if you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic
If you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic
I like Westworld and have a beard. That's about it.
Also, it seems you forgot Rick and Morty.
How many times are you gongonna post this you shitposting spamming NEET. I bet you get triggered by the word comfy you uncomfy faggot
The only thing I don't get about this image is, is it supposed to be all those things combined make you a numale or even just one thing?
what if i only like west world and bill burr but still have a full head of hair?
You can't tell me what to do faggot. This is a free country.
Oh cool you posted it again
I can tell you're a faggot OP because you think Star Wars is normie shit. Mother fucker I've been watching it since before you're underage faggot ass was even born.
The iron is starts pack is a redit/twitter meme. OP is a numale
Did you mess up your post? The only more normie tier than star wars on that image is SNL
Real Star wars is from the 80s you dumb nigger. I'm not talking about shit prequels you faggot. Isn't it your bed time?
Why is Sup Forums on there? They're constantly shutting on most everything else thrown in at the bottom.
Bu that's normal tier too. Are you actually underage?
they are nu-male
Because they are faggots who won't shut up about their cartoons and comics when you talk films. They are mentally unstable and can't tell the difference.
Normies don't like star wars. It's faggots like you who are asshurt about it.
how is twitter and starbucks not nu-male central?
Nu-males LOVE "real" Star Wars
They love pushing the whole prequels are shit facebook/popculture meme
All Star Wars is normalfag tier though[/spoiler
>movie makes over a billion dollars
>normies don't like it
I didn't realize how serious the NEET problem was I guess.
>"numale! cuck! libtard!" xD
do you feel masculine enough yet, Sup Forums?
You're definitely underage if you genuinely believe this.
You posted this thread word for word before.
Burr is nu-male now?
haha the asshurt shows. You're a fucking milleniual who grew up watching the prequels and wasn't even born before the year 2000.
You're a virgin. You will never get laid.
IMDB is older than this cucked faggot japanese image board.
Are you pretending to be dumb to safe face?? You do realize the only reason Disney even bought it was because of how normalfag tier the franchise is, right?
numale detected
>boys dont have to have penises!
i shutter thinking about that sort of """"""""""""""""""comedy"""""""""""""""""""""
Do you realize that being an obscure hating faggot who doesn't like anything doesn't make you smart or superior? You're obviously a faggot who deserves to die of cancer. Your mother as well.
If you don't like Star Wars. You don't even belong on Sup Forums.
One more thing. I hope your Dad raped you.
I can see your stressed from not getting your bbc injection today
So what you're saying is you know its normalfag tier and you're just upset that it's on the image?
There is literally nothing wrong with liking Wes Anderson movies
if you don't like star wars, you can fuck back to redddit. Go jerk off to your sticky thrawn trilogy and bitch about with the other faggots. Sup Forums is for real discussion.
Take LOTR off that shit, you faggot.
Great thread!
This place is going to be getting a lot of refugees from IMDB since they closed their forums
>all these fucking numales
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Harry Potter
these are normie?
Underage faggot detected.
Add funko pops and it will be accurate.
What if I use the Clover app on an Android phone so I can both browse Sup Forums and have the ability to watch webms?
Its changed to Male Starter Pack
who ever heard of lord of the rings star wars or harry potter? fucking normies i swear.
Those are the entry level "LOL IM SUCH A NERD XD" Normie franchises.
Fking fgt
true patricians use a device running replcant
No brainlet bullying please
>enjoying the films of Wes Anderson
What did he mean by this?
nu-male 2.0
>entry level
Only the movies
Normies would never read the books or the silmarillion
nigga wat
It literally doesn't get manlier than lotr
numale please.
Wow. This is 100% accurate minus the bald ans beard thing. They don't all follow that one style.
What about a goatee like breaking bad
Don't waste your time trying to figure it out.