You're in prison hanging out with your black friends and this guy comes up and bench presses 110 lbs in front of you. What do you do?
You're in prison hanging out with your black friends and this guy comes up and bench presses 110 lbs in front of you...
fuck his ass in the showers
Ravage his boipucci
Did you know Edward Norton actually had a real swastika tattooed on his chest for this movie. It's still there except now it has a red stop sign over it like the ghost in the ghostbusters logo.
Wait for the other whiteys to rape him in the shower and then he'll stop bothering us
He had it before and chose to make this movie so he'd have an excuse for it
Almost as bad as rob Schneider tatting his asshole. I thought he could've been fine without doing that, I mean we didn't even get to see it.
there is literally nothing wrong with higher reps and lower weight
I would say "Jeez, are you a fucking 12 year old girl or something? 110 lbs? Are you fucking kidding me? My fucking finger weights more than that."
You must be quite a fatass then
jesus dude have a doctor look at that
Ok weakling, stick to your lil dumbells
Dyel as fuck
Tfw no yous
I'm weight 90 kg with 15% bf and my current states are:
Deadlift - 200 kg (440,925 lbs)
Squat - 130 kg (286,601 lbs)
Bench Press - 110 kg (242,508 lbs)
Seriously, 110 lbs are pathetic as fuck, that's fucking 50 kg, the last time I worked with 50 kg weight besides of biceps curls was as I started with lifting.
>besides of biceps curls
don't even pretend you can curl 50kg you fucking faggot
Bench 111 lbs in front of him
Who was the fag who was only benching 110 before him?
>Dead 200
>curl 50
say hi :)
He looks like he could bench about 250 desu
Ask him if that's all he can lift!?
HAHAHA Why would you do this to yourself??!
>110 lbs
I'm pretty sure he's benching 2pl8 in one scene.