you're sub Saharan African..I know its embarrassing and I would pretend I was British too but you aren't
Sorry, 10 times.
you can only pick one
>i know a guy who knows a guy that had something happen to them
>2k people respond to it despite the guy not stating who the friend is
My mom is British but my dad is black so im black brit
>black and British
Fuck no I won't defend this.
Britons are E U R O P E A N S retard. Not niggers.
Ok I descend from Africa but I'm British. I kick British.
>t. foreigner that has no idea what schengen actually constitutes
what kind of group of kids in 2016 sing a song from a 1965 musical?
Nope you are a nigger and your mom is a coal burning whore.
underrated post
All because a dog is born in a stable, doesn't make it a horse.
Anyone who calls themselves british isn't a native in the first place. It's a JF only thing.
We wuz anglo an shit!!!
>tfw mixed black/white britfag
Guess whereabouts I live
So, you're a rootless mongrel with no racial identity and therefore have given up your rights to a real homeland because of the short sightedness of your parents and a genuine belief that geography and evolution did not separate human's diverse branches, which I call hubris and the reason why you deserve to be looked down on desu senpai
Why doesn't he want the country of his ancestors? Oh, right, because his people are so awful he wants all his services and utilities run by an alien people with a better work ethic.
But my mom isn't white. Not all Brits are white. Some descend from Bythonic Celts which are swarthyish
I'm part British, part African 0% white.
based ones
How can you defend something that didn't happen?
I expected them to be telling niggers to go home judging by the pic in the OP. Instead they're just going to bed.
I'm going to file this under, "Shit that never actually happened"
Bremain supporters keep threatening to rape me. I don't have to prove it.
Liberals will defend this.
I'm more British than you nigger. Every European anywhere in the world is more British than you.
This. I'm not Native American even though my ancestors have lived in the states for 200+ years.
I'm European American or white American.
That being said, nobody can be British but indigenous British people.
I'm honestly starting to believe white genocide is real the more I see people excuse the reappropriation of indigenous lands and the miscegenation of indigenous peoples.
THIS. I'm English
Nice bait thread
>some 10 year old kids were being 10 year old kids
>burn the fucking country down
You know the idea that Brits are whites is a sterotype right? Today there is Swedes that are genetically Korean, Germans who are genetically black, and Italians who are genetically Australian Aboriginals.
SAAAF LDN. Do you consider yourself English???
>1 post by this ID
No, it makes both of them a stable animal.
No there are not.
>Things that never happened
Don't bother friend, these racists are too simple to understand things have moved on.
>My friend's kids
>My girlfriend's kids
FTFY cucky